Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Policy statement. Upon accepting an
appointment to the faculty of Youngstown state university (university), a
tenure-track faculty member assumes
responsibilities for teaching, scholarship, and service. Participation in each
of these three activities is a component of a tenured/
tenure-track faculty member's total
responsibilities. Senior lecturers and lecturers have
primary responsibility in the area of teaching. Principal lecturers assume responsibilities for teaching and
To ensure the quality of teaching, scholarship, and service
relative to the academic mission of the university, college, and department,
all members of the faculty are expected to teach their classes competently,
engage in assessment and advising activities, keep current in their field of
specialization, actively engage in scholarly activities
related to their field, be an available resource to their students,
be active within the community, and participate
conscientiously on committees.
(B) Purpose. To establish parameters and
procedures for the determination and assignment of faculty workload hours which
are in compliance with section
3345.45 of the Revised Code and
consistent with the standards developed by the
Ohio department of higher
(C) This policy
applies to all faculty, including but not limited to tenured/
tenure-track faculty, principal lecturers, senior lecturers and lecturers,
who are assigned workload hours.
(D) Parameters.
(1) Full-time load is twenty-four workload
hours (
wh) per academic year for tenured/
tenure-track faculty. Workload in excess of
wh per
academic year (excluding summer session) will be eligible for overload
(2) Full-time load is
per academic year for principal lecturers, senior
lecturers and lecturers. Workload in excess of thirty
wh per
academic year (excluding summer session) will be eligible for overload
(3) One workload hour
will be assigned for one credit hour of instruction in a lecture
, practicum,
discussion, recitation, and seminar course. Workload may vary in cases
where courses are identified as
such but are taught as a conference course. All faculty are
expected to teach a minimum of one regularly scheduled course per semester,
unless approved for a semester leave.
(4) For courses other than those identified
in paragraph (D)(3) of this rule, including
independent study, variable credit hour classes, clinical placements, student
teaching, internships, laboratories, thesis and dissertation, and similar
courses, workload shall be calculated on the basis of student credit hours
(sch) and/or headcount, using a formula determined by the dean and approved by
the provost/vice president for academic affairs.
If completed during the
summer term, workload for
thesis, non-thesis, or dissertation projects
are paid per the OAA workload
policy at the established overload (not summer) rate.
following procedures are designed to assist
in workload recommendations
for non-instructional reassigned time.
The development of workload
recommendations for non-instructional reassigned time
shall be based on the approved written mission, goals, and objectives of
the department consistent with the mission, vision, and goals of the
(b) Work deemed
meaningful and impactful to the mission and vision of the university by the
dean and chair may be considered for
reassignment at the recommendation of the chair and subject to the
written approval of the dean and provost. Upon
completion of the assignment, the faculty member shall provide a report to the
chair, who along with the dean will review the outcomes of the assignment. The
chair will maintain written records of the proposal, its outcomes, and the
review within department files. In evaluating future requests for
non-instructional reassigned duties, the
provost, dean and chair shall take into
consideration the nature of the proposed work and any previous reports of
similar projects.
(E) Procedures.
(1) Academic department chairs, in
consultation with department faculty, shall
complete a recommended plan
, called the
"workload plan," detailing individual faculty workload to be assigned
for the
upcoming academic year. Anticipated teaching, scholarship, and service
shall be included. This
shall be completed by May first preceding the upcoming academic
(2) The dean will
review and approve in writing the chairperson's recommended
workload plan for individual faculty workload.
Prior to approval, the dean may return proposed
workload plans
for modification and/or clarification. Once approved, the dean will forward
departmental workload recommendations to the office of academic affairs. The
provost may return departmental recommendations to the dean for modification
and/or clarification.
(3) In cases
where the approved plan changes and results in overload and/or changes to
non-instructional reassigned duties, a revised plan
must be submitted for approval to the dean and forwarded to the office of
academic affairs.
(4) Faculty
members are required to submit the final report, called the "workload report,"
detailing actual teaching, scholarship and service activities from the current
academic year by the end of the relevant spring semester. The final report is
reviewed and approved by the chair and dean prior to being forwarded to the
office of academic affairs.
(F) Administrative right. The determination,
assignment, and approval of workload hours for teaching, scholarship, and
service are reserved administrative rights.