Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3701 - Department of Health - Administration and Director
Chapter 3701-17 - Nursing Homes
Section 3701-17-07 - Qualifications and health of personnel
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Every nursing home administrator shall be licensed pursuant to Chapter 4751. of the Revised Code, unless specifically exempted from licensing under that chapter.
(B) No person with a disease which may be transmitted in the performance of the person's job responsibilities shall work in a nursing home during the stage of communicability unless the person is given duties that minimize the likelihood of transmission and follows infection control precautions and procedures.
(C) No person shall work in a nursing home under either of the following circumstances:
(D) No individual shall work in a nursing home in any capacity for ten or more hours in any thirty-day period unless the individual has been examined within thirty days before commencing work, or on the first day of work, by a physician or other licensed health professional acting within their applicable scope of practice and certified as medically capable of performing his or her prescribed duties. Operators shall retain documentation evidencing compliance with this paragraph and shall furnish such documentation to the director upon request. This paragraph does not apply to volunteers.
(E) Employees of temporary employment services or, to the extent applicable, paid consultants working in a nursing home, shall have medical examinations in accordance with paragraph (D) of this rule, except that a new medical certification is not required for each new assignment. Each nursing home in which such an individual works shall obtain verification of the medical certification result, as applicable, from the employment agency or consultant before the individual begins work and shall maintain this documentation on file.
(F) Individuals used by an adult day care program provided by and on the same site as the nursing home shall have medical examinations in accordance with paragraph (D) of this rule if the adult day care program is located or shares space within the same building as the nursing home or if there is a sharing of staff between the nursing home and adult day care program.
(G) The individual required by paragraph (A) of rule 3701-17-09 of the Administrative Code to direct the activities program shall meet one of the following qualifications:
(H) A food service manager designated pursuant to paragraph (K) of rule 3701-17-18 of the Administrative Code who has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall obtain the level two certification in food protection according to rule 3701-21-25 of the Administrative Code.
(I) All individuals used by the nursing home who function in a professional capacity shall meet the standards applicable to that profession, including but not limited to, possessing a current Ohio license, registration, or certification, if required by law.
(J) The operator or administrator shall ensure that each staff member, consultant and volunteer used by the nursing home receives orientation and training to the extent necessary to perform their job responsibilities prior to commencing such job responsibilities independently. The orientation and training shall include appropriate orientation and training about residents rights, person-centered care, the physical layout of the nursing home, the applicable job responsibilities, the home's policies and procedures applicable to assuring safe and appropriate resident care, emergency assistance procedures, and the disaster preparedness plan.
(K) No nursing home shall employ a person who applies for a position that involves the provision of direct care to an older adult, if the person: