Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3356 - Youngstown State University
Chapter 3356-10 - Policies on Admission, Retention, and Graduation standards
Section 3356-10-07 - Organization of instruction
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Policy statement. In order to fulfill its mission and strategic goals, Youngstown state university (university) establishes and recognizes the primary academic structure of departments, schools, and colleges. The faculty affiliated with an academic department and associated with a school or college delivers instruction at Youngstown state university. The university may establish secondary academic constructs such as institutes, programs, or centers in order to facilitate the mission of the university, its departments, schools and colleges.
(B) Procedures. The university's organization of instruction may be established, altered, or abolished by the president upon the recommendation of the provost/vice president for academic affairs and approval of the board of trustees. The establishment of partnerships, centers, and related arrangements between the university and public and private entities is addressed pursuant to rule 3356-10-22 of the Administrative Code (see university policy 3356-10-22, "Partnerships, centers, and related arrangements").
(C) The university's organization of instruction can be viewed on the office of academic affairs website.