Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
The board of trustees' duties and
responsibilities are based on authority found in Chapter 3358. of the Revised
Code. The board of trustees shall consist of nine qualified electors residing
within Washington and Morgan counties.
Trustees are
appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Ohio
The term of office for each trustee shall be six
If there is a vacancy, such vacancy shall be filled by
the governor with the advice and consent of the Ohio senate.
No new trustee
may be appointed who is a member of any board of education.
Duties and Responsibilities.
The board members have authority only
when acting as a board of trustees legally in session with the powers granted
in Chapter 3358. of the Revised Code. No member or employee of the board of
trustees shall have the power to act in the name of the board outside of board
meetings unless authorized to do so by the board of trustees.
It will be the duty of the board of
trustees to;
Represent the people of the entire Washington-Morgan
state community college district in providing community college programs that
best serve the needs of the citizens within the limits of the
Attend all regular & special board meetings. If a
board member fails to attend at least 3/5th of meetings in any two-year period,
his position on the board shall be forfeited;
Trustees shall
not deliberate, vote or otherwise involve themselves in a college contract or
other official action when the Trustees have interests, financial or fiduciary
that are prohibited under section
102.03 of the Revised Code.
Trustees having prohibited interests under section
102.03 of the Revised Code shall
disclose that such prohibited interests exist to the secretary or chair of the
board and shall abstain from any deliberations or votes on that contract or
official action;
Establish policies, procedures, rules, and regulations
for its own governance and for control and governance of the Washington-Morgan
state community college district;
Select and
appoint a president of the community college and conduct annual performance
evaluations of the president;
Review and
approve the recommendations of the president regarding the appointment of full
time faculty, strategic team, administrators, and professional staff positions
and the establishment of salary and personnel policies;
Elect a
treasurer, who is not a member of the board, to serve at its
Review and approve financial matters including the
annual budget, capital expenditures relative to facilities or major repairs,
modifications and replacement to established facilities;
Review and
approve areas of curriculum;
schedules of fees and tuition for state residents and out-of-state
Authorize persons to sign payroll and operating
Grant appropriate associate degrees to students
successfully completing the community college programs and certificates of
achievement to those students who complete other programs;
Keep the people
of the Washington state community college district intelligently informed of
the purpose, value, and condition, of program and course offerings of the state
community college;
Conduct a board self-evaluation no less than
bi-annually on odd numbered years, at the first regular meeting of each
calendar year for the purpose of monitoring and discussing board processes and
Each calendar year, a board annual calendar shall be
developed. The board annual calendar shall be established in the month of
November and brought before the board for approval at the December meeting and
posted on the college's website. The calendar may be updated periodically at
the discretion of the board.