(1) The chief of police shall be responsible
for all police department functions, supervision of all police department
personnel, and regular performance of the following duties:
(a) Submission of routine reports to the
chief executive officer, security consultant, and/or director as directed. An
annual report shall be completed which includes measures to improve the
operation of the hospital's police department.
(b) Preparation of a policy and procedure
manual, which shall be reviewed and approved by the chief executive officer and
used to instruct hospital police with respect to the police department's role
in assisting patients in their recovery, police functions, and relationships
with other departments and programs of the hospital.
(c) Immediate securing of the scene and
notifying the chief executive officer or designee, the ODMH security
consultant, and the Ohio state highway patrol of any criminal offense or of any
allegation of patient/client abuse occurring on any property under the control
of ODMH.
(2) Hospital
police shall provide the following services:
(a) Enforce the laws of the state of Ohio and
investigate any alleged violation of a state statute or organizational policy
(as needed). In general, hospital police shall not manage the activities or
behavior of patients unless a violation of state law is evident.
(b) Provide assistance to patients, family
members and clinical staff in the ongoing process of recovery from the effects
of a severe and persistent mental illness.
(c) Investigate all alleged crimes and report
suspected illegal activities by employees to the hospital chief of police, who
shall then make certain that the ODMH security consultant and the Ohio state
highway patrol are both notified. If the Ohio state highway patrol elects not
to handle a case, prosecution of suspected illegal activities will be pursued
by the hospital police when the chief executive officer and ODMH security
consultant concur.
(d) Investigate
incidents, fires, and accidents pursuant to the applicable administrative rules
promulgated by the department. A safety officer may be assigned to handle
certain of these designated duties.
(e) Patrol the hospital's property and
buildings in order to identify and report security, fire and safety hazards
found and to request corrective maintenance action. Damaged property or
conditions which are potentially dangerous to life or property and which are to
be reported include defective fire or first aid equipment or unavailability of
(f) Remove or cause to
be removed nuisances or obstructions from the hospital's property.
(g) Assist in the evacuation of patients,
staff members and visitors in the event of an emergency and also to assist in
providing security and shelter for those persons evacuated.
(h) Provide security, as needed, for public
meetings on the property.
Assist consumers, employees, or visitors by rendering emergency first aid,
requesting medical assistance, or assisting in their transportation in
(j) As an emergency
intervention at the request of a clinical supervisor, assist in the control of
a patient's behavior when such behavior presents a danger of physical harm to
himself/herself and/or others.
Investigate and file reports of vehicle accidents occurring on hospital
(l) Investigate employee
accidents and complete police reports of these accidents; complete necessary
documentation for possible workers' compensation claims in accordance with the
hospital's written policies and procedures.
(m) Unless handled by the hospital's safety
officer or safety/environment of care committee, develop and implement
procedures for emergency evacuations and fire drills pursuant to the applicable
rules promulgated by the department.
(n) Actively participate on the hospital's
safety/environment of care committee, as appointed.
(o) Control the flow of vehicle traffic and
parking on hospital property in accordance with hospital directives and the
applicable administrative rules and state statutes.
(p) Maintain a daily radio/telephone log and
make written reports of all activities.
(q) In addition to the aforementioned duties,
hospital police shall observe the powers and duties as provided in section
5119.14 of the Revised Code.
(3) Training and
(a) Training in job functions
shall be available to all hospital BHO police and shall follow guidelines
established by the training component of the appropriate division, including at
least the minimum number of hours of training as mandated by the Ohio peace
officers training council and provided by an academy which is recognized and
accredited by the Ohio peace officers training council.
(b) First aid classes shall be mandatory for
all hospital police.
(c) Hospital
police shall not be expected to place their lives or the lives of other persons
in jeopardy in order to discharge their duties.
(d) Hospital police shall not be expected to
violate administrative rules or policies in the discharge of their duties.
(e) If the chief executive officer
or any member of his or her administrative staff directs or orders the chief of
police or a police officer to cease or not initiate an investigation of a
reported or suspected violation of any state statute or administrative rule,
such order shall not be carried out without first consulting the department
security consultant. The order shall then be placed in writing with a copy to
the director.