Ohio Administrative Code
Title 5139 - Department of Youth Services
Chapter 5139-36 - Community Corrections Facility
Section 5139-36-08 - Administration and management
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) The CCF is a facility sanctioned to operate under the standards established by the department and complies with all applicable licensing requirements of the jurisdiction in which it is located.
(B) The CCF will have a policy and procedure manual that is approved by the governing authority and made available to all staff. The policy and procedure manual will include the philosophy, goals and purpose and service of the facility and approved methods of implementation. The policy and procedure manual will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.
(C) The CCF will have a organizational chart that accurately reflects its structure of authority, the responsibility and the accountability of the organization.
(D) Written policy, procedure, and practice provide that the CCF and its programs are managed by a single administrator to whom all employees or units of management are responsible and who will:
(E) The CCF administrator will ensure that there will be a minimum of quarterly meetings with management staff and department heads, who meet monthly with their key staff members. Documentation of these meetings (e.g. minutes) shall be kept for one year and be available for review.
(F) The CCF will have a written policy, procedure, and practice providing that there exists a community advisory committee which is representative of the community and that serves as a link between the program and the community. This committee shall meet, at least, bi-annually.
(G) The CCF will document efforts to conduct a continuing planned program of public information and education.
(H) The CCF will clarify its relationship to all funding and regulatory agencies and document its relationship through written contracts or letters of mutual agreement.
(I) The CCF will have a written policy, which ensures there will be no abuse of juveniles, conforming to governmental statutes and regulations.
(J) The CCF will have written policy and procedure to guard against conflicts of interest. This policy will be contained within a code of ethics to be adopted by the CCF. This code will include, but not be limited to the following.
(K) The CCF facility will notify its employees of the standards of employee conduct and document this notification.
(L) The CCF shall meet the legal requirements of the governmental jurisdiction in which the licensed facility is located. The documentation for this standard will include copies of all local licensing and inspection certificates indicating conformance to all local fire, health, building, and zoning regulations.
(M) The CCF shall comply, when applicable, with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and all guidelines and policies issued by the department.
(N) The CCF will develop annual goals and objectives and submit these goals and objectives upon request to the bureau chief of community facilities.
(O) The CCF will display the facility approval certificate by the department of youth services.