Ohio Administrative Code
Title 5101:2 - Division of Social Services
Chapter 5101:2-42 - Substitute Care
Section 5101:2-42-19 - Requirements for the provision of independent living services to youth in custody
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Independent living services are to be provided to each youth in the custody of a public children services agency (PCSA) or private child placing agency (PCPA) as developmentally appropriate, no later than the age of fourteen for normalcy and practical skills to prepare them for the transition from agency custody to self-sufficiency.
(B) The PCSA or PCPA is to provide and explain the JFS 01677 "Foster Youth Rights Handbook" pursuant to paragraph (A) of this rule and paragraph (Q) in rule 5101:2-42-90 of the Administrative Code.
(C) If a PCSA or PCPA is providing independent living services to an eligible unmarried minor female who is pregnant or has a child and is part of an "Ohio Works First" (OWF) assistance group, the PCSA or PCPA is to inform the local county department of job and family services (CDJFS) of the PCSA or PCPA's involvement with the family in order to ensure coordination of services.
(D) The PCSA or PCPA is to conduct a life skills assessment on each youth in agency custody no later than age fourteen. The assessment is to be completed no later than sixty days after the youth's fourteenth birthday or sixty days after the youth enters agency custody, if the youth is fourteen or older. A life skills assessment is to establish the need for independent living services identified in paragraph (E) of this rule. The life skills assessment is to be completed with documented input from the youth, the youth's caregiver, and the youth's caseworker.
(E) The PCSA or PCPA is to determine which independent living services are applicable, or not needed based on the assessment referenced in paragraph (D) of this rule and may include, but not be limited to the following:
(F) To help the youth achieve self-sufficiency, the PCSA or PCPA is to develop an independent living plan in Ohio statewide automated child welfare information system (Ohio SACWIS) in accordance with all of the following:
(G) The PCSA or PCPA is to include in the independent living plan the contact information containing the names, addresses and phone numbers of significant others, such as current or former resource caregivers, two adult supporters, parents, friends, mentors, child's attorney, guardian ad litem (GAL) or court appointed special advocates (CASA) and extended family members as provided by the youth. The PCSA or PCPA is to use this information to work with the youth to develop and achieve meaningful, permanent connections with at least one caring adult.
(H) The PCSA or PCPA is to update the family case plan and submit it to the court within seven days following the completion of the initial independent living plan pursuant to rules 5101:2-38-05 and 5101:2-38-07 of the Administrative Code.
(I) The PCSA or PCPA is to complete a readiness review in Ohio SACWIS of the independent living plan with the youth and resource caregiver at least every one hundred eighty days until the agency's custody is terminated. Each review is to include:
(J) The PCSA or PCPA is to provide independent living services training opportunities to caregivers caring for adolescents.
(K) For each youth in the custody of the PCSA or PCPA no later than the age of fourteen, the PCSA or PCPA is to request a credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies (CRA) each year until the youth is discharged from substitute care. This may be completed simultaneously or separately throughout the year.
(L) A PCSA or PCPA is to ensure the following information is entered into Ohio SACWIS in accordance with rule 5101:2-33-70 of the Administrative Code:
(M) The PCSA or PCPA is to enter in Ohio SACWIS the date the independent living assessment and the independent living plan were completed. All readiness review dates of the independent living plan are to be entered in Ohio SACWIS, in accordance with rule 5101:2-33-70 of the Administrative Code.
(N) The PCSA or PCPA is to assist the youth in completing the national youth in transition database (NYTD) survey in accordance with 45 C.F.R. 1356.82 (a)(2) (2008). The PCSA may utilize independent living allocation to provide youth with incentives to complete the survey.
(O) At least one hundred eighty days prior to the youth's eighteenth birthday, the PCSA or PCPA is to provide the youth information on final transition planning and post emancipation services in accordance with rule 5101:2-42-19.2 of the Administrative Code and eligibility criteria to enroll in bridges in accordance with Chapter 5101:2-50 of the Administrative Code.
(P) If the youth is expected to remain in care after their eighteenth birthday, documentation is to be added to the readiness review at least ninety days prior to their eighteenth birthday to include information regarding the anticipated emancipation date. The PCSA or PCPA is to continue to document ongoing discussions regarding the final transition plan and emancipation date within the readiness review until the final transition plan, referenced in paragraph (Q) of this rule, is created.
(Q) At least ninety days prior to the youth's emancipation from the agency's custody, the PCSA or PCPA is to work with the youth to develop a final transition plan.
(R) Prior to the youth's emancipation from the agency's custody, the PCSA or PCPA is to secure and provide to the youth the following documents:
(S) The PCSA or PCPA is to provide a copy of the final transition plan to the youth when custody is terminated due to reaching the age of emancipation, along with the following:
(T) The PCSA or PCPA is to document in Ohio SACWIS the date the agency provided the information in paragraphs (B), (F), (K), (O) and (Q) to (S) of this rule .