Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3745 - Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Chapter 3745-18 - Sulfur Dioxide Regulations
Section 3745-18-24 - Cuyahoga county emission limits
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) No owner or operator of any coal-fired steam generating unit greater than three hundred fifty MM Btu actual heat input in Cuyahoga county, unless otherwise specified in this rule, shall cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from any source to exceed a maximum of 1.2 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input.
(B) No owner or operator of any coal-fired steam generating unit between ten MM Btu per hour and three hundred fifty MM Btu per hour in Cuyahoga county, unless otherwise specified in this rule, shall cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from any source to exceed the following equation:
EL = 7.014 Qm- 0.3014
where Qm is the total rated capacity of heat input in MM Btu per hour and EL is the allowable emission rate in pounds of sulfur dioxide per Btu actual heat input.
(C) [Reserved.]
(D) [Reserved.]
(E) [Reserved.]
(F) [Reserved.]
(G) [Reserved.]
(H) The "Cleveland Thermal, LLC" (OEPA premise number 1318000246) or any subsequent owner or operator of the "Cleveland Thermal, LLC, 1921 Hamilton Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio" shall not cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from boiler number 1 (OEPA source number B001) to exceed a maximum of 1.0 pound of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input from the boiler.
(I) [Reserved.]
(J) [Reserved.]
(K) [Reserved.]
(L) [Reserved.]
(M) The "NASA John H. Glenn Research Center - Lewis Field" (OEPA premise number 1318001169) or any subsequent owner or operator of the "NASA John H. Glenn Research Center - Lewis Field, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, Ohio" shall not cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from the following sources to exceed the amount indicated:
(N) [Reserved.]
(O) The "ArcelorMittal Cleveland LLC" (OEPA premise number 1318001613) or any subsequent owner or operator of the "ArcelorMittal Cleveland LLC, 3060 Eggers Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio" shall not cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from the following sources to exceed the maximum amounts indicated, and shall limit the operation of said sources such that the indicated average sulfur dioxide emission rates are not exceeded for any calendar day:
(P) [Reserved.]
(Q) [Reserved.]
(R) [Reserved.]
(S) [Reserved.]
(T) [Reserved]
(U) [Reserved.]
(V) [Reserved.]
(W) [Reserved.]
(X) [Reserved.]
(Y) [Reserved.]
(Z) [Reserved.]
(AA) [Reserved.]
(BB) [Reserved.]
(CC) The " Consumer Lighting (U.S.) LLC - Nela Park" (OEPA premise number 1318182623) or any subsequent owner or operator of the "Consumer Lighting (U.S.) LLC - Nela Park, 1975 Noble Road, Cleveland, Ohio" shall not cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from boiler numbers 1 and 4 (OEPA source numbers B001 and B004) to exceed a maximum of 1.6 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input from each boiler.