Ohio Administrative Code
Title 901:1 - Animal Industry
Chapter 901:1-11 - Pseudorabies
Section 901:1-11-02 - Definitions
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
As used in Chapter 901:1-11 of the Administrative Code:
(A) "Eradication plan" means a cooperative plan developed by state/federal representatives, the accredited veterinarian and the herd owner for controlling and eradicating pseudorabies.
(B) "Feedlot" means a premises where swine are fed, physically separated from swine kept for breeding or other purposes, and from which the swine are moved for immediate slaughter as defined in paragraph (D) of rule 901:1-23-01 of the Administrative Code.
(C) "Feral swine" means any swine that has lived any part of its life free roaming.
(D) "Herd agreement" means a written agreement between the owner or bailee of an animal or animals quarantined for pseudorabies and the Ohio department of agriculture. The agreement shall be signed by both parties. The herd agreement shall include a herd plan to eradicate pseudorabies from the herd. The agreement shall list the responsibilities of the owner and bailee and the department.
(E) "Herd test" shall consist of the following:
(F) "Infected feedlot" means a premises where swine are fed, physically separated from swine kept for breeding or other purposes, and in which a diagnosis of pseudorabies has been confirmed by laboratory procedures or by official test or which feeds swine originating from an infected herd.
(G) "Infected herd" means a herd containing one or more animals in which a diagnosis of pseudorabies has been confirmed by laboratory procedures or by an official test.
(H) "Isolation" means a separation of swine by a physical barrier in such a manner that one pig does not have access to the isolated pig's body, excrement, or discharges of another pig; does not share a building with a common ventilation system; and is not within ten feet of another pig.
(I) "Negative animal" means an animal classed negative to an official test for pseudorabies.
(J) "Official identification" means:
(K) "Official test" means a test for pseudorabies approved by the department. Laboratory tests shall be conducted by a laboratory operated by or approved by the department. Any sample or material submitted for said test must have been obtained by a licensed accredited veterinarian; an employee of the Ohio department of agriculture; an employee of veterinary services, united states department of agriculture; or a person authorized to collect blood at a packing plant.
(L) "Other purpose" means any use of swine including by way of example, but is not limited to, swine used for research, teaching, as pets and swine intended for exhibition when the swine are not subject to regulation under the provisions of rule 901:1-18-10 of the Administrative Code.
(M) "Permit" means a permit as defined in paragraph (P) of rule 901:1-17-02 of the Administrative Code.
(N) "Person" means a person as defined in division (C) of section 1.59 of the Revised Code.
(O) "Positive animal" means an animal classified as positive to an official test for pseudorabies, except that the department may reclassify a "positive animal" to "suspect animal" pending further tests and examinations.
(P) "Pseudorabies qualified negative herd" means a swine herd in which all swine over six months of age have tested negative for pseudorabies using an official pseudorabies test. Ninety percent of the herd tested must be composed of swine that have either been on the premises and been part of the herd tested for not less than ninety days prior to the date the herd was tested; or, have been introduced into the herd tested from another pseudorabies qualified negative herd not less than ninety days prior to the date the herd was tested.
(Q) "Pseudorabies vaccine" means a biological product used to provide immunity to pseudorabies.
(R) "Representative sample" means:
(S) "Sporting swine" means any domestic or feral swine intended for hunting purposes and includes the progeny of these swine whether or not the progeny are intended for hunting purposes.
(T) "Stage II feedlot" means a feedlot that receives feeder swine from a state with no status, stage I status or stage II status and has greater than one per cent of the swine herds in the state either quarantined for or infected with pseudorabies.
(U) "Suspect animal" means an animal not classed positive or negative to an official test for pseudorabies.
(V) "Suspect herd" means a herd containing animals classified suspicious for pseudorabies.
(W) "Swine" means all animals of the genus suidae including but not limited to Vietnamese potbellied pigs.
Replaces: 901:1-11-02
R.C. 119.032 review dates:
03/25/2010 and
Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 941.03, 941.09
Amplifies: 941.01, 941.02, 941.06, 941.07, 941.09
Prior Effective
Dates: 11/14/77, 5/24/84, 1/1/88, 2/15/93, 8/15/95,