Ohio Administrative Code
Title 5120:1 - Division of Parole and Community Services
Chapter 5120:1-10 - Twelve Day Facilities
Section 5120:1-10-09 - Medical/mental health
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) (Essential) Health authority. The jail has a designated health authority with responsibility for health and/or mental health care services pursuant a written agreement, contract or job description. The health authority may be a physician, health administrator or agency. When the health authority is other than a local physician, final clinical judgment rests with a single, designated, responsible, local physician licensed in Ohio. The health authority is responsible and authorized to:
Written policies and procedures shall be easily accessible to staff and simple to understand.
(B) (Essential) Inmate pre-screen. Before acceptance into the jail, health-trained personnel shall inquire about, but not be limited to the following conditions and the health authority shall develop policies for the acceptance or denial of admission for:
(C) (Essential) Receiving screen. Health trained personnel, in accordance with protocols established by the health authority, shall perform a written medical, dental and mental health receiving screening on each inmate upon arrival at the jail and prior to being placed in general population.
(D) (Essential) Scope of service. The jail shall provide, or make provisions for, twenty-four hour emergency health, dental and mental health care.
(E) (Essential) Credentials. All health and mental health care personnel who provide services to inmates are appropriately credentialed according to the licensure, certification, and registration requirements of Ohio. Verification of current credentials is on file at the facility. Health care staff works in accordance with profession-specific job descriptions approved by the health authority.
(F) (Essential) Sick call. The health authority shall develop a policy and procedure for sick call whereby a physician and/or qualified health care professional conducts sick call.
(G) (Essential) Health and mental health complaints. The jail shall ensure that there is a daily procedure whereby inmates have an opportunity to report medical and mental health complaints through health-trained personnel, or for urgent matters, to any jail employee. The jail employee shall contact the appropriate medical or mental health department immediately. An inmate grievance system for medical and mental health treatment shall be established by the health authority. Both daily complaints and grievances shall be:
(H) (Important) Personal physician treatment. Inmates can be treated by a personal physician in the jail at their own expense, upon the approval by the jail physician, provided that the current credentials of the personal physician are verified.
(I) (Essential) Medical/mental health record. The jail shall maintain an accurate health/ mental health record in written or electronic format. The health authority shall develop policies and procedures concerning the following areas:
(J) (Essential) Pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals are managed in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the health authority and in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations and include the following:
(K) (Essential) Mental health services. Inmates evidencing signs of mental illness or developmental disability shall be referred immediately to qualified mental health personnel. The health authority shall develop policies for the following areas:
(L) (Essential) Suicide prevention program. The health authority shall have a plan for identifying and responding to suicidal and potentially suicidal inmates. The plan components shall include:
(M) (Important) Emergency equipment/supplies. Emergency medical equipment and supplies, as determined by the health authority shall be available at all times and replenished, as needed and may include automatic external defibrillators (AEDs).
(N) (Essential) Infectious disease control program. The health authority shall have a written infectious disease control program that collaborates with the local health department and shall include, at minimum, an exposure control plan and standard isolation precautions for inmates and staff, which are updated annually. The health authority will develop written policy and procedures.
(O) (Essential) Pregnant inmate. pregnant inmates shall receive appropriate and timely prenatal care, delivery and postpartum care, as determined by the health authority.
(P) (Essential) Restraints. Use of restraints for medical and psychiatric purposes shall be applied in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the health authority, including:
(Q) (Important) Emergency response plan. The health aspects of the emergency response plan (mass disaster drill and man down drill). Emergency medical care, including first aid and basic life support, is provided by all health care professionals and those health-trained correctional staff specifically designated by the jail administrator. All staff responding to medical emergencies are certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in accordance with the recommendations of certifying health organizations.
(R) (Essential) Continuing education for health trained personnel. All qualified health care professionals participate annually in continuing education appropriate for their position.
(S) (Important) Continuous quality improvement program. The health authority shall develop a continuous quality improvement (CPI) system of monitoring and reviewing, at least annually, the fundamental aspects of the jail's health/mental health care system, including but not limited to: access to care; the intake process; emergency care and hospitalizations; and, adverse inmate occurrences, including all deaths. Periodic chart reviews are included to determine the timeliness and appropriateness of the clinical care provided to inmates.
(T) (Essential) Special nutritional and medical diets. Inmate diets are modified when ordered by the appropriate licensed individual to meet specific requirements related to clinical conditions.
(U) (Essential) Intoxication and detoxification. The health authority shall develop specific policies and protocols in accordance with local, state and federal laws for the treatment and observation of inmates manifesting symptoms of intoxication or detoxification from alcohol, opiates, hypnotics, or other drugs. The policies will include a suicide assessment. Specific criteria are established for immediately transferring inmates experiencing severe, life-threatening intoxication (overdose) or detoxification symptoms to a hospital or detoxification center.
(V) (Essential) Confidentiality. Information about an inmate's health status is confidential. Non health trained staff only has access to specific medical information on a need to know basis in order to preserve the health and safety of the specific inmate, other inmates, volunteers, visitors, criminal justice professionals or correctional staff.
(W) (Important) Informed consent. The health authority shall develop a policy and procedure requiring that all examinations, treatments and procedures are governed by informed consent practices applicable in the jail's jurisdiction.
(X) (Important) Privacy. The health authority shall develop a policy whereby health care encounters, including medical and mental health interviews, examinations, and procedures are conducted in a setting that respects the inmate's privacy.
(Y) (Important) Inmate death. In all inmate deaths, the health authority determines the appropriateness of clinical care; ascertains whether corrective action in the system's policies, procedures, or practices is warranted; and identifies trends that require further study.