Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
Policy statement.
Youngstown state university ("university") encourages the development and
dissemination of intellectual property that benefit the public, the university
and its faculty, staff, and students. Research and scholarship are encouraged
through an appropriate allocation of intellectual property rights between the
creator and the university. An employee's or student's rights to copyrightable
materials shall be governed by the applicable provisions of state and federal
law. For all other intellectual property not governed by the copyright
protection laws, the applicable state and federal laws shall govern the
employee, student, university and external entity rights to such property. The
president and the provost or director of research services are specifically
designated to serve as authorized institutional officials with the right to
approve licensing and royalty agreements with entities entering into a
contractual or grant relationship for research and development activities to be
carried out by the university.
Purpose. To
establish rules regarding the ownership, distribution, and commercialization of
intellectual property created by university faculty, staff, and
"Commercialization" includes, but is not limited to, the
creation, protection, marketing, or licensing of intellectual property,
manufacturing of a product based on a license of intellectual property, or the
sale of technology based on a license of intellectual property.
"Copyright/copyrightable" means that bundle of rights that
protect original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of
expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived,
reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a
machine or device that may be protectable under the copyright laws of the
United States or foreign country.
Education" means the process that culminates in the acquisition of knowledge
and skills through mediated information and instruction, encompassing all
technologies and other forms of learning at a distance. The planned learning
process normally occurs in a different place from teaching and as a result
requires special techniques of course design, special instructional techniques,
special methods of communication by electronic and other technology, as well as
special organizational and administrative arrangements, including web-based,
web-centric, hybrid and video conferencing.
property" includes inventions, discoveries, works of authorship and/or other
creative works that may be subject to protection under federal or state patent,
copyright, trademark and/or trade secret laws arising from or related to the
works or efforts of faculty, staff and students.
"Invention" is
any discovery, product, process, machine, composition of matter and/or
improvements which may be patentable.
"Joint Efforts"
are projects in which the faculty member and the university knowingly and
voluntarily enter into a written agreement, including a sponsored project, as
part of the fulfillment of the faculty member's normal duties and
responsibilities. The signing of a specific contract with YSU for the
subsidized research cannot be a stipulated condition of
"Patent/patentable" means that bundle of rights that
protect inventions or discoveries, which constitute any new and useful process,
machine manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful
improvement thereof that may be patentable under the patent laws of the United
States or foreign country.
"Trade secret" is
any information that (a) derives economic value from not being readily known or
available to others and (b) is protected from disclosure by reasonable
"Works for Hire" includes works prepared by an employee
as a specific responsibility of the position for which the employee is hired,
works specifically commissioned or ordered by the university for which a
written agreement specifying copyright or ownership has been executed prior to
the completion of the work, works created under a sponsorship/contractual
agreement with copyright provisions defined, and other work created through a
direct and significant allocation of university resources to a specified
project. Note: A faculty member's general obligation to produce scholarly works
does not constitute a specific responsibility as included in this
"Works of Authorship" such works include, but are not
limited to, the following: literary, musical, dramatic, audiovisual,
architectural, pictorial, graphic and sculptural works and sound recordings.
Computer software are works of authorship to the extent they are protected by
the federal copyright laws.
Section 3345.14 of the Revised Code
provides that all rights to discoveries, inventions, or patents that result
from research or investigation conducted in any facility of a state university
are the sole property of the university. The board of trustees may assign,
license, transfer, or sell these rights as the board deems
The provost or director of research services are
responsible for administering intellectual property procedures as described in
the "Handbook on Ownership of Intellectual Property" and for procedures for the
allocation of income from intellectual property. Any faculty member, employee,
or student who creates intellectual property that can be patented under
applicable federal laws must disclose that information to the provost or
director of research services according to the procedures described in the
"Handbook on Ownership of Intellectual Property."
As part of the
duties of the provost or director of research services, and as authorized
institutional officials for grants and sponsored programs, those individuals
may agree to assignment of intellectual property to the funding agency,
provided that such assignment is appropriate to the project and maintains
university rights to all or an equitable portion of royalties that may be
generated by the project as permitted under the applicable guidelines of the
particular funding agency. Externally sponsored research is always between the
sponsor, as grantor, and the university, as grantee. Therefore, the university
exercises intellectual property ownership over all intellectual property
resulting from sponsored program support. No employee, other than an authorized
institutional official, may sign on behalf of the university for any sponsored
program, licensing, or related agreement.
The university
general counsel advises the provost or director of research services regarding
the ownership of intellectual property and the distribution of income derived
from the intellectual property in conjunction with the procedures described in
the "Handbook on Ownership of Intellectual Property" and current collective
bargaining agreements.
Intellectual property privately created, made or originated by a faculty
member, employee, or student without the use of university facilities shall be
the sole and exclusive property of the creator(s), except as he or she may
voluntarily choose to transfer such property, in full or in
"University-owned." The university shall own the
intellectual property in the following circumstances:
Any work prepared
by a faculty member, employee, or student that meets the definition of section
3345.14 of the Revised Code or
paragraph (C)(9) of this policy, "Works for Hire," including distance education
courses. However, the university hereby grants the faculty member or employee a
nonexclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license to use works created as course
materials for teaching and education purposes in the event they are no longer
employed by the university.
The university
expressly directs a faculty member, employee, or student to create a specified
work or the work is created as a specific requirement of employment or a
credit-bearing course or as an assigned institutional duty that may, for
example, be included in a written job description or an employment
The faculty member, employee, or student has
voluntarily transferred the intellectual property, in whole or in part, to the
institution. Such transfer shall be in the form of a written document signed by
the transferring individual.
The faculty
member, employee, external entity, or student has contributed to a "Joint
Effort." Absent specific agreement for the ownership of intellectual property
resulting from a sponsored program supported by an external entity, the
intellectual property will be the property of the university.
Unless agreed in
writing, otherwise, all intellectual property developed by students shall be
the property of the university.
Distribution of
royalties/income. All net income and royalties received as a result of
university ownership of intellectual property will be distributed according to
the current collective bargaining agreements and/or other contractual
agreements with external organizations acting on behalf of the
Replaces: 3356-10-18