Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
[Comment: For dates and availability of material incorporated
by reference in this chapter, see rule
4765-1-03 of the Administrative
(A) The board shall issue a
certificate of approval, pursuant to section
4765.17 of the Revised Code and
this chapter, to any applicant who is of good reputation and demonstrates that
the EMS continuing education program for which the applicant seeks approval
meets the following requirements:
(1) Has
submitted a completed "Initial Application for
Certificate of Approval."
(2) Has
an authorizing official with good reputation who assumes responsibility for the
(a) Serves as program director or
designates a person of good reputation to serve as program director;
(b) Administers and operates the EMS
continuing education training program;
(c) Complies with all rules and laws
applicable to EMS continuing education training and the holding of a
certificate of approval;
Continuously monitors the program content and the instructor(s) for all course
(e) Approves all course
offerings, location(s) of training and instructors prior to the start of the
(f) Assures that courses
are developed under the direction of a physician who specializes in emergency
medicine and that each course that deals with trauma care is developed in
consultation with a physician who specializes in trauma surgery;
(g) Prepares or approves all documents
required to be submitted for the certificate of approval;
(h) Issues a certificate of completion, in
accordance with rule
4765-7-11 of the Administrative
Code, to each student who successfully completes the EMS continuing education
(i) Performs ongoing
review of all class locations to ensure an environment conducive to learning,
except online education or distance learning provided in accordance with rule
4765-7-11 of the Administrative
(j) Ensures a refresher
course is conducted in accordance with rule
4765-7-11 of the Administrative
Code and is in compliance with the standards, topics, hours and evaluation
process as outlined in Chapters 4765-12, 4765-15, 4765-16, and 4765-17 of the
Administrative Code.
Has a program medical director who assists in the development of the medical
components of the training program and determines the appropriateness of the
continuing education course offering(s);
(4) Utilizes individuals who hold a valid and
current certificate to teach in accordance with Chapter 4765-18 of the
Administrative Code;
(5) Ensures
any instructor who holds a certificate to teach is assigned to teach courses at
or below the level of the holders' certificate to practice;
(6) Maintains financial resources adequate
for the satisfactory delivery of the courses of study;
(7) Maintains and ensures access to training
equipment adequate for the satisfactory delivery of the courses of study or
maintains written agreements for the training equipment;
(8) Has and maintains one fixed geographic
location where an EMS approved institution operates and where EMS continuing
education training is conducted:
(a) The fixed
geographic location where the EMS approved institution operates or where EMS
continuing education training is conducted shall not consist of a house
trailer, tent, temporary stand, rooming house, apartment, post office box or in
a room in a hotel or motel;
(b) The
fixed geographic location where an EMS approved institution operates shall not
be in a residence, except those utilizing online or distance learning delivery
systems as provide in this chapter. A residence shall not be used to offer EMS
continuing education in a traditional classroom environment or seminar setting,
nor shall it be used to permit any students to gather or meet.
(9) Has and maintains an office in
a fixed geographic location where records are maintained:
(a) The fixed geographic location of the
office shall not consist of a house trailer, tent, temporary stand, post office
box, rooming house, apartment or in a room in a hotel or motel;
(b) The fixed geographic location of the
office shall not be within a residence except those provided through online
education or distance learning in accordance with this chapter. The office in a
residence cannot be utilized to meet with any students, conduct training, or
meet with division staff.
(10) Ensures adequate classroom and
laboratory facilities to accommodate the number of students participating in
the continuing education programs, except those programs provided through
online education or distance learning in accordance with rule
4765-7-11 of the Administrative
(11) Ensures classroom
environments that are safe, sanitary and conducive to learning, except those
programs provided through online education or distance learning in accordance
with rule
4765-7-11 of the Administrative
(12) Advises students of all
costs associated with the continuing education course offering and the fee
refund policy;
(13) Does not
discriminate in the acceptance of students on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, military
status, or national origin;
(14) Requires all attendees at each course
offering to complete an evaluation addressing course content, facility and
(15) Has security
parameters set forth protecting the students' financial and personal
information in accordance with state and federal laws.
(B) An EMS approved institution or applicant
for a certificate of approval shall allow access by the division, during
regular business hours and at all other reasonable times, to conduct an
inspection of EMS continuing education training records and all EMS instructor
records except as listed in paragraph (C) of this rule.
(C) An EMS approved institution conducting
online education or distance learning, as provided in this chapter, at a
residence shall make records available to the division at a government agency
or facility in the proximity of the residence, as approved by the
(D) An EMS approved
institution shall retain written or electronic files, in a secure location,
with the following documentation for each course offered by the institution:
(1) Title and date(s) of course;
(2) Course starting and ending times, except
those programs provided through online education or distance learning in
accordance with this chapter;
Lesson materials and a copy of each knowledge and/or skill evaluation
instrument utilized to evaluate student performance and achievement;
(4) Physician approval of course medical
content in compliance with this rule;
(5) Course attendance records with the
following information:
(a) Course title, date,
location and time offered;
Students' signatures documenting the hours of attendance;
(c) Name of the holder of the certificate to
teach. If a guest lecturer is utilized, the record shall document names of both
the guest lecturer and the EMS instructor of record present in the classroom
during the presentation.
(6) Test records as required in paragraph (B)
of rule 4765-19-01 of the Administrative
(7) Regular evaluation of
student performance and achievement in a refresher course through written and
practical testing administered prior to the issuance of a certificate of
(8) A summary of
student evaluations of course content, facility and instructor(s);
(9) Written documentation of a current and
valid certificate to practice or license and current and valid certificate to
teach for each holder of a certificate to teach utilized in the EMS training
(10) Written agreements
with each organization that provides equipment, clinical and/or prehospital
experiences to adequately train EMS personnel.
(E) A certificate of approval shall be valid
for three years.
(F) The
board shall renew a certificate of approval for three
years if both of the following apply:
(1) The "Certificate of Approval - Renewal
Application" is completed and submitted to the division no later than the
thirtieth day prior to expiration of the current certificate;
(2) The program remains in compliance with
the requirements for approval as set forth in section
4765.16 of the Revised Code and
this chapter.
If the approved institution meets the requirements in
paragraph (F) of this rule and all of the requirements in this rule, the board
shall renew a certificate of approval for five years. The additional
requirements are:
The certificate holder is of good
The approved institution is in compliance with all the
requirements in this rule;
The approved
institution has held a certificate of approval for the preceding six
The previous certificate of approval was issued without
any contingencies;
The approved institution has not been issued a
provisional certificate of approval during the preceding six
The approved institution has not received any
disciplinary action by the board during the preceding six
(H) The EMS approved
institution shall maintain all documentation required in this rule for the
duration of the current approval cycle and for the previous approval
(I) If the EMS approved
institution is utilizing online or distance learning delivery systems, it shall
meet all requirements set forth in this chapter and maintain documentation of
such compliance.