Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3745 - Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Chapter 3745-266 - Disposal Standards
Section 3745-266-110 - Waiver of destruction and removal efficiency trial burn for boilers
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
Boilers that operate under the special requirements of this rule, and that do not burn hazardous waste containing (or derived from) EPA hazardous waste numbers F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, or F027, are considered to be in conformance with the destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) standard of paragraph (A) of rule 3745-266-104 of the Administrative Code, and a trial burn to demonstrate DRE is waived. When burning hazardous waste:
(A) A minimum of fifty per cent of fuel fired to the device must be fossil fuel, fuels derived from fossil fuel, tall oil, or, if approved by the director on a case-by-case basis, other nonhazardous fuel with combustion characteristics comparable to fossil fuel. Such fuels are termed "primary fuel" for purposes of this rule. (Tall oil is a fuel derived from vegetable and rosin fatty acids.) The fifty per cent primary fuel firing rate must be determined on a total heat or mass input basis, whichever results in the greater mass feed rate of primary fuel fired;
(B) Boiler load must not be less than forty per cent. Boiler load is the ratio at any time of the total heat input to the maximum design heat input;
(C) Primary fuels and hazardous waste fuels must have a minimum as-fired heating value of eight thousand Btu per pound, and each material fired in a burner where hazardous waste is fired must have a heating value of at least eight thousand Btu per pound, as-fired;
(D) The device must operate in conformance with the carbon monoxide standard provided by paragraph (B)(1) of rule 3745-266-104 of the Administrative Code. Boilers subject to the waiver of the DRE trial burn provided by this rule are not eligible for the alternative carbon monoxide standard provided by paragraph (C) of rule 3745-266-104 of the Administrative Code;
(E) The boiler must be a watertube type boiler that does not feed fuel using a stoker or stoker type mechanism; and
(F) The hazardous waste must be fired directly into the primary fuel flame zone of the combustion chamber with an air or steam atomization firing system, mechanical atomization system, or a rotary cup atomization system under the following conditions: