Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
In addition to provisions in Chapters
5164. and 5165. of the Revised Code regarding provider agreements, and
provisions in rules 5160-3- 02.1 and
5160-3- 02.2 of the Administrative Code, execution and
maintenance of a provider agreement between the Ohio department of
medicaid (ODM) and the operator of a NF
also are
contingent upon compliance with requirements set forth in this rule.
(A) Definitions.
(1) "Closure" means the discontinuance of the
use of the building or part of the building that houses the facility as a NF,
and that results in the relocation of the facility's residents who continue to
require NF services. If the building is converted to a different use and
acquires a new type of license, residents who require services offered under
the new license type may remain.
(a) A
facility's closure occurs regardless of whether there is a replacement of the
facility whereby the operator completely or partially replaces the facility's
physical plant through the construction of a new physical plant or the transfer
of the facility's license from one physical plant location to
(b) Facility closure
occurs regardless of whether residents of the closing facility elect to be
relocated to the operator's replacement facility or to another NF.
(c) A facility closure occurs regardless of
action taken by the Ohio department of health (ODH) related to the facility's
certification under Title XIX of the Social Security Act,
42 U.S.C.
(April 16,
2015), that may result in the transfer of part of the facility's survey
findings to a replacement facility, or related to retention of a license as a
NF under Chapter 3721. of the Revised Code.
(d) The last effective date of the provider
agreement of a closed facility will be the date of the relocation of the last
"Continuing care" and "life care"
to the living setting that provides the individual with different types of care
based on a resident's need over time and may include an apartment or lodging,
meals, maintenance services, and when necessary, nursing home care. All
services are provided on the premises of the continuing care
or life care community. The individual signs a
contract that identifies the continuum of services to be covered by the
individual's initial entrance fee and subsequent monthly charges. If a
continuing care or life care contract provides
for a living arrangement that specifically states that all health care services
including nursing home services are met in full, medicaid payment cannot be
made for those services covered by the contract. If a continuing care
or life care contract provides for only a portion
of the resident's health care services, that portion shall be deducted from the
actual cost of nursing home care and medicaid shall pay the difference up to
the medicaid maximum per diem. An individual who entered into a life care or
continuing care contract may be eligible for medicaid under the conditions in
rule 5160:1-3- 05.1 of the Administrative Code.
(3) "Failure to pay" means that an individual
has failed, after reasonable and appropriate notice, to pay or to have the
medicare or medicaid program pay on the individual's behalf, for the care
provided by the NF. An individual shall be considered to have failed to have
the individual's care paid for when the individual has a medicaid application
in pending status, if both of the following are the case:
(a) The individual's application, or a
substantially similar previous application, has been denied by the county
department of job and family services (CDJFS); and
(b) If the individual appealed the denial
pursuant to division (C) of section
5101.35 of the Revised Code, the
director of
ODM upheld the denial.
(4) "Medicaid eligible" means an individual
has been determined eligible by the CDJFS under Chapter
5160:1-3 of the Administrative Code and has been
issued an effective date of health care coverage for the time period in
(5) "Operator" means the
individual, partnership, association, trust, corporation, or other legal entity
that operates a NF.
(6) "Voluntary
withdrawal" means that the operator of a NF, in compliance with section
1919(c)(2)(F) of the Social Security Act, voluntarily elects to withdraw from
participation in the medicaid program but chooses to continue providing
services of the type provided by NFs.
(B) A provider of a NF shall:
(1) Execute the provider agreement in the
format provided by ODM.
Apply for and maintain a valid license to operate if required by law.
(3) Comply with the provider agreement and
all applicable federal, state, and local laws and rules.
(4) Keep records and file
cost reports as required in rule
5160-3-20 of the Administrative Code.
(5) Open all records relating to the costs of
its services for inspection and audit by
ODM and
otherwise comply with rule 5160-3-20 of the Administrative Code.
(6) Supply to
ODM such
information as the department requires concerning NF services to individuals
who are medicaid eligible or who have applied to be medicaid recipients.
(7) Unless the conditions described in
paragraph (H) of this rule are applicable, retain as a resident
any individual who is medicaid
eligible, becomes medicaid eligible, or applies for medicaid eligibility.
Residents in
a NF who are medicaid eligible, become medicaid
eligible, or apply for medicaid eligibility are considered residents in the NF
during any absence for which bed-hold days are reimbursed in accordance with
rule 5160-3- 16.4 of the Administrative Code.
(8) Unless the conditions described in
paragraph (H) of this rule are applicable, admit as a resident
an individual who is medicaid
eligible, whose application for medicaid is pending, or who is eligible for
both medicare and medicaid, and whose level of care determination is
appropriate for the admitting facility. This applies unless at
least twenty-five per cent of the NF's medicaid certified beds are occupied by
medicaid recipients at the time the individual would otherwise be admitted, in
accordance with section
5165.08 of the Revised
(a) In order to comply with these
provisions, the NF admission policy shall be designed to admit individuals
sequentially based on the following:
(i) The
requested admission date.
(ii) The
date and time of receipt of the request.
(iii) The availability of the level of care
or range of services necessary to meet the needs of the applicants.
(iv) Gender: sharing a room with a resident
of the same sex (except married couples who agree to share the same room).
(b) The NF shall maintain a
written list of all requests for each admission.
The list shall include the name of the potential resident; date
and time the request was received; the requested admission date; and the reason
for denial if not admitted. This list shall be made available upon request to
the staff of ODM, the CDJFS, and
(c) The following are
exceptions to paragraph (B)(8) of this rule:
(i) Bed-hold days are exhausted.
Medicaid eligible residents of NFs who are on hospital stays,
visiting with family and friends, or participating in therapeutic programs and
have exhausted coverage for bed-hold days under rule 5160-3-
16.4 of the Administrative Code must
be readmitted to the first available semi-private bed in accordance with the
provisions of rule 5160-3- 16.4 of the Administrative Code.
(ii) Facility is a county home.
Any county home organized under Chapter 5155. of the Revised
Code may admit individuals exclusively from the county in which the county home
is located.
(iii) Facility has a religious sponsor.
Any religious or denominational NF that is operated,
supervised, or controlled by a religious organization may give preference to
persons of the same religion or denomination.
(iv) NF has continuing care
or life care contracts.
A NF may give preference to individuals with whom it has
contracted to provide continuing care or life
(v) Prolonged
"medicaid pending" application status.
A NF may decline to admit a medicaid applicant if that facility
has a resident whose application was pending upon admission and has been
pending for more than sixty days, as verified by the CDJFS. The NF shall submit
the necessary documentation in a timely manner as required in rules
5160-3- 15.1 and 5160-3- 15.2 of the Administrative
(9) Provide the following necessary
information to
ODM and the CDJFS
to process records for payment and adjustment:
(a) Submit the
ODM 09401
"Facility/CDJFS Transmittal" (
to the CDJFS to inform the CDJFS of any information regarding a specific
resident for maintenance of current and accurate records at the CDJFS and the
Submit claims to ODM as required
in rule 5160-3- 39.1 of the Administrative Code.
(10) Permit access to
the facility and the
facility's records for inspection by ODM, ODH,
the CDJFS, representatives of the office of the
state long-term care ombudsman, and any other state or local government entity
having authority to inspect, to the extent of that entity's
(11) In the case of a
change of operator as defined in section
of the Revised
Code, follow the procedures in paragraphs (B)(11)(a) to (B)(11)(d) of this
(a) The exiting operator or owner and
entering operator must provide a written notice to ODM, as provided
in section
of the Revised
Code, at least forty-five days prior to the effective date of any actions that
constitute a change of operator for the NF, but at least ninety days if
residents are to be relocated. An exiting operator that does not give proper
notice is subject to the penalties specified in section
of the Revised
(b) The entering operator
must submit documentation of any transaction (e.g., sales agreement, contract,
or lease) as requested by
ODM to determine whether a change of operator has
occurred as specified in section
of the Revised
(c) The entering operator
shall submit an application for participation in the medicaid program and a
written statement of intent to abide by ODM rules, the provisions of the
assigned provider agreement, and any existing CMS 2567 "Statement of
Deficiencies and Plan of Correction" (rev. 2/1999) submitted by the exiting
(d) An entering operator
is subject to the same survey findings as the exiting operator unless the
entering operator does not accept assignment of the exiting operator's provider
agreement. Refusal to accept assignment results in termination of certification
on the last day of the exiting operator's participation in medicaid. An
entering operator who refuses assignment may reapply for medicaid participation
and must undergo a complete initial certification survey by ODH. There may be
gaps in medicaid coverage at the facility.
(12) Ensure the security of all personal
funds of residents in accordance with rule 5160-3- 16.5 of the Administrative
(13) Comply with Title VI
and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42
1971 (July 27, 2006) and
the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990,
42 U.S.C.
12101 et seq (March 15, 2011), and
shall not discriminate against any resident on the basis of race, color, age,
sex, creed, national origin, or disability.
(14) Provide notice to
within thirty days of any bankruptcy or receivership pertaining to the
provider. Notice shall be mailed to: "Office of Legal Services,
Ohio Department of Medicaid, P.O. Box 182709, Columbus, Ohio
43218" and to: "Office of the Attorney General,
30 East Broad Street, 14th Floor, Columbus, Ohio
Provide a statement to the individual explaining the
individual's obligation to reimburse the cost of care provided during the
medicaid application process if it is not covered by medicaid.
Comply with the
requirements in rule
5160-3-04.1 of the
Administrative Code to repay ODM the federal share of payments under the
circumstances required by sections
5165.71 and
5165.85 of the Revised
During a closure or voluntary withdrawal from the
medicaid program, provide ODM, the resident or guardian, and the residents'
sponsors a written notice at least ninety days prior to the closure or
voluntary withdrawal. A NF that does not issue the proper notice is subject to
the penalties specified in section
5165.42 of the Revised
Comply with the following requirements when voluntarily
withdrawing from the medicaid program:
Continue to
provide NF services to residents of the facility who were residing in the
facility on the day before the effective date of the withdrawal (including
those residents who were not entitled to medical assistance as of such
operator's voluntary withdrawal from participation in the medicaid program is
not an acceptable basis for the transfer or discharge of these
Nothing in this provision invalidates other legal
grounds for NF-initiated discharge of medicaid residents after the effective
date of withdrawal.
Provide residents
admitted after the effective date of withdrawal with information that the
facility is not participating in the medicaid program with respect to those
Provide notice to ODM within fourteen days after the
last medicaid funded resident has been relocated.
(C) A provider of a NF
shall not:
(1) Charge fees for the
application process of a medicaid individual or applicant.
(2) Charge a medicaid individual an admission
(3) Charge a medicaid
individual an advance deposit. However, a NF may charge an individual whose
medicaid eligibility is pending, typically in the form of a pre-admission
deposit or payment for services after admission. A NF that has charged a
resident for services between the first month of eligibility established by the
state and the date notice of eligibility is received is obligated to refund any
payments received for that period less the state's determination of any
resident's share of the NF costs for that same period.
(4) Require a third party to accept personal
responsibility for paying the facility charges out of his or her own funds.
However, the facility may require a representative who has legal access to an
individual's income or resources available to pay for facility care to sign a
contract, without incurring personal financial liability, to provide facility
payment from the individual's income or resources if the individual's medicaid
application is denied and if the individual's cost of care is not being paid by
medicare or another third-party payor. A third-party guarantee is not the same
as a third-party payor (i.e., an insurance company), and this provision does
not preclude the facility from obtaining information about medicare and
medicaid eligibility or the availability of private insurance. The prohibition
against third-party guarantees applies to all individuals and prospective
individuals in all certified NFs regardless of payment source. This provision
does not prohibit a third party from voluntarily making payment on behalf of an
(1) Execute a provider agreement in
accordance with the certification provisions set forth by the secretary of
health and human services (HHS)and ODH.
(2) In the case of a change of operator,
issue an assigned provider agreement to the entering operator contingent upon
the entering operator's compliance with paragraph (B)(11)(c) of this
Provide access
on the ODM website to a listing of the rules ODM has filed for adoption,
admendment, or rescission under section
119.03 or
111.15 of the Revised
(4) Make payments in
accordance with Chapter 5165. of the Revised Code and Chapter
5160-3 of the Administrative Code to the NF for
services to individuals eligible and approved for payment under the medicaid
ODM may terminate, suspend, not enter into, or
not revalidate, the provider agreement upon thirty days
written notice to the provider for violations of Chapters 5164.
and 5165. of the Revised Code; Chapters 5160-1 and
5160-3 of the Administrative Code; and if applicable,
subject to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(F) Any NF violating
provisions defined in paragraphs (B)(7) and (B)(8) of this rule will be subject
to a penalty in accordance with provisions of section
of the Revised
(G) The CDJFS shall use the ODM 09401 to
communicate with NFs regarding the assessment of payment for specific
(H) Exclusions.
The provisions of paragraphs (B)(7) and (B)(8) of this rule do
not require an individual to be admitted or retained at the NF if the
individual meets one of the following conditions:
(1) The individual requires a level of care
or range of services that the NF is not certified or otherwise qualified to
(2) The
individual has a medicaid application in pending status and meets the
definition of "failure to pay" in this rule.