Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Policy
statement. While the president has overall responsibility for the management of
the university, the responsibility for decisions regarding hiring priorities
and the employment of faculty are delegated to the provost/vice-president for
academic affairs. All faculty personnel decisions shall be consistent with
applicable legal requirements and university policies and procedures. Personnel
actions will become effective upon approval by the board of trustees.
(B) Parameters.
(1) Recruitment to fill faculty positions
shall be authorized by the provost/vice president for academic affairs. Faculty
degree and credentials requirements should comply with higher learning
commission (HLC) expectations.
(2) Recruitment activities must conform to
the university's equal opportunity and affirmative action procedures pursuant
to rule 3356-2-02 of the Administrative
Code ( university policy 33562-02,
"Equal opportunity and affirmative action recruitment and employment"). The
executive director of equal opportunity may
require additional search postings and/or processes pursuant to rule
3356-2-02 of the Administrative
(3) Faculty are designated as
having either full-time or part-time status. Part-time faculty supplement
full-time faculty to meet departmental instructional needs. Only full-time
tenure track faculty (probationary or degree completion) are eligible to apply
for tenure.
(4) The official offer
of employment for full-time faculty is made by the provost/vice president for
academic affairs upon the recommendation of the college dean, the chairperson
of the department, and the office of human resources.
(5) The chief human resources officer will
submit a summary of all full-time faculty appointments to the board of trustees
at the next regularly scheduled meeting for approval. Offers of employment for
full-time faculty shall be contingent upon approval by the board of trustees;
however, faculty may begin employment prior to the approval by the board of
(6) Each full-time
faculty member will be assigned a home department, which shall be that
department in which the majority of the person's time is budgeted. In cases
where the time assignment is evenly distributed, the home department shall be
the department where the person holds academic rank.
(7) Except for department chairpersons (who
are excluded from the bargaining unit), the types of contracts and terms and
conditions of employment of full-time faculty are outlined in the "Agreement
between Youngstown State University and Youngstown State University Chapter of
the Ohio Education Association."
(8) Faculty responsibilities of departmental
chairpersons are described in the "Department Chair Handbook" found on the office of academic affairs
(9) Part-time
faculty members are appointed by the appropriate college dean upon the
recommendation of the department chairperson and subject to review by the
provost/vice president for academic affairs. Such appointments are for one
academic term or a portion thereof. For purposes of compliance with the Revised
Code and the state constitution regarding the hiring and the appointment of
employees, including part-time faculty, the board of trustees designates the
provost/vice president for academic affairs as the hiring authority for
part-time faculty. The provost/vice president for academic affairs will ensure
that the board of trustees receive information basis regarding the use of part-time faculty on an annual
(10) Part-time faculty
members may teach up to
workload hours each fall or spring semester and up to eighteen workload hours
per academic year.
To go beyond these limits, the department
chairperson must request a written waiver from the
provost/ vice president for academic
affairs using the "Part Time Faculty Workload Waiver Request" found on the
office of academic affairs website. The
provost/vice president
for academic affairs, or designee, will grant a waiver when it is in the
best interest of the university.
(11) Part-time faculty
members are paid on the basis of workload hours
taught and highest earned degree held. The rate of pay is identified in the
university's annual operating budget which is approved by the board of
After consultation with the dean, the decision to have
a part-time faculty member teach multiple sections of a course within one
section (also referred to as stacking courses) and employ a virtual assistant
(VA) will be at the discretion of the department chairperson who oversees the
course. The department chairperson will share their decision with the part-time
faculty member prior to the course beginning. Part-time faculty members will be
eligible for virtual assistant related compensation as supplemental pay in the
same manner as full-time faculty members.
All part-time
faculty members must be entered as an active employee in the banner system
before commencing instruction in the classroom. To be considered an active
employee, the individual must complete the entire hiring process with the
office of human resources, be approved through the HLC credentialing process
with the office of academic affairs and be listed as the instructor of record
in the schedule of classes.
If the individual is not yet classified
as an active employee by the first day of classes, a temporary replacement must
be assigned to the course(s) until the process is completed. The replacement
must be the college dean, department chairperson, a qualified full-time faculty
member, or a part-time faculty member who has been approved through the HLC
credentialing process. The department chairperson will be responsible for
communicating with the office of human resources and the office of academic
affairs as to whom has been assigned as the temporary replacement(s) and
ensuring that new faculty members do not begin teaching until the entire
process is completed.
(14) Procedures,
benefits, and other matters affecting part-time faculty members are found in the "Part-time Faculty Manual"
found on the office of academic affairs
(15) Cross-reference.
For information about faculty with graduate status, see rule
3356-10-02 of the Administrative
Code ( university policy
3356-10-02, "Graduate faculty"). For information about adjunct faculty, see
rule 3356-10-09 of the Administrative
Code ( university policy
3356-10-09, "Adjunct faculty").