Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3745 - Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Chapter 3745-7 - Water Supply Works and Wastewater Works Personnel
Section 3745-7-13 - Reciprocity
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
The director may grant certification by reciprocity to an applicant holding valid certification or license issued by the certifying authority of another state, province , "Water Professionals International" (WPI), or another certifying authority approved by the director.
(A) Eligibility for certification by reciprocity.
(B) The council shall review and compare the representative out-of-state, or WPI examination passed by an applicant with Ohio's examinations and determine the classification of examination with which the out-of-state, or WPI examination is equivalent. . If a representative copy of the examination passed by the applicant cannot be obtained, a class A water supply or water reclamation certificate may be issued provided the applicant has the operating experience required by rule 3745-7-06 of the Administrative Code. Alternatively, the agency may determine an operator is eligible for a class I, II, or III certification through reciprocity, based upon a review of the size and complexity of the systems an applicant has worked for in another state and their previous experience acting as an operator in charge of the technical operation, or equivalent, of a facility. The amount of experience in charge of a facility shall be equivalent to the operating experience requirements required for that level of certification.
(C) In order to use the alternative method described in paragraph (B) of this rule, the following information shall be included with the reciprocity application:
(D) At the time of the request for reciprocity, the applicant shall pay a certification fee as required in section 3745.11 of the Revised Code. When the equivalent level of classification of the out-of-state, or WPI examination, has been determined by the council and approved by the director, the applicant will be notified and required to pay a fee that is equivalent to the examination fee for the level of certification at which reciprocity is granted according to the schedule listed in section 3745.11 of the Revised Code.
(E) Upon receipt of the fees, the director may issue a certificate to the applicant for certification as determined by this rule.
(F) In the event that an applicant is not eligible for reciprocity the applicant may request that the certification fee be used toward the fee required for the next available paper and pencil examination or the certification fee once the applicant passes a third party examination. The request shall be made in writing and shall indicate the exam classification that the applicant is requesting to take. Review and approval of the application shall be in accordance with rule 3745-7-06 of the Administrative Code.