Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Swine under pseudorabies quarantine shall
move in compliance with rules
901:1-11-04 and
901:1-11-05 of the
Administrative Code.
(B) Swine
originating in a stage IV or higher area shall not require a negative test for
pseudorabies as a requirement for change of ownership.
(C) Swine originating in a stage III area
shall not be sold, moved or be disposed of for nonslaughter purposes within
this state unless they meet the following requirements.
(1) Swine for breeding purposes shall:
(a) Have an official negative test for
pseudorabies not more than thirty days prior to such sale or movement, unless
there is no movement; or
(b) Have
originated immediately and directly from a qualified pseudorabies-negative
herd; or
(c) Be suckling pigs
accompanying a negative dam; or
(d) Have a permit from the Ohio department of
(2) Swine
for feeding purposes:
(a) Originating from a
nonpseudorabies-vaccinated herd or a herd with vaccinated sows and boars
located in a county of less than ten pseudorabies-infected herds are not
required to have a representative sample of animals tested in the herd of
(b) Originating in a
nonpseudorabies-vaccinated herd or a herd with vaccinated sows and boars
located in a county with ten or more pseudorabies infected herds, the herd of
origin is required to have a representative sample of swine tested negative to
an official test for pseudorabies within the previous twelve months.
(c) Swine shall be quarantined to the farm or
feedlot of destination until swine move to immediate slaughter, except:
(i) When swine reach a weight of over two
hundred pounds they may be released from quarantine no less than thirty days
following arrival if they are tested and classed negative to an official test
for pseudorabies; or
(ii) When
swine are moved from the quarantined premises directly to a "terminal show" as
defined in paragraph (A)(1) of rule
901:1-18-10 of the
Administrative Code; or
Swine not moved in accordance with paragraph (C) (2) of this rule may move from
quarantine with a permit from the Ohio department of agriculture.
(d) In addition to all other
requirements in this rule, no person shall move feeder swine within Ohio into a
stage II feedlot unless the swine are vaccinated with a G1 pseudorabies
vaccine; and
(i) Any future swine additions
to this stage II feedlot from another state or an Ohio livestock market shall
be eartagged. Additions from an Ohio farm shall be identified on a vaccination
form which also documents the approximate weight and the number of swine
vaccinated. Vaccination shall be with a G1 pseudorabies vaccine prior to the
time of their arrival at the stage II feedlot; and
(ii) The feedlot will remain a stage II
feedlot until:
It is
depopulated of all swine; or
A thirty day interval occurs between any additions to the
vaccinated feedlot population. The feedlot population may then be subjected to
"representative sample" pseudorabies test at the owner's expense and must be
found negative.
Upon request the department may issue a permit to vaccinate the feeder pigs on
arrival at the feedlot if the vaccination requirement in paragraph (C)(2)(d)(i)
of this rule cannot reasonably be complied with.
An owner of quarantined swine not eligible to move in
accordance with paragraph (C)
(1) of
this rule may request to move from a quarantined herd or premises under a
(D) No person shall move sporting swine
within Ohio unless:
(1) Each swine is
officially identified; and
(2) The
swine have not been fed garbage within their lifetime; and
(3) The swine have not been members of a herd
of swine known to be infected with pseudorabies within the previous twelve
months; and
(4) The swine have not
originated from a feral swine population within the previous twelve months; and
(5) The swine are accompanied by a
certificate of veterinary inspection identifying each animal by official
identification, breed, age, sex, the farm or market of origin and certification
that the swine meet the requirements of this paragraph.
(6) The sporting swine meet the following
pseudorabies requirements:
(a) Swine moved
within Ohio for sporting purposes must originate from a qualified
pseudorabies-negative herd and be subject to quarantine on the premises of
destination until harvested, or
(b) Be negative to an official test for
pseudorabies conducted within thirty days preceding movement and be subject to
quarantine on the premises of destination until harvested.
(7) The sporting swine meet the
following brucellosis requirements:
Originate from validated brucellosis-free herd and be subject to quarantine on
the premises of destination until harvested, or
(b) Be negative to a brucellosis test within
thirty days preceding movement, if the animal was six months of age or over and
be quarantined on the premises of destination until harvested.
(E) No person shall
move from a sale swine which are purchased for exhibition or other purposes
when the swine have been commingled at the sale with swine originating from a
stage IV or lower status state or area unless:
(1) The swine are officially identified; and
(2) The swine are accompanied by a
certificate of veterinary inspection identifying each animal by a registration
number, official ear notch, tattoo or eartag, breed, age, sex, and the sale of
origin where the commingling with imported swine occurred.
(3) All imported swine at a sale shall have
moved into Ohio in compliance with paragraph (C) of rule
901:1-17-09 of the
Administrative Code.
(4) If swine
remain in Ohio after a sale they shall be quarantined and isolated from all
other swine at their point of final destination until they are tested at the
owner's expense and found to be negative to an official test for pseudorabies.
The test for pseudorabies shall be conducted twenty-one to thirty days after
R.C. 119.032 review dates:
03/25/2010 and
Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 941.03, 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.03, 941.06, 941.07, 941.09, 941.10
Effective Dates: 5/24/84, 1/1/88, 2/15/93, 8/15/95, 3/19/99, 04/11/2005