(1) Textbook and course materials
(a) A faculty member may select the
textbook(s) and instructional materials to be used in his/her courses unless
the faculty member teaches a multi-section or sequential course; in which case,
the department faculty who are involved in teaching the course(s) shall provide
for textbook selection. In multiple sections of sequential courses that are
also prerequisites to advanced courses in the sequence, uniform texts will be
(b) Faculty members shall
provide written notification regarding textbook and course material selection
to the department chair no later than seven calendar days prior to the date
established on the university calendar of operations as the textbook order due
date. This date shall be on or before the first day of class registration for
the term.
(c) A faculty member's
failure to provide textbook information pursuant to this policy shall result in
a default to the same textbook (including the same edition) and course
materials previously utilized by the faculty member in that course, if
available; or if not available, equivalent textbook and/or course material to
be used for the upcoming academic term shall be selected in consultation with
the faculty member.
(a) Cost should be an important
consideration when selecting textbooks and other course materials that students
are required to purchase. Faculty should consider whether the cost of their
adopted textbooks and other materials is suitable for their discipline and the
course subject. When textbooks and other materials are markedly different in
cost, but are comparable in content and quality, the university recommends that
faculty select the less costly option.
(b) The university recommends that faculty
select open educational resources when they are appropriate for the faculty
members' discipline and course content. Faculty need to notify the bookstore of
open education resources on or before the first day of class registration for
the term. Open educational resources are freely accessible, openly licensed
text, media and digital assets, which include but are not limited to college
textbooks and online supplements.
(3) Faculty recognize that self-authored
materials shall be used pursuant to university policy, rule
3356-7-18 of the Administrative Code, "Outside
consulting/employment services - faculty."