To obtain a
certificate to practice as a doula, an applicant who meets the qualifications
set forth in division (A) of section
4723.89 of the Revised Code
Be at least
eighteen years of age at the time of submitting the doula
Submit an application fee of thirty-five dollars as
authorized by section
4723.89 of the Revised
Be certified by a doula certification organization that
is recognized on an international, national, state, or local level, for
training and certifying doulas, or, if not certified, have education and
experience considered by the board to be appropriate, as specified in this
applying based on certification by a doula certification organization
recognized on an international, national, state, or local level, for training
and certifying doulas, the certification must be current and must either
directly to the board by the doula certifying organization; or
If provided by
the applicant, the applicant must provide contact information sufficient for
the board to verify the certification, including but not limited to the
certification organization's name, mailing address, telephone number, email
address if one is available, website if one is available, and any other
information necessary for the board to verify the
In addition, the applicant must attest that they have
completed four hours of training directly related to racial bias, health
disparities, and cultural competency either through their doula certification
organization or otherwise.
If applying based
on education and experience:
The applicant must have completed ten hours of
education that meets the requirements of rule 4723-24-04 of the Administrative
Code for doula continuing education.
At least four of
those hours must be training directly related to racial bias, health
disparities, and cultural competency. The remaining six hours should relate to
the doula's practice.
The applicant's education may be demonstrated by
attestation to having completed education meeting these requirements. At the
discretion of the board, the applicant may be required to show proof of
completion of the education. Failure to provide proof of completion shall
result in ineligibility to be issued a certificate by the board until proof of
completion is provided to the board.
In addition, the
applicant must have been actively engaged in practice as a doula for three
years immediately prior to the date the application is submitted to the board.
The applicant may have verification of having been actively engaged in practice
as a doula for three years submitted directly to the board by an employer or an
employer designee. Alternatively, the applicant may attest to having provided
doula services to five clients over the three years immediately prior to the
date of the application. At the board's discretion, an applicant may be
required to provide date spans and a general description of the doula services
provided for each of the five clients.
In accordance
with division (A) of section
4723.091 of the Revised Code,
submit a request to the bureau of criminal identification and investigation for
a criminal records check. The results of the criminal records check
received by the board before a certificate can be issued; and
Indicate that the
individual has not been convicted of, pled guilty to, or had a judicial finding
of guilt for any violation set forth in section
4723.092 of the Revised