Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3701 - Department of Health - Administration and Director
Chapter 3701-17 - Nursing Homes
Section 3701-17-11 - Infection control; tuberculosis control plan
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Each nursing home shall establish and implement appropriate written policies and procedures to assure a safe, sanitary and comfortable environment for residents and to control the development and transmission of infections and diseases. Each nursing home shall establish an infection control program to monitor compliance with home's infection control policies and procedures, to investigate, control and prevent infections in the home, and to institute appropriate interventions. The home shall designate an appropriate licensed health professional with competency in infection control to serve as the infection control coordinator.
(B) Each nursing home shall develop and follow a tuberculosis control plan that is based on the home's assessment of the facility. The control and assessment shall be consistent with the United States centers for disease control and prevention "Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of My cobacterium tuberculosis in Health Care Settings, 2005," MMWR 2005, Volume 54, No. RR-17. The home shall retain documentation evidencing compliance with this paragraph and shall furnish such documentation to the director upon request.
(C) If any resident, or individual used by the nursing home, exhibits signs and symptoms of a disease listed in rule 3701-3-02 of the Administrative Code, the nursing home shall ensure that appropriate interventions and follow-up are implemented and shall make reports to the appropriate local public health authority as required by law.
(D) Each nursing home shall use appropriate infection control precautions in caring for all residents. At minimum, individuals working in a nursing home shall:
For the purposes of paragraph (C) of this rule, "body substance" means blood, semen, saliva, vaginal secretions, feces, urine, wound drainage, emesis and any other secretion or excretion of the human body except tears and perspiration.
(E) In addition to following the standard precautions required by paragraph (C) of this rule, nursing homes shall follow the current guidelines for isolation requirements issued by the United States centers for disease control and prevention when caring for a resident known or suspected to be infected with a disease listed in paragraph (A) of rule 3701-3-02 of the Administrative Code. The nursing home shall develop and follow a tuberculosis control plan, based on a facility assessment, which is consistent with current guidelines issued by the centers for disease control and prevention.
(F) The nursing home shall keep clean and soiled laundry separate. Soiled laundry shall be handled as little as possible. Laundry that is wet or soiled with body substances, as defined in paragraph (C) of this rule, shall be placed in impervious bags which are secured to prevent spillage. Individuals performing laundry services shall wear impervious gloves and an impervious gown. Individuals handling soiled or wet laundry on the unit shall wear gloves and, if appropriate, other personal protective equipment. The home shall use laundry cycles according to the washer and detergent manufacturers' recommendations. Protective clothing shall be removed before handling clean laundry.
(G) If the nursing home provides an adult day care program which is located, or shares space, within the same building as the nursing home, shares staff between the program and the home, or where the day care participants at any time intermingle with residents of the home, the requirements of this rule are also applicable to participants of the adult day care program.
Effective: 12/8/2014
Five Year
Review (FYR) Dates: 10/01/2016
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority:
Rule Amplifies: 3721.04
Prior Effective Dates:
11/15/1976, 9/30/88, 12/21/92, 10/20/01;