Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Swine and other
animals found to be infected with or exposed to pseudorabies, shall be
quarantined. Any premises and herd where such diseased animals are found or
have been recently kept shall also be quarantined.
(B) No susceptible animal shall be brought to
or removed from a quarantined premises or quarantined herd except with a permit
from the Ohio department of agriculture; and
(1) No person may move swine into an infected
feedlot unless:
(a) They are vaccinated for
pseudorabies with a vaccine specified by the department; or
(b) They enter with a permit from the
department waiving the vaccination requirement.
(2) Slaughter sows moving from a quarantined
premises must be identified as prescribed by the department.
(C) Release of quarantine.
(1) The department shall release a swine herd
and a premises from quarantine under the following conditions:
(a) One negative herd test as defined under
paragraph (E)(2)(a) of rule
901:1-11-02 of the
Administrative Code not less than thirty days after removal of all positive
swine; or
(b) One negative herd
test as defined under paragraph (E)(2)(b) of rule
901:1-11-02 of the
Administrative Code not less than thirty days following removal of all positive
swine when the herd owner or bailee signs an agreement committing to the
following conditions.
(i) The herd shall be
retested five to seven months after quarantine release as follows:
For herds of less than
one hundred swine, test all, up to thirty-five head.
For herd of one hundred
to two hundred swine, test thirty-nine head.
For herd of over two
hundred swine, test forty-four head.
The swine tested are to
be selected at random and are to include all recent additions. The tested swine
shall be proportionately representative of the herd and at least one pig per
pen shall be tested.
(ii) Swine from herds released from
quarantine under paragraph (C)(1)(b) of this rule shall not be sold, moved or
disposed of for breeding purposes until completion of the herd retest, five to
seven months after quarantine release.
(c) Following complete swine herd
depopulation; or
(d) An owner or
bailee that has introduced positive swine from an infected herd may test all
swine that have been in contact with the positive swine thirty days after
removal of all positive swine. If all contact swine are negative, the
quarantine shall be released.
(2) All buildings, pens, equipment, and
vehicles used by animals in the infected herds shall be cleaned and disinfected
under supervision of the Ohio department of agriculture within fifteen days
following removal of infected animals or depopulation of the herd
(D) The department may release
other species of animals from quarantine when there have been no clinical
symptoms of pseudorabies in these animals for a period of ten days and these
animals have been isolated from the swine herd.
R.C. 119.032 review dates:
03/25/2010 and
Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 941.03
Rule Amplifies:
Prior Effective Dates: 11/14/77, 4/5/87, 4/6/90, 8/15/95,
6/15/98, 04/11/2005