Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
The owner or operator of a class III composting
facility may submit a written request to the director for an approval to accept
alternative materials not otherwise prohibited or authorized in rule
3745-560-310 of the
Administrative Code. The request shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the
director and include at a minimum the following:
A detailed
description of the material to be accepted including a description of any known
or potential contaminants that may cause or threaten to cause an adverse impact
to public health, safety, or the environment, and any available analytical data
on the material.
The source and suppliers of the
Whether pathogens are expected to be present in the
material and what mechanisms will be in place to prevent exposure for those in
contact with the waste or the compost product produced from such
The maximum amount of the material that the facility
may accept on a daily basis.
A detailed
description of the intended use as a feedstock, bulking agent, or additive and
how the alternative material might function for that use.
A detailed
description of any impact that may result from the acceptance of the material
in regard to the management of odor, litter, vectors, and leachate or other
operational requirements of rule
3745-560-310 of the
Administrative Code including the methods that will be used to control the
Whether the owner or operator is requesting to compost
the material on a temporary or continued basis.
A detailed
description of how the material will be managed at the facility. At a minimum,
the description shall include the following:
Whether the owner
or operator will shred or screen the material prior to incorporation into the
composting process.
What equipment will be utilized.
The percentage of
mixture of the feedstock, bulking agent, or additive with other authorized
feedstocks, bulking agents, or additives and the resulting carbon to nitrogen
The method of composting utilized and any other methods
of conditioning compostable material to be used if applicable.
The anticipated
moisture level of the incoming feedstock, bulking agent, or additive and the
anticipated moisture levels after mixing with other authorized feedstocks,
bulking agents, or additives.
Any special
management requirements due to the physical, biological or chemical
characteristics of the alternative material
How the owner or
operator intends to distribute or otherwise utilize the compost product.
other information deemed necessary by Ohio EPA.
The director may
approve and condition a request submitted in accordance with this rule upon
determination of the following:
The use of the alternative material is technically
feasible for composting and the owner or operator will use an approved
composting method.
The owner or operator has appropriate equipment and has
demonstrated that there is enough operational capacity at the facility to
manage the alternative material.
The submitted
analytical data demonstrates that the alternative material does not exceed the
parameters specified in rule
3745-560-330 of the
Administrative Code.
The acceptance of the alternative material is unlikely
to cause violations of Chapter 3704. 3734., or 6111. of the Revised Code, this
chapter, or any other applicable federal or state laws.
The acceptance,
processing, and use of the material is unlikely to adversely affect or threaten
to cause an adverse effect to public health, safety, or the environment.
The director may establish additional compost quality
standards for the alternative materials requested to protect public health, and
safety, and the environment.