Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
[Comment: For dates of non-regulatory
government publications, publications of recognized organizations and
associations, federal rules, and federal statutory provisions referenced in
this rule, see paragraph (C) of rule 3745-107-01 of the Administrative
Any owner or operator of an EGU subject
to this chapter shall submit the following to the director in accordance with
the schedules specified in rule 3745-107-03 of the Administrative
EGU-specific current and anticipated future operational
characteristics including, at a minimum, the following:
Current electric
generation capacity and capacity factors.
Hourly and annual
carbon dioxide emissions for the most recent five-year period if such data were
not reported to U.S. EPA's clean air markets division.
A description of
the operating conditions of the EGU for the most recent five-year period,
including load, heat input and any current or projected changes in operation
that were considered when establishing the standard of
A summary of anticipated future operational
characteristics through the year 2035 or through the end of the remaining
useful life, where applicable, including, at a minimum, the following:
Future annual
generation, capacity, and capacity factors.
Annual carbon
dioxide emissions.
Fuel use, fuel prices, and fuel carbon
Fixed and variable operations and maintenance
generation capacity and capacity factors.
Current and
projected wholesale electricity prices through year 2035.
For EGUs with
complex or shared stacks, a detailed description of the methodologies,
including formulas and measurement techniques that will be utilized to
disaggregate the emissions, generation, and heat rates of the individual
An EGU specific evaluation of the applicability of each
individual HRI measure identified in Table 1 of
40 CFR
60.5740a, including, at a minimum, the
The recommended baseline date or period from which the HRI
will be measured including a sufficient explanation for why the proposed
baseline date or period is appropriate for the EGU. Identify if startup,
shutdown and malfunction events are included or excluded from the HRI analysis
and standard of performance. When applicable, include sufficient explanation as
to how the baseline heat rate will be corrected for these
Evaluation of the technical feasibility of the
installation or implementation of each HRI measure.
Evaluation of the
estimated per cent HRI achievable by the installation or implementation of each
HRI measure. Provide sufficient explanation in cases where site-specific
factors may lead to the per cent HRI achievable falling outside of the ranges
identified in Table 1 of
40 CFR
Evaluation of the
estimated cost of each HRI measure including the following:
The anticipated
initial capital cost of installation or implementation.
The anticipated
operational and maintenance costs.
sufficient explanation in cases where site specific factors may lead to the
anticipated cost of the HRI measure being outside the ranges identified in
Table 2 of 84 FR 32520.
Include an
evaluation of the repeatability of HRI measures previously implemented. Where a
measure is determined to not be repeatable, provide sufficient
An evaluation of the estimated HRI achievable for each
individual EGU when all feasible HRI measures are applied, including the
expected cumulative HRI achievable. Where applicable, provide sufficient
explanation where individual expected HRIs were determined to not be
The recommended standard or standards of performance
including, at a minimum, the following:
Expression of
the form of the standard of performance as an emission performance rate
relating mass of carbon dioxide emitted per unit of electricity generated (e.g.
pounds of carbon dioxide emitted per MWh).
Identification as
to whether the emission rate is expressed as a net output-based standard or as
a gross output-based standard. If expressed as a gross output-based standard,
include a demonstration on how emission reductions achieved through HRI
measures that only affect the net energy output are accounted
Sufficient explanation where more than one emissions
performance rate is recommended.
Consideration of
the applicability of each of HRI measure and associated degree of emission
limitation individually and cumulatively expected at the individual EGU.
Include a demonstration on how each HRI measure was considered and each
associated degree of emission limitation when calculating each standard of
With sufficient explanation, other factors, including
remaining useful life, may be considered in applying a standard of performance
to an EGU provided that the owner or operator demonstrates any of the
Unreasonable cost of control due to unit age, location, or
basic process design.
Physical impossibility of installing necessary control
Other factors specific to the EGU that make application
of a less stringent standard more reasonable. For example, unreasonable cost of
control due to the likelihood of initiating a prevention of significant
deterioration review, or when an HRI measure was recently installed and
therefore reapplication of the same technology is not reasonable.
If remaining useful life is considered
as a factor, provide the retirement date of the affected unit which will become
an enforceable requirement.
Proposed method
for monitoring, record keeping and reporting in accordance with rule
3745-107-04 of the Administrative Code.
compliance schedule in accordance with rule 3745-107-03 of the Administrative
Code. Include a detailed timeline for the installation or implementation of the
HRI measures, including an evaluation of the feasibility of installing or
implementing the HRI measures simultaneously with other HRI
Include materials supporting calculations for each
standard of performance and any other materials necessary to support evaluation
of the owner or operator's submittal of the requirements contained within this
chapter by the director.