Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
[Comment: For dates and availability of non-regulatory
government publications, publications of recognized organizations and
associations, federal rules, and federal statutory provisions referenced in
this rule, see paragraph (AA) of rule
3745-31-01 of the Administrative
Code entitled, "referenced materials."]
(A) Development of model general permits.
The director may develop a model general permit for any
category of air contaminant sources, or specific portions of any category of
air contaminant sources, subject to the following conditions:
(1) A model general permit shall apply to the
(a) Processes producing the same or
similar products.
(b) Processes
emitting the same or similar air contaminants.
(c) Methods for capturing and controlling the
air contaminants that are the same or limited to a small number of specific
(d) Processes that
are subject to the same emission limitations, monitoring requirements, federal
standards, or state rules.
(2) A model general permit shall identify
criteria by which an air contaminant source may qualify for the associated
general permit and shall include terms and conditions under which the owner or
operator agrees to install and/or operate the permitted air contaminant source.
At a minimum, these terms and conditions shall include the following:
(a) Applicable emission limitations
control requirements.
(b) Any
necessary operational restrictions.
(c) Any necessary monitoring, reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Testing requirements.
The director shall provide an opportunity for public comment on the form and
content of a model general permit as follows:
(a) The director shall announce availability
for comment on draft model general permits under development containing the
requirements in paragraph (A)(2) of this rule, providing a minimum of thirty
days comment period.
The director shall publish notice in Ohio's major newspapers,
the Ohio environmental protection agency publication, "Weekly Review," on the
Ohio environmental protection agency website, and provide electronic
notification to interested parties.
(b) The director shall announce the final
form of model general permits that were under development by publishing notice
in Ohio's major newspapers, the "Weekly Review," on the Ohio environmental
protection agency website, and provide electronic notification to interested
(c) Final model general
permits are not actions of the director and are, therefore, not subject to
(4) Model general
permits shall be reviewed at least once every five years from the date of
announcement of the final form.
(a) The review
of the model general permit shall follow the same procedures for public comment
as the draft and final form of the model general permits under development
pursuant to paragraph (A)(3) of this rule.
(b) Any person may make a written request for
the Ohio environmental protection agency review of the model general permit
document prior to the Ohio environmental protection agency initiated review.
Upon receipt of the request, the Ohio environmental protection agency will
initiate the review procedure described in this rule.
(5) Only the director may modify model
general permits. Modifications to model general permits shall follow the same
procedures pursuant to paragraph (A)(3) of this rule, except administrative
modifications may occur without following the rules of procedure contained
within this chapter. Existing final general permits are not affected by changes
to the model general permit.
(B) General permit-to-install and general
PTIO applicability.
A general permit-to-install or general PTIO may be applied for
and obtained if all of the following apply:
(1) All of the qualifications and
requirements described in this chapter are met, except as noted in paragraph
(C)(2) of this rule.
(2) The air
contaminant source meets all of the qualifications listed in the requested
model general permit.
(3) The
requested air contaminant source are not affected sources under the acid rain
program unless otherwise provided in regulations promulgated under Title IV of
the Clean Air Act.
(4) The
requested air contaminant source is not part of a new major stationary source
or major modification subject to the attainment or nonattainment provisions
contained in rules
3745-31-10 to
3745-31-27 of the Administrative
(C) General permit
(1) Owners or operators of air
contaminant sources requesting a general permit-to-install or general PTIO
shall do so using the forms prepared by the Ohio environmental protection
agency. The application
shall include all information necessary to
determine qualification for, and to assure compliance with, the general
permit-to-install or general PTIO.
(2) The application submitted shall comply
with the requirements listed under rule
3745-31-04 of the Administrative
Code except that the director may provide, in the model general
permit-to-install or model general PTIO, for applications that deviate from the
requirements of rule
3745-31-04 of the Administrative
Code, provided that such application includes all information necessary to
determine qualification for, and assure compliance with, the general
permit-to-install or general PTIO.
(D) General permit processing.
The director may issue a general permit-to-install or general
PTIO for any model general permit developed in accordance with paragraph (A) of
this rule for a new air contaminant source or modification of an existing air
contaminant source as follows:
(1) The
director, at the director's discretion, shall issue either a draft action or a
final action within forty-five days of receipt of a complete application. The
director does not need to meet the forty-five day deadline for applications
from air contaminant sources that do not require authorization to construct
because the air contaminant source currently holds a permit covering the source
that would be covered under the general permit-to-install or general
(2) The director shall comply
with the procedures for notification under Chapter 3745-49 of the
Administrative Code prior to issuing a general permit-to-install or general
PTIO as follows:
(a) The director shall
provide notification of requests by owners or operators of an air contaminant
source to be covered under the terms of the general permit-to-install or
general PTIO. The director shall publish notice in a newspaper of general
circulation in each county in which the air contaminant source would be
constructed and provide electronic
notification to interested parties.
(b) The director shall maintain, and make
available to the public upon request, a list of all air contaminant source that
have obtained a general permit-to-install or general PTIO.
(3) The director may require any applicant
applying for a general permit-to-install or general PTIO to apply for and
obtain an individual permit if it is determined that unique site specific
circumstances warrant additional limitations or permit conditions to control or
mitigate environmental impacts that were not considered and addressed in the
development and issuance of the general permit-to-install or general
(4) Authorization to
construct under the general permit-to-install or general PTIO shall be granted
by the director in the form of a final permit action.
(5) If the model general permit that was the
basis of any final general permit-to-install or general PTIO has been changed
per the procedures in paragraph (A)(3) of this rule, then the director can
issue revised general permits-to-install or general PTIOs with prior notice to
the affected owner or operator following the issuance procedures defined in
paragraph (D)(2) of this rule.
(E) Start construction limitation.
The owner or operator of a new or modified air contaminant
source that qualifies for a general permit-to-install or general PTIO may not
begin actual construction of the new or modified air contaminant source until
the air contaminant source's owner or operator has been granted the
authorization required by the director under paragraph (D)(4) of this
(F) Modification or
replacement of equipment.
(1) If the owner or
operator of the air contaminant source covered by a general permit-to-install
or general PTIO wishes to replace the air contaminant source, then the owner or
shall apply for and obtain either a general
permit-to-install, general PTIO, individual permit-to-install, or an individual
PTIO prior to beginning actual construction.
(2) If the owner or operator of the air
contaminant source covered by a general permit-to-install or general PTIO
wishes to modify the air contaminant source (per rule
3745-31-01 of the Administrative
Code), then the owner or operator
shall apply for and obtain either a general
permit-to-install, general PTIO, individual permit-to-install, or individual
PTIO prior to beginning actual construction.
(3) If the owner or operator of the air
contaminant source covered by a general permit-to-install or general PTIO
wishes to administratively modify the air contaminant source, then the owner or
shall submit a request to the director, with
supporting documentation, for that request.
(G) A general PTIO shall be effective for a
period of time consistent with the requirements of division (F) of section
3704.03 of the Revised
(H) General permit
(1) Any owner or operator who was
issued a general permit-to-install or general PTIO may request to be excluded
from the coverage of the general permit-to-install or general PTIO by applying
for an individual permit, alternative general permit-to-install, or alternative
general PTIO. The owner or operator shall submit an application with reasons
supporting the request. If the director issues an individual permit,
alternative general permit-to-install, or alternative general PTIO, the applicability of the general permit-to-install
or general PTIO to the individual permittee is automatically terminated on the
effective date of the individual permit, alternative general permit-to-install,
or alternative general PTIO.
The director may revoke a general permit-to-install or general PTIO per rule
3745-31-07 of the Administrative
(I) Enforcement
action for failure to qualify or comply.
An air contaminant source's owner or operator who requests and
is granted authority to install under a general permit-to-install or general
PTIO shall be subject to enforcement action for installation without a permit
if the air contaminant source is later determined not to qualify for the
conditions and terms of the general permit-to-install or general PTIO.