(C) The minimum frequency of visits
will be
as follows, with individual time for the child as appropriate to his or her
ability to communicate:
(1) For a child placed
in a relative or non-relative home approved pursuant to rule
5101:2-42-18 of the
Administrative Code or a foster home certified pursuant to Chapter 5101:2-5 of
the Administrative Code:
(a) One face-to-face
visit with the child and substitute caregiver within the substitute care
setting during the first week of placement, not including the first day of
(b) One face-to-face
visit with the child and the substitute caregiver within the substitute care
setting during the first four weeks of placement, not including the visit
during the first week of placement.
(c) Monthly face-to-face visits with the
child and substitute caregiver within the substitute care setting, which may
include visits referenced in paragraphs (C)(1)(a) and (C)(1)(b) of this rule,
provided that at least one of the visits occurs within each month.
(d) In a home which has two or more
substitute caregivers, ensure that each caregiver receives at least one of
the face-to-face visits referenced in paragraphs (C)(1)(a) to (C)(1)(c) of this
rule in each three-month period. If a caregiver is out of the home for the
entire three-month period (e.g. military leave or extended hospital stay) the
caregiver is exempt from the visits for that time period.
(e) If the circumstances of the case require
more than one monthly visit, the additional visit(s) may be conducted by a
caseworker employed by an agency contracted by the PCSA or PCPA to provide
services for the case.
(2) For a child for whom a special,
exceptional, or intensive needs difficulty of care payment is made pursuant to
rule 5101:2-47-18 of the
Administrative Code and placed in a treatment or medically fragile foster home
certified pursuant to Chapter 5101:2-5 of the Administrative Code:
(a) One face-to-face visit with the child and
substitute caregiver within the substitute care setting during the first week
of placement, not including the first day of placement.
One face-to-face visit with the substitute caregiver and child should occur
twice monthly, but not within the same week.
(c) At least one of the
monthly visits is to occur within the treatment or medically fragile
foster home.
(d) In a foster home
which has two or more substitute caregivers on the certificate, assure that
each caregiver receives at least one of the face-to-face visits referenced in
paragraphs (C)(2)(a) to (C)(2)(c) of this rule in each three-month period. If a
caregiver is out of the home for the entire three-month period (e.g. military
leave or extended hospital stay) the caregiver is exempt from the visits for
that time period.
(e) At least one of the
monthly visits is to be conducted by a caseworker within the PCSA or
PCPA that has full responsibility for case planning and case management of the
child's case. Any additional visit(s) may be conducted by a caseworker employed
by an agency contracted by the PCSA or PCPA to provide services for the
(3) For a child
placed in a residential facility or substance use disorder (SUD) residential
facility as defined in rule
5101:2-1-01 of the
Administrative Code:
(a) One contact with the
residential facility or SUD residential facility and the child as
developmentally appropriate within ten days of placement, not including the
first day of placement.
(b) Monthly
face-to-face visits with the child, within the residential facility or SUD
residential facility. Visits will be conducted by a caseworker within the PCSA or
PCPA that has full responsibility for case planning and case management of the
child's case.
(i) If the caseworker
responsible for the child's case is unable to complete the visit, the
caseworker completing the visit is to document in the child's case the reason someone
other than the assigned caseworker visited the child.
(ii) The caseworker assigned to the child's
case is
to complete the majority of the required monthly visits.
(c) The caseworker within the
residential facility or SUD residential facility, performing casework duties,
will not
conduct visits on behalf of the PCSA or PCPA.
(4) For a child who is sixteen years of age
or older and placed in an independent living arrangement in which he or she has
responsibility for his or her individual living environment:
(a) One face-to-face visit with the child
within the living environment within the first week of placement, not including
the first day of placement.
Monthly face-to-face visits with the child, within the living environment,
which may include the visit referenced in paragraph (C)(4)(a) of this rule.
Visits are
to be conducted by a caseworker within the PCSA or PCPA that has full
responsibility for case planning and case management of the child's case.
(i) If the caseworker responsible for the
child's case is unable to complete the visit, the caseworker completing the
visit is
to document in the child's case the reason someone other than the
assigned caseworker visited the child.
(ii) The caseworker assigned to the child's
case is
to complete the majority of the required monthly visits.