Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
Policy statement. The university is committed to
employment practices that promote the health and welfare of its employees.
Through its various fringe benefits packages, it offers employees incentives to
pursue additional education, to take advantage of events, activities and
performances offered, and to otherwise enhance each employee's standard of
Scope. This policy applies to full-time and part-time
excluded professional administrative employees, where applicable. For purposes
of this policy, "full-time employees" includes .75 full-time equivalent
excluded professional administrative employees. Academic department
chairpersons are excluded professional administrative employees, covered by
this policy. This policy does not apply to intermittent
University employees are eligible to be granted
remission of instructional and general fees at the university, including
out-of-state fees, where applicable. Dependent children and spouses are
eligible to be granted remission of instructional fees at the university,
including out-of-state instructional fees, where applicable. Children, for
purposes of this policy, are the biological children, legally adopted children,
stepchildren, or children for which the employee has been granted a legal
guardianship. Details of the fee remission program may be found at the benefits
section of the office of human resources website.
The employee will
be required to produce sufficient documentation as requested by the university,
such as copies of marriage licenses, birth certificates, and certificates of
adoption or legal guardianship to assist the university in determining that the
child or spouse is eligible for fee remission. Employees must also complete the
university's application in order to receive tuition remission.
Except for online
instruction provided by academic partnership or any successor, full-time
excluded professional administrative employees receive the following fee
Instructional and general fees remission for up to eighteen
semester hours per academic year and six semester hours each summer
Instructional fee remission for
Instructional fee remission for dependent children to
the end of the academic year during which the dependent child reaches age
Instructional fee remission for former employees who
are retired. Instructional fee remission is available for retirees' spouses,
and dependent children (to the end of the academic year during which the
dependent reaches age twenty-five).
children of a deceased employee are eligible for fee remission of instructional
fees until they reach the end of the academic year during which the dependent
child reaches age twenty-five.
A surviving
spouse of a deceased employee is eligible for remission of instructional fees
as long as the spouse remains unmarried. A stepchild of a deceased employee is
eligible for fee remission until the end of the academic year in which the
stepchild reached age twenty-five only as long as the surviving spouse of the
deceased employee remains unmarried.
Starting in the
fall semester of 2022, full-time employees, their spouses and their dependent
children shall pay for twenty per cent of the cost of online instruction
provided by academic partnership or any successor.
Except for online
instruction provided by academic partnership or any successor, a part-time
excluded professional administrative employee whose appointment equals at least
.5 FTE, but is less than .75 FTE, receives remission of one-half of the
instructional and general fees for up to six semester hours during the fiscal
year of employment. This formula for part-time employees also applies to
classes and noncredit continuing education. Spouses and dependents of part-time
employees are eligible for instructional fees based on the same formula,
pursuant to the parameters set forth in paragraph (C)(3) of this policy for the
spouses and dependents of full-time employees.
Fee remission is
available to eligible part-time and full-time employees enrolling in classes
bearing Youngstown state university credit, including classes audited. Fee
remission does not apply to the college credit plus program.
Enrollment in classes is restricted to times that do
not interfere with the performance of an employee's assigned duties and
responsibilities. Supervisors may make exceptions to this restriction provided
that there is no adverse impact on the operational needs of the work unit and
arrangements have been made for the employee to make up any missed work time.
An employee wishing to enroll in a university class that is offered during
normal work hours must initiate a discussion and obtain approval of the matter
from their appropriate department chairperson or department/unit supervisor
well in advance of the class registration period.
If the discussion
results in a decision that such enrollment will not interfere with the
performance of assigned duties and responsibilities, the employee may proceed
to register for the class. The employee and supervisor shall come to a written
understanding as to how the employee will attend class and work his/her
required number of hours.
Employees are required to complete an electronic
tuition remission application prior to taking advantage of the fee remission
benefit for each academic term. The tuition remission application is available
on the office of human resources website. For noncredit courses, eligible
employees are required to make an application using the enrollment form
provided by the college offering the course, in addition to the electronic
application process in advance of enrollment.
The office of
human resources will certify eligibility of the applicant and forward the
electronic application to the office of financial aid and scholarships for
Replaces: 3356-7-31