Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3745 - Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Chapter 3745-47 - Procedural Rules
Section 3745-47-20 - Rules of ethics
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Ex parte communications.
(B) All communications prohibited by paragraph (A) of this rule shall be reported immediately to the hearing examiner, who shall place the communication or a memorandum describing the communication in public files associated with the case, but separate from the record material upon which the agency will rely in reaching a decision. The hearing examiner shall take such additional action as the hearing examiner deems advisable.
(C) A hearing examiner shall be disqualified upon the hearing examiner filing an affidavit stating the reason for disqualification. A hearing examiner shall file a disqualification affidavit for either of the following reasons:
(D) Hearing examiners shall behave in the manner prescribed for judges generally in the "Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct."
(E) It shall not be deemed a violation of this rule if the director, in the performance of duties and functions other than decision-making in an adjudication proceeding, gathers information or expresses opinions on matters of fact or law that are the subject of any adjudication proceeding.