Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) To be eligible for enrollment in the Ohio
resilience through integrated systems and excellence (OhioRISE) program, an
individual has to meet either the criteria for
first day eligibility and enrollment in rule
5160-59-02.1 of the
Administrative Code or the criteria in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(3)
along with
either paragraph (A)(4), (A)(5), (A)(6) or (B) of this rule.
(1) Be twenty years of age or younger at the
time of enrollment;
(2) Be
determined eligible for Ohio medicaid in accordance with Chapters 5160:1-1 to
5160:1-6 of the Administrative Code;
(3) Not be enrolled in a MyCare Ohio plan as
described in Chapter 5160-58 of the Administrative Code;
(4) For youth age six through twenty years of
age, have an Ohio children's initiative brief or comprehensive "child and
adolescent needs and strengths" (CANS) assessment, using the tool available on,
and completed by a certified Ohio CANS assessor within ninety days prior to
eligibility determination that indicates paragraph (A)(4)(a) and either
paragraph (A)(4)(b) or (A)(4)(c) of this rule have been met:
(a) For behavioral/emotional needs domain
items, at least one of the following items is dangerous or disabling and needs
immediate action or at least one of the following items is interfering with
functioning and needs action to ensure that the identified need is addressed:
(i) Psychosis;
(ii) Impulsivity/hyperactivity;
(iii) Depression;
(iv) Anxiety;
(v) Oppositional behavior;
(vi) Conduct;
(vii) Adjustment to trauma;
(viii) Anger control;
(ix) Substance use;
(x) Eating disturbance;
(xi) Attachment difficulties;
(xii) For youth age fourteen or older,
interpersonal problems.
(b) For risk behavior domain items, at least
one of the following items is dangerous or disabling and needs immediate action
or at least one of the following items is interfering with functioning and
needs action to ensure that the identified need is addressed:
(i) Suicide risk;
(ii) Non-suicidal self-injury
(iii) Other
(iv) Danger to
(v) Delinquent
(vi) Runaway;
(vii) Intentional misbehavior;
(viii) Fire setting;
(ix) Victimization/exploitation;
(x) Sexually problematic behavior.
(c) For life functioning domain
items, at least one of the following items is dangerous or disabling and needs
immediate action or at least one of the following items is interfering with
functioning and needs action to ensure that the identified need is addressed:
(i) Family functioning;
(ii) Living situation;
(iii) Social functioning;
(iv) Sleep;
(v) For Ohio children's initiative brief CANS
school or for Ohio children's initiative comprehensive CANS school attendance
or school behavior.
(5) For youth age birth through five years of
age, have an Ohio children's initiative brief or comprehensive CANS assessment,
using the tool available on,
and completed by a certified Ohio children's initiative CANS assessor within
ninety days prior to eligibility determination that indicates paragraph
(A)(5)(a) and either paragraph (A)(5)(b), (A)(5)(c), or (A)(5)(d) of this rule
have been met:
(a) For early childhood
challenge domain items, at least one of the following items is dangerous or
disabling and needs immediate action or at least one of the following items is
interfering with functioning and needs action to ensure that the identified
need is addressed:
(iv) Oppositional
(v) Attachment
(vi) Adjustment to
(vii) Regulatory.
(b) Meeting at least one of the
(i) For caregiver resources and
needs domain items, at least one of the following items prevents the provision
of care and needs immediate action or at least one of the following items is at
least interfering with the provision of care and needs action to ensure that
the identified need is addressed:
(b) Residential
(d) Mental
(e) Substance
(f) Developmental;
(g) Family stress;
(h) Caregiver post-traumatic stress
(i) Marital/partner
(j) Family relationship
with the system;
(k) Legal
(ii) For
early childhood domain item developmental or intellectual, the need is
dangerous or disabling and needs immediate action or is interfering with
functioning and needs action to ensure that the need is addressed.
(c) The caregiver resources and
needs domain item "safety" is identified as a need that at least needs
monitoring, watchful waiting, or preventive action based on history, suspicion,
or disagreement.
(d) For early
childhood domain items, at least one of the following items is dangerous or
disabling and needs immediate action or at least one of the following items is
interfering with functioning and needs action to ensure that the identified
need is addressed:
(i) Sleep;
(ii) Family functioning;
(iii) Early education;
(iv) Social and emotional
(vi) Failure to
For youth who meet one of the following but do not meet the criteria in
paragraph (A)(4) or (A)(5) of this rule;
Meets the criteria for moderate care coordination as described in paragraph
(A)(1) or (A)(3) of rule
5160-59-03.2 of the
Administrative Code; or
(b) Meets
the criteria to receive intensive home-based treatment (IHBT) service as
described in rule
5122-29-28 of the Administrative
Youth who meet the criteria in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(3) of this rule are
eligible for OhioRISE enrollment when they are inpatient in a hospital, as
defined in in Chapter 5160-2 of the Administrative Code, with a primary
diagnosis of mental illness or substance use disorder, and will remain in
OhioRISE until the youth meets the criteria for disenrollment in paragraph (D)
of this rule.
(C) Enrollment in
OhioRISE is mandatory for eligible youth who meet the criteria in paragraph (A)
or (B) of this rule. Except for youth eligible for first day eligibility and
enrollment in rule
5160-59-02.1 of the
Administrative Code, enrollment begins the earlier of:
(1) The submission date of the CANS
assessment that determines the youth meets the criteria in paragraph (A)(4),
(A)(5), or (A)(6)(a) of this rule;
(2) The date of admission to an inpatient
hospital with a primary diagnosis of mental illness or substance use disorder;
(3) The effective date of
enrollment in the OhioRISE 1915(c) waiver as described in rule
5160-59-04 of the Administrative
Code; or
(4) The date the youth met
criteria for IHBT in paragraph (A)(6)(b) of this rule.
(D) Disenrollment from OhioRISE occurs upon
the earliest of any of the following:
(1) The
last day of the following month when:
(a) The
youth turns twenty-one years of age, except for as described in paragraph
(D)(2) of this rule; or
(b) Two
years have passed since the youth's enrollment in OhioRISE and the youth
(i) Has not had a CANS
assessment meeting the eligibility criteria in paragraph (A)(4), (A)(5), or
(A)(6)(a) of this rule in the last two years;
not received IHBT services in the last three hundred
sixty-five days; and
(iii) Has not
experienced an inpatient hospital stay as described in paragraph (B) of this
rule in the last three hundred sixty-five days.
(2) Youth who are receiving inpatient
psychiatric services in a hospital or psychiatric residential treatment
facility (PRTF), as described in rule
5160-59-03.6 of the
Administrative Code, upon turning twenty-one years of age, will remain enrolled
in OhioRISE until the last day of the
following month of whichever occurs first:
The youth is
discharged; or
The youth reaches twenty-two years of
(3) The date
the youth begins enrollment in a MyCare Ohio plan, as described in Chapter
5160-58 of the Administrative Code.
(4) The date of the youth's death.
(5) The date the youth is no longer eligible
for medicaid.
(E) Member
initiated disenrollment.
(1) In accordance
with 42 CFR
438.56(d)(2) (October 1,
2023), a termination of OhioRISE program enrollment may be permitted for any of
the following just cause reasons:
(a) The OhioRISE plan
does not, for moral or religious objections, cover the service the youth
(b) The youth needs
related services to be performed at the same time, not all related services are
available within the OhioRISE plan's network, and the youth's primary care
provider or another provider determines that receiving services separately
would subject the youth to unnecessary risk;
(c) The youth has
experienced poor quality of care and the services are not available from
another provider within the OhioRISE plan's network; or
The youth cannot access medically necessary medicaid-covered services or cannot
access the type of providers experienced in dealing with the youth's care
(e) After three hundred
sixty-five days of continuous enrollment in the OhioRISE plan, disenrollment
may be requested if the youth:
(i) Has not had
a CANS assessment meeting the eligibility criteria in paragraph (A)(4), (A)(5),
or (A)(6)(a) of this rule: or
Has not utilized any of the covered services, excluding care coordination, as
described in paragraph (B) of rule
5160-59-03 of the Administrative
Code, provided through the OhioRISE plan.
(2) The following provisions apply when a
youth seeks a termination in OhioRISE enrollment for just cause:
(a) The youth may make the request for just
cause directly to ODM or an ODM-approved entity, either orally or in
(b) ODM will review all
requests for just cause within seven working days of receipt. ODM may request
documentation as necessary from both the youth and the OhioRISE plan. ODM will
make a decision within forty-five days from the date ODM receives the just
cause request. If ODM fails to make the determination within this timeframe,
the just cause request is considered approved.
(c) ODM may establish retroactive termination
dates and recover capitation payments as determined necessary and
(d) The effective date
of an approved just cause request will be no later than the first day of the
second month following the month in which the member requests change or
(e) Requests for just
cause may be processed at the individual level or case level as ODM determines
necessary and appropriate.
(F) If a youth is denied enrollment in the
program pursuant to paragraph (A) or (B) of this rule, is disenrolled from the
program pursuant to paragraph (D) of this rule, or if the youth-initiated
disenrollment is denied pursuant to paragraph (E) of this rule, the youth will
be afforded notice and hearing rights in accordance with division 5101:6 of the
Administrative Code.