Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
[Comment: For dates and availability of material incorporated
by reference in this rule, see paragraph (A) in rule
of the Administrative Code.]
Abbreviated adult courses for beginning drivers, who are at least eighteen
years of age and older, may be offered in three categories:
(1) Four hours of classroom equivalent
training offered via the internet through a licensed online enterprise;
(2) Four hours of classroom
or virtual classroom instruction offered through
an abbreviated adult training course; or
(3) Four hours of classroom
, virtual classroom, or online instruction and
four hours of behind-the-wheel training.
(4) Those students electing only the courses
provided in paragraphs (A)(1) and (A) (2) of the Administrative Code will be
required to drive twenty-four hours, not to exceed four hours per day, with a
valid licensed driver. Such students
submit to the registrar a signed "24-hour Affidavit" attesting that the student
has acquired a minimum of twenty-four hours of driving
(B) The
abbreviated adult course classroom and online instruction shall be based upon
the principals of and cover, at a minimum, the body of knowledge contained in
the "Abbreviated Adult Course Curriculum." The abbreviated adult course
consists of four hours of classroom or online
(C) The abbreviated
adult course behind-the-wheel training shall be based upon the principals of
and cover, at a minimum, the laboratory lessons contained in the "Abbreviated
Adult Course Curriculum." The abbreviated adult course
consists of four hours of behind-the-wheel
(D) Except as provided
in rule
of the Administrative Code for a medically based hospital or rehabilitation
facility that offers instruction for persons with a disability, and for online
enterprises offering theory instruction only via
the internet, enterprises that provide the abbreviated adult course shall be
able to provide both the classroom, virtual
classroom, and the behind-the-wheel training.
(E) The classroom and
virtual classroom instruction shall meet the following requirements:
Maintain an
environment in a manner that is conducive to learning. In maintaining an
environment that is conducive to learning, consideration is given
to the appropriate class size, appropriate methods of maintaining discipline,
and any other relevant factors;
For instruction provided via a virtual classroom
environment, the instructor shall periodically ensure the students are present
and actively engaged with the course content. This may be accomplished through
quizzes, worksheets, group activities, or other educational activities related
to the content being taught;
Provide a
ten minute break at the
approximate mid-point of the lesson for students receiving more than two
continuous hours of training;
(4) Any materials or
workbooks used for instruction
shall be available to every student taking that instruction. Instructional
materials referenced during
instruction shall be provided for each student;
(5) No
use of videos, slides or films, or activities
unrelated to safe driving practices, driver knowledge, or driver skill
(6) It shall be the
responsibility of the driver training enterprise to determine each student's
successful completion by means of a comprehensive final examination measuring
driver knowledge;
(a) No student being tested
shall be permitted to refer to any materials that may contain answers to the
questions thereon.
(b) The final
examination shall be administered and graded in-person by a licensed
instructor. Only examinations provided by the director shall be used.
Accommodations shall be made for the final examination to assist students with
confirmed learning difficulties.
(c) The student shall answer seventy-five per
cent or more of the questions comprising the final examination correctly in
order to constitute a successful completion of the classroom
(d) The student may be
offered no more than two additional opportunities to a final examination if the
student failed the first attempt. The student may not re-take an exam that the
student had previously taken and failed.
(e) A student who fails all three attempts at
the final examination shall re-take the classroom instruction.
(f) The record of all final examinations
given shall include the date the test was given, the student's score, the name
and signature of the instructor who administered and graded the exam, and the
student's name and signature.
(7) A student who is
absent from any portion of the classroom instruction shall make up the segment
of the instruction missed prior to receiving a certificate.
(F) The online abbreviated adult
course instruction shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Student curriculum and content based
questions and/or comments shall be responded to by an online instructor. This
includes, but is not limited to, responses to message boards, chat rooms,
e-mails and telephone calls;
Any reference material required for the student to complete the online
instruction must be provided to the student prior to the start of the online
(3) Each student successfully enrolled in an
online abbreviated adult course shall be provided with a username and password.
This username and password shall be required for each time the student logs
into the program;
(4) Personal
validation questions appear, at a
minimum, twice throughout the entire course and at a minimum
appear once during the final
examination. The student shall answer correctly the personal validation
question within sixty seconds for the questions presented over the internet.
The student shall have no more than one additional opportunity to answer
another validation question if the student fails to answer correctly the first
question. Failure to answer both validation questions correctly
locks the student out of the program for
calendar day.
(5) The online
driver education program shall provide a final examination at the completion of
the program during the online provider's operational
An online instructor shall be available during
this time. In addition to paragraph (E)(6) of this rule, with the exception of
paragraph (E)(6)(b) of this rule, the final examinations shall:
(a) Include twenty questions that have been
randomly drawn from the "Abbreviated Adult Examination Questions Test Bank." No
question shall appear more than once per final examination;
(b) Not identify the correct answer of a
final examination question to the student until the entire test has been
completed and submitted.
(G) The behind-the-wheel training shall meet
the following requirements:
(1) No
behind-the-wheel training shall be given to a student who does not hold and
carry a valid temporary permit or operator's license. No student shall be given
behind-the-wheel instruction using a permit or license which has expired or
which has been suspended or revoked;
(2) When a student operates a motor vehicle
upon public highways, a licensed instructor shall be in the vehicle seated
beside the driver. The instructor shall wear, in a conspicuous location, an
identification card. The identification card displays a clear photo of the
instructor's face, the instructor's name and the name of the driver training
school for which the instructor is working;
(3) No instructor shall give a student
behind-the-wheel instruction before the student has received at least two hours
of classroom instruction;
(4) No
instructor shall provide a student any behind-the-wheel instruction, if within
the same day the student has taken four hours of classroom instruction, unless
the student has been provided a thirty minute break after completion of the
classroom instruction;
(5) Students
receiving more than two continuous hours of behind-the-wheel training shall be
provided a ten-minute break at the approximate mid-point of the
(6) Instructors shall
ensure that a student's first thirty minutes of training occurs in an area that
is reasonable free from pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and that first thirty
minutes does not include operation of a vehicle on primary traffic arteries,
main highway routes, and other thoroughfares that carry a large amount of
(7) During times of
behind-the-wheel training, use of any items or behavior that causes
unreasonable distraction is prohibited. No eating or drinking by the students
permitted in the vehicle during times of training or while the vehicle is in
(8) No more than two
students may be in a vehicle while behind-the-wheel instruction is being given.
No credit for the hours of required behind-the-wheel training shall be given to
a student who is not driving.
An on-road evaluation of the student's ability to drive shall be performed at
the end of the four hours. The evaluation shall be based upon basic driving
skills and the student's good faith effort to perform the basic
(H) The total
training a student receives shall not exceed six hours in one day, including
both classroom, virtual, or online instruction
and behind-the-wheel training.
Classroom instruction, virtual instruction,
online instruction and behind-the-wheel training
consists of no less than sixty minutes for each hour
credited towards the completion of the required training. Time taken for breaks
shall not be included when calculating completion of the required
(J) Except for an
online abbreviated adult course, students shall be taught and supervised by a
licensed instructor. Licensed instructors shall instruct students only under
the authority and guidance of a licensed driver training school.
(K) For an online abbreviated adult course,
any modifications made to the online instruction, including but not limited to,
design, quizzes, activities, modules, content, law updates or resources must be
approved by the director prior to being placed into production.
(L) In order to meet the standards set forth
in division (A)(2)(a) of section
of the Revised Code, an online abbreviated adult course provider must implement
and maintain all security controls included in the "Online Driver Education
Security Assessment."
(M) All
training as required in this rule, provided by the enterprise shall be made
available to, and completed by, the student within three months of the first
date of training, unless mitigating circumstances occur. Mitigating
circumstances include health and family issues that disrupt the student's
ability to receive training. Mitigating circumstances shall be documented in
the student's record. Requests for special circumstances not listed to be
considered as "mitigating" shall be requested through the department. If no
mitigating circumstances are approved, training will be voided and the student
shall re-take the training.