Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3745 - Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Chapter 3745-555 - Solid Waste Transfer Facilities
Section 3745-555-610 - Operation of a solid waste transfer facility - general requirements
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
The owner or operator of a solid waste transfer facility shall do the following:
(A) Conduct all operations at a transfer facility in compliance with the transfer facility license, the contingency plan, and the permit to install for those transfer facilities with an approved permit to install.
(B) Have available at the transfer facility copies of the authorizing documents and the contingency plan.
For a transfer facility that consists solely of portable containers and does not have a waste handling floor, the owner or operator shall make the authorizing documents and contingency plan available for inspection by the licensing authority or Ohio EPA during normal operating hours.
(C) Prepare a contingency plan.
(D) Prior to waste acceptance, execute and fund a financial assurance instrument pursuant to rule 3745-503-05 of the Administrative Code for an amount not less than the current closure cost estimate established in the approved permit to install issued pursuant to Chapter 3734. of the Revised Code.
(E) For a transfer facility without an approved permit to install issued pursuant to Chapter 3734. of the Revised Code, execute and fund a financial assurance instrument pursuant to rule 3745-503-05 of the Administrative Code for an amount not less than the current closure cost estimate to include the following:
(F) Paragraph (D) or (E) of this rule is not applicable to the owner or operator if the closure cost estimate is five thousand five hundred dollars or less.
(G) Ensure an individual meeting the definition of operator is thoroughly familiar with the proper operational procedures, license, permits, and other authorizations pertaining to the transfer facility.
(H) Ensure waste handling areas are supervised by a person or persons knowledgeable regarding operations at the transfer facility.
(I) Not cause or allow the transfer facility to create a nuisance or health hazard due to dust, odors, or the attraction or breeding of birds, insects, rodents, or other vectors.
(J) Employ all reasonable measures at the transfer facility to collect, properly contain, and dispose of scattered litter, including frequent policing of the area and the use of wind screens where necessary.
(K) Manage the transfer facility in such a manner that the attraction, breeding, and emergence of birds, insects, rodents, and other vectors are strictly controlled.
(L) Maintain the waste handling floor to prevent the infiltration of leachate into the ground.
(M) Clean the waste handling floor to prevent odors and nuisances.
(N) Manage and dispose of leachate in accordance with all applicable regulations.
(O) Have available at or near the transfer facility adequate fire control equipment, material, and services which shall be employed immediately to extinguish any fire at the transfer facility.
(P) Maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the engineered components of the solid waste transfer facility. If damage to or failure of an engineered component occurs after Ohio EPA has concurred with the construction certification report for that engineered component, the owner or operator shall comply with rules 3745-512-60 and 3745-555-500 to 3745-555-599 of the Administrative Code.
(Q) Annually review and make appropriate revisions to the closure cost estimate and to the financial assurance instrument when the closure cost estimate is over five thousand five hundred dollars. At a minimum, the review shall include an adjustment of the closure cost estimate for inflation using the preceding February inflation factor derived from the annual implicit price deflator for gross domestic product as published by the U.S. department of commerce . The inflation factor is the result of dividing the latest published annual deflator by the annual deflator for the previous year. After the closure cost estimate is reviewed and increased, the owner or operator shall submit the revised closure cost estimate and appropriate increase to the financial assurance instrument to the director.