Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(1)The Ohio higher educational facility commission shall
organize for the conduct of business at its annual meeting by electing from its
membership a vice chair and a secretary. The chair shall be the member of the
commission designated as such by the governor of Ohio.
The headquarters
of the commission shall be located in Columbus, Ohio.
(1)The annual meeting of the commission shall be held in July
of each year or in any other month as may be designated from time to time by
the commission at a time determined by the chair. Additional meetings may be
called by action of the commission or upon call by the chair or vice
Members shall be given at least three days advance
written notice of all meetings by regular mail or by electronic means. Such
notice shall be deemed given either when deposited in the United States mail in
a postage pre-paid envelope addressed to each member as it appears on the
records of the commission or when sent and received electronically to the
e-mail or such address as it appears on the records of the
Meetings may be held at any location in the
Official business shall be transacted only in meetings
open to the public.
Together with the advance notice of meetings, members
shall be given an agenda of each meeting by the chair, or the vice chair or the
secretary, provided, however, that any business may be considered or acted upon
whether or not set forth in said agenda.
A majority of the
entire membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and
the approval of a majority of the entire membership shall be necessary to
undertake any act of the commission.
Any meeting of
the commission, whether or not a quorum is present, may be adjourned by the
member (if only one member is present) or a majority of those members present
at such meeting to a stated time and place, without necessity for further
notice. A reasonable effort shall be made to inform absent members of the time
and place of such adjourned meeting, but this requirement shall not in any way
affect the ability of the majority of the commission to act at such adjourned
meeting on any matter coming before the commission at such
Except as otherwise provided by rule or other action of
the commission, all proceedings shall be governed by parliamentary rules as set
forth in Robert's Rules of Order.
Order of
The following shall be the order of
business for meetings:
call to order,
approval of rules or other matters for the conduct of
old business,
The commission shall keep the minutes
of each meeting of the commission, which shall contain a record of all actions
taken by vote of the commission and such other matters as the commission may
from time to time determine. Each member shall receive a copy of the
Officers Chair.
(1)The chair shall:
preside at all meetings of the commission; decide all questions of order at
such meetings; perform all duties conferred upon such officer by the laws of
the state of Ohio; and perform such other duties as the rules of the commission
may prescribe or as may be, from time to time, authorized by the
Vice chair. The vice chair, in the absence or
incapacity of the chair, shall for the time being be invested with the powers
and discharge the duties of the chair; and the vice chair shall perform such
other duties as the rules of the commission may prescribe or as may be, from
time to time, authorized by the commission.
Secretary. The
secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the commission; shall be the
custodian of any seal of the commission and of all records, books, deeds,
contracts, documents and papers of the commission; shall give notice (or shall
provide that notice be given) to the members of the commission of all meetings
of the commission in conformity with the rules and regulations and shall
perform all duties conferred upon such officer by the laws of the state of Ohio
and such other duties as the rules of the commission may prescribe or as may
be, from time to time, authorized by the commission.
The commission
may authorize such standing or special committees as it may deem desirable from
time to time. The chair shall designate the members of such
The commission may authorize the appointment of
advisory committees from time to time.
Within ninety days after the close of
each fiscal year, the commission shall transmit an annual report of its
activities for the preceding fiscal year to the governor of the state of Ohio
together with the filing of copies thereof with the clerk of each house of the
Ohio general assembly.
These rules may be amended at any time
by a majority vote of the entire membership of the
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates:
Statutory Authority:
Rule Amplifies: