Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3745 - Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Chapter 3745-266 - Disposal Standards
Section 3745-266-108 - Small quantity on-site burner exemption
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Exempt quantities. Owners and operators of facilities that burn hazardous waste in an on-site boiler or industrial furnace are exempt from rules 3745-266-100 to 3745-266-112 of the Administrative Code provided that all of the following:
Table: Exempt Quantities for Small Quantity Burner Exemption
Terrain-adjusted effective stack height of device (meters) |
Allowable hazardous waste burning rate (gallons per month) |
0 to 3.9 |
0 |
4.0 to 5.9 |
13 |
6.0 to 7.9 |
18 |
8.0 to 9.9 |
27 |
10.0 to 11.9 |
40 |
12.0 to 13.9 |
48 |
14.0 to 15.9 |
59 |
16.0 to 17.9 |
69 |
18.0 to 19.9 |
76 |
20.0 to 21.9 |
84 |
22.0 to 23.9 |
93 |
24.0 to 25.9 |
100 |
26.0 to 27.9 |
110 |
28.0 to 29.9 |
130 |
30.0 to 34.9 |
140 |
35.0 to 39.9 |
170 |
40.0 to 44.9 |
210 |
45.0 to 49.9 |
260 |
50.0 to 54.9 |
330 |
55.0 to 59.9 |
400 |
60.0 to 64.9 |
490 |
65.0 to 69.9 |
610 |
70.0 to 74.9 |
680 |
75.0 to 79.9 |
760 |
80.0 to 84.9 |
850 |
85.0 to 89.9 |
960 |
90.0 to 94.9 |
1,100 |
95.0 to 99.9 |
1,200 |
100.0 to 104.9 |
1,300 |
105.0 to 109.9 |
1,500 |
110.0 to 114.9 |
1,700 |
115.0 or greater |
1,900 |
(B) Mixing with nonhazardous fuels. If hazardous waste fuel is mixed with a nonhazardous fuel, the quantity of hazardous waste before such mixing is used to comply with paragraph (A) of this rule.
(C) Multiple stacks. If an owner or operator burns hazardous waste in more than one on-site boiler or industrial furnace exempt under this rule, the quantity limits provided by paragraph (A)(1) of this rule are implemented according to the following equation:
n = the number of stacks
Actual Quantity Burned = the waste quantity burned per month in device "i"
Allowable Quantity Burned = the maximum allowable exempt quantity for stack "i" from the table in this rule
[Comment: Hazardous wastes that are subject to the generator category determination under rule 3745-52-13 of the Administrative Code may be burned in an off-site device under the exemption provided by this rule, but shall be included in the quantity determination for the exemption.]
(D) Notification requirements. The owner or operator of facilities qualifying for the small quantity burner exemption under this rule shall provide a one-time signed, written notice to Ohio EPA that indicates all of the following:
(E) Recordkeeping requirements. The owner or operator shall maintain at the facility for at least three years sufficient records documenting compliance with the hazardous waste quantity, firing rate, and heating value limits of this rule. At a minimum, these records shall indicate the quantity of hazardous waste and other fuel burned in each unit per calendar month, and the heating value of the hazardous waste.