Ohio Administrative Code
- Title 011 - Apportionment Board
- Title 101 - Joint Legislative Ethics Committee
- Title 102 - Ohio Ethics Commission
- Title 103 - Ohio Legislative Service Commission
- Title 107 - Governor's Residence Advisory Commission
- Title 109 - Attorney General
- Title 109:1 - Charitable Foundations
- Title 109:2 - Peace Officer Training Commission
- Title 109:4 - Consumer Protection
- Title 109:5 - Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation
- Title 109:6 - Environmental Background Investigation
- Title 109:7 - Crime Victims Compensation and Assistance
- Title 109:8 - Tobacco Unit
- Title 109:9 - Sweepstakes
- Title 111 - Secretary of State
- Title 111:1 - Corporate Filing
- Title 111:2 - Campaign Finance
- Title 111:3 - Elections
- Title 111:5 - Standards for Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail
- Title 111:6 - Notary Commission
- Title 113 - Treasurer of State
- Title 117 - Auditor of State
- Title 120 - Ohio Public Defender Commission
- Title 121 - Executive Agencies
- Title 122 - Development Services Agency
- Title 122:1 - Impacted Cities Program
- Title 122:4 - Economic Development Division
- Title 122:5 - Office of Community Services
- Title 122:6 - Housing Trust Fund
- Title 122:7 - Tax Credit Authority
- Title 122:8 - Defense Conversion Assistance Program
- Title 122:9 - Community Reinvestment Area Regulations
- Title 122:10 - Scrap Tire Loan and Grant Program
- Title 122:11 - Business Development Division
- Title 122:12 - Office of Energy Efficiency
- Title 122:13 - Job Training Tax Credit Program
- Title 122:14 - Technology Action Fund
- Title 122:15 - Minority Business Development Division
- Title 122:16 - Retention Tax Credit Program
- Title 122:17 - Workforce Development
- Title 122:18 - Shovel Ready Site Program
- Title 122:19 - Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program
- Title 122:20 - Job Ready Site Program
- Title 122:21 - Motion Picture Tax Credit Program
- Title 122:22 - New Markets Tax Credit
- Title 122:23 - Certification of Qualified Energy Projects
- Title 122:24 - InvestOhio Program
- Title 122:25 - Local Government Efficiency Program
- Title 122:26 - SiteOhio
- Title 122:27 - Distressed Lakes
- Title 122:28
- Title 122:29 - Transformative Mixed Use Development Credit
- Title 122:30
- Title 122:31
- Title 122:32
- Title 123 - Department of Administrative Services - Administration and Director
- Title 123:1 - Division of Human Resources
- Title 123:2 - Division of EEO for Construction
- Title 123:3 - Office of Information Technology
- Title 123:5 - Division of Purchasing
- Title 123:6 - Fleet Management
- Title 123:7 - Office of Collective Bargaining
- Title 124 - State Personnel Board of Review
- Title 125 - Department of Administrative Services
- Title 126 - Office of Budget and Management
- Title 126:1 - Controlling Board
- Title 126:3 - Higher Education Fiscal Watch
- Title 127 - Minority Development Financing Advisory Board
- Title 128 - Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board
- Title 129 - Board of Commissioners of the Sinking Fund
- Title 129:1 - Vietnam Veterans' Bonus Commission
- Title 135 - State Board of Deposit
- Title 145 - Public Employees Retirement System
- Title 148 - Ohio Public Employees Deferred Compensation
- Title 149 - Ohio Historical Society
- Title 149:1 - State Records Commission
- Title 150 - Ohio Venture Capital Program
- Title 151 - Ohio Public Facilities Commission
- Title 152 - Ohio Building Authority
- Title 153:1 - Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (Public Facilities Construction)
- Title 153:2 - Department of Transportation (Division of Planning and Design)
- Title 154 - Ohio Public Facilities Commission
- Title 164 - Ohio Public Works Commission
- Title 173 - Department of Aging
- Title 175 - Ohio Housing Finance Agency
- Title 182 - Southern Ohio Agricultural and Community Development
- Title 184 - Third Frontier Commission
- Title 311 - County Sheriffs' Standard Car-Marking and Uniform Commission
- Title 742 - Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund
- Title 901 - Department of Agriculture - Administration and Director
- Title 901:1 - Animal Industry
- Title 901:2 - Meat Inspection
- Title 901:3 - Food Safety
- Title 901:4 - Markets
- Title 901:5 - Plant Industry
- Title 901:6 - Weights and Measures
- Title 901:7 - Grain Warehouses
- Title 901:8 - Enforcement and Compliance
- Title 901:9 - Fairs & Amusement Rides
- Title 901:10 - Livestock Environmental Permitting
- Title 901:11 - Dairy
- Title 901:12 - Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board
- Title 901:13 - Water Pollution and Soil Erosion
- Title 901:14 - Hemp
- Title 991 - Ohio Expositions Commission
- Title 1301 - Department of Commerce - Administration and Director
- Title 1301:1 - Division of Financial Institutions: Banks
- Title 1301:2 - Division of Financial Institutions: Savings and Loan Associations
- Title 1301:3 - Division of Industrial Compliance
- Title 1301:4 - Division of Licensing
- Title 1301:5 - Division of Real Estate
- Title 1301:6 - Division of Securities
- Title 1301:7 - Division of State Fire Marshal
- Title 1301:8 - Division of Financial Institutions: Consumer Finance
- Title 1301:9 - Division of Financial Institutions: Credit Unions
- Title 1301:10 - Division of Unclaimed Funds
- Title 1301:11 - Real Estate Appraiser Board
- Title 1301:12 - Division of Financial Institutions: Savings Banks
- Title 1301:13 - Cemetery Dispute Resolution Commission
- Title 1301:14 - Plumbing Inspectors
- Title 1301:15 - Mass Appraisal
- Title 1301:16 - Real Estate Appraiser Board
- Title 1301:17 - Home Inspector
- Title 1301:18 - Division of Cannabis Control
- Title 1501 - Department of Natural Resources - Administration and Director
- Title 1501:1 - Advisory Council
- Title 1501:3 - Division of Forestry
- Title 1501:7 - Division of Engineering
- Title 1501:9 - Division of Mineral Resources Management - Oil and Gas
- Title 1501:10 - Division of Mineral Resources Management - Mine Safety
- Title 1501:13 - Division of Mineral Resources Management - Coal
- Title 1501:14 - Division of Mineral Resources Management - Industrial Mineral
- Title 1501:15 - Division of Soil and Water Resources - Agricultural and Non-agricultural
- Title 1501:16 - Mine Examining Board
- Title 1501:17 - Division of Natural Areas and Preserves
- Title 1501:18 - Division of Endangered Species
- Title 1501:20 - Division of Recreational Vehicles
- Title 1501:21 - Division of Soil and Water Resources - Dam Safety
- Title 1501:22 - Division of Soil and Water Resources - Coastal Floodplain Management
- Title 1501:31 - Division of Wildlife
- Title 1501:41 - Division of Parks and Recreation [Renumbered to 1501:46]
- Title 1501:46 - Division of Parks and Watercraft
- Title 1501:47 - Division of Watercraft
- Title 1501:53 - Division of Civilian Conservation
- Title 1501:155
- Title 1509 - Oil and Gas Commission
- Title 1513 - Reclamation Commission
- Title 1515 - Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Commission
- Title 1525 - Water and Sewer Commission
- Title 1551:3 - Solar, Wind, & Hydrothermal Energy Systems
- Title 3301 - Department of Education - Administration and Director
- Title 3301:1 - OhioReads Council
- Title 3302 - State Board of Education
- Title 3303 - Governor's Council on People with Disabilites
- Title 3304 - Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
- Title 3304:1 - Business Enterprise Program
- Title 3306 - School Employees Health Care Board
- Title 3306:1 - General Procedures
- Title 3307 - State Teachers Retirement System
- Title 3307:1 - Defined Benefit
- Title 3307:2 - Defined Contribution
- Title 3309 - School Employees Retirement System
- Title 3310 - Commission on Education Improvement
- Title 3318 - Facilities Construction Commission
- Title 3318:1 - Ohio Schools Facilities Commission
- Title 3332 - State Board of Career Colleges and Schools
- Title 3333 - Department of Higher Education
- Title 3334 - Ohio Tuition Trust Authority
- Title 3335 - Ohio State University
- Title 3337 - Ohio University
- Title 3339 - Miami University
- Title 3341 - Bowling Green State University
- Title 3342 - Kent State University
- Title 3344 - Cleveland State University
- Title 3349 - Northeast Ohio Medical University
- Title 3351 - Ohio Student Aid Commission (Higher Education Assistance Commission)
- Title 3352 - Wright State University
- Title 3353 - eTech Ohio Commission
- Title 3354:1 - Cuyahoga Community College
- Title 3354:2 - Lakeland Community College
- Title 3356 - Youngstown State University
- Title 3357:3 - Central Ohio Technical College
- Title 3357:10 - Marion Technical College
- Title 3357:12 - Zane State College
- Title 3357:15 - Stark State College
- Title 3358:3 - Southern State Community College
- Title 3358:5 - Clark State College
- Title 3358:11 - Michael J. Owens Community College
- Title 3358:14 - Northwest State Community College
- Title 3358:16 - Terra State Community College
- Title 3358:17 - Washington-Morgan State Community College
- Title 3359 - University of Akron
- Title 3361:10 - University of Cincinnati
- Title 3361:20 - University of Cincinnati
- Title 3361:30 - Personnel
- Title 3361:40 - Students
- Title 3361:50 - University of Cincinnati
- Title 3361:60 - University of Cincinnati
- Title 3361:70 - University of Cincinnati
- Title 3362 - Shawnee State University
- Title 3364 - University of Toledo
- Title 3375 - State Library Board
- Title 3376 - State Board of Library Examiners
- Title 3377 - Ohio Higher Education Facility Commission
- Title 3379 - Ohio Arts Council
- Title 3383 - Ohio Facilities Construction Commission
- Title 3517 - Ohio Elections Commission
- Title 3701 - Department of Health - Administration and Director
- Title 3701:1 - Radiation Control
- Title 3701:2 - Private Water Systems Advisory Council
- Title 3702 - State Certificate of Need Review Board
- Title 3704 - Commission on Minority Health
- Title 3706 - Ohio Air Quality Development Authority
- Title 3717 - Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code
- Title 3737 - Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Release Compensation Board
- Title 3745 - Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
- Title 3746 - Environmental Review Appeals Commission
- Title 3747 - Ohio Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facility Development Authority
- Title 3750 - Emergency Response Commission
- Title 3769 - State Racing Commission
- Title 3770 - State Lottery Commission
- Title 3770:1 - Lottery Commission
- Title 3770:2 - Video Lottery Gaming Terminals
- Title 3770:3 - Sports Gaming
- Title 3772 - Casino Control Commission
- Title 3773 - Ohio Athletic Commission
- Title 3775 - Ohio Casino Control Commission - Sports Gaming
- Title 3793:1 - Departmental Administration
- Title 3793:2 - Program Standards
- Title 3793:3 - Credentialing Standards
- Title 3793:4 - Driver Intervention Program
- Title 3793:5 - Prevention Standards
- Title 3793:6 - Program Noncompliance
- Title 3796:1 - Medical Marijuana
- Title 3796:2 - Cultivators
- Title 3796:3 - Processors
- Title 3796:4 - Testing Laboratories
- Title 3796:5 - Administration and Enforcement
- Title 3796:6 - Dispensaries
- Title 3796:7 - Patients
- Title 3796:8 - Administration
- Title 3901 - Department of Insurance
- Title 4101:1 - Board of Building Standards: Ohio Building Code
- Title 4101:2 - Board of Building Standards: Ohio Mechanical Code
- Title 4101:3 - Board of Building Standards: Ohio Plumbing Code
- Title 4101:4 - Boiler Inspection: Ohio Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules
- Title 4101:5 - Elevators: Elevator Code
- Title 4101:6 - Bedding and Upholstered Furniture Inspection
- Title 4101:7 - Certification of Building Departments, Building Department Personnel, Local Boards of Building Appeals, and Fire Protection System Designers
- Title 4101:8 - Board of Building Standards: Residential Code of Ohio
- Title 4101:9 - Wage and Hour
- Title 4101:10 - Mines
- Title 4101:11 - Steam Engineers
- Title 4101:13 - Board of Building Appeals
- Title 4101:14 - Ski Tramway Board
- Title 4101:16 - Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board
- Title 4111 - Apprenticeship Council
- Title 4112 - Ohio Civil Rights Commission
- Title 4115 - State Committee for the Purchase of Products and Services Provided By Persons with Severe Disabilities
- Title 4117 - State Employment Relations Board
- Title 4118 - Public Employment Advisory & Counseling Effort Commission
- Title 4121 - Industrial Commission
- Title 4123 - Bureau of Workers' Compensation
- Title 4123:1 - Division of Safety and Hygiene
- Title 4125 - Industrial Commission/Worker's Compensation
- Title 4141 - Department of Job and Family Services
- Title 4146 - Unemployment Compensation Review Commission
- Title 4161 - Underground Gas Storage Board of Review
- Title 4167 - Public Employment Risk Reduction Program
- Title 4301 - Division of Liquor Control
- Title 4301:1 - Liquor Control Commission
- Title 4501 - Department of Public Safety - Administration and Director
- Title 4501:1 - Bureau of Motor Vehicles
- Title 4501:2 - State Highway Patrol
- Title 4501:3 - Emergency Management Agency
- Title 4501:4 - Investigative Unit
- Title 4501:5 - Homeland Security
- Title 4501:6 - Office of Criminal Justice Services
- Title 4501:7 - Private Investigators and Security Services
- Title 4503 - Ohio Reciprocity Board
- Title 4701 - Accountancy Board
- Title 4703 - State Board of Examiners of Architects
- Title 4703:1 - State Board of Landscape Architect Examiners
- Title 4709 - Barber Board
- Title 4713 - State Cosmetology and Barber Board
- Title 4715 - State Dental Board
- Title 4717 - Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors
- Title 4723 - Ohio Board of Nursing
- Title 4725 - Ohio Vision Professional Board
- Title 4726 - Ohio Vision Professional Board
- Title 4729 - State Board of Pharmacy
- Title 4729:1 - Licensing and Consult Agreements
- Title 4729:2 - Pharmacy Interns
- Title 4729:3 - Pharmacy Technician
- Title 4729:4 - Probation
- Title 4729:5 - Dangerous Drugs
- Title 4729:6 - Distribution of Dangerous Drugs
- Title 4729:7
- Title 4729:8 - Drug Distributors
- Title 4729:9 - Controlled Substances
- Title 4729:10 - Prescription Drugs
- Title 4729:11 - HME Services
- Title 4730 - Physician Assistants
- Title 4731 - State Medical Board
- Title 4732 - State Board of Psychology
- Title 4733 - State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors
- Title 4734 - State Chiropractic Board
- Title 4736 - State Board of Sanitarian Engineers
- Title 4741 - State Veterinary Medical Licensing Board
- Title 4744 - Ohio Speech and Hearing Professional Board
- Title 4747 - Ohio Speech and Hearing Professionals Board
- Title 4751 - State Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators
- Title 4753 - Ohio Speech and Hearing Professionals Board
- Title 4755 - Ohio Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy Board, and Athletic Trainers Board
- Title 4755:1
- Title 4755:2 - Physical Therapy
- Title 4755:3
- Title 4755:4 - Orthotics, Prosthetics, Pedorthics
- Title 4757 - Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board
- Title 4758 - Chemical Dependency Professionals Board
- Title 4759 - State Medical Board Dietetics Licensure
- Title 4761 - Ohio Respiratory Care Board
- Title 4761:1 - Home Medical Equipment Service Providers
- Title 4762 - Acupuncture or Oriental Medicine
- Title 4765 - State Board of Emergency Medical Services
- Title 4766 - Ohio Medical Transportation Board
- Title 4774 - Radiologist Assistants
- Title 4775 - Motor Vehicle Collision Repair Board
- Title 4778 - Genetics Counselors
- Title 4779 - State Board of Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics
- Title 4781 - Ohio Manufactured Homes Program
- Title 4783 - Behavior Analysts
- Title 4901 - Public Utilities Commission (PUCO) - Administration and Director
- Title 4901:1 - Utilities
- Title 4901:2 - Motor Carriers
- Title 4901:3 - Railroads
- Title 4901:4 - Consumers' Counsel Governing Board
- Title 4901:5 - Division of Forecasting
- Title 4901:7 - Public Utilities Nominating Council
- Title 4906 - Power Siting Board
- Title 4911 - The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel
- Title 4937 - Utility Radiological Safety Board
- Title 4981 - Ohio Rail Development Commission
- Title 5101 - Department of Job and Family Services - Administration and Director
- Title 5101:1 - Division of Public Assistance
- Title 5101:2 - Division of Social Services
- Title 5101:4 - Division of Food Stamps
- Title 5101:5 - Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
- Title 5101:6 - Hearings
- Title 5101:9 - ODJFS Practices
- Title 5101:10 - Division of Workforce Development
- Title 5101:11 - Apprenticeship Council
- Title 5101:12 - Child Support
- Title 5101:14 - Youth Employment Programs
- Title 5119:80 - Joint Mental Health and Mental Retardation Advisory and Review Commission
- Title 5119:81 - Citizen's Advisory Boards
- Title 5120 - Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections - Administration and Director
- Title 5120:1 - Division of Parole and Community Services
- Title 5120:2 - Notice Procedure
- Title 5122 - Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
- Title 5122:1 - Fiscal Administration
- Title 5122:2 - Operations Management
- Title 5122:3 - Support Services
- Title 5123 - Department of Developmental Disabilities
- Title 5123:1 - Fiscal Administration and State-Operated Services and Supports
- Title 5123:2 - Community Services
- Title 5124 - Ohio Legal Rights Service
- Title 5124:1 - Ohio Legal Rights Service Commission
- Title 5139 - Department of Youth Services
- Title 5139:1 - Governor's Council on Juvenile Justice
- Title 5160 - Ohio Department of Medicaid
- Title 5160:1 - Eligibility
- Title 5501 - Department of Transportation - Administration and Director
- Title 5501:1 - Division of Aviation
- Title 5501:2 - Division of Highways
- Title 5501:6 - Division of State Infrastructure Bank
- Title 5505 - State Highway Patrol Retirement System
- Title 5507 - Emergency Response
- Title 5512 - Transportation Review Advisory Council
- Title 5537 - Turnpike Commission
- Title 5538 - State Parking Commission
- Title 5703 - Department of Taxation
- Title 5717 - Board of Tax Appeals
- Title 5902 - Governor's Office of Veterans' Affairs
- Title 5907 - Ohio Veterans' Home Agency
- Title 5909 - Ohio Veterans' Children's Home
- Title 5913 - Personal Information Systems
- Title 6121 - Ohio Water Development Authority
Disclaimer: These regulations may not be the most recent version. Ohio may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.
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