Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3354:1 - Cuyahoga Community College
Chapter 3354:1-30 - Policies on Student Academics and Behavior
Section 3354:1-30-07 - Tenure policy
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Tenure is awarded in recognition of faculty competence to the college's instructional faculty, counselors and librarians. Tenure, by tradition, is evidence of an academic institution's support of academic freedom and the professional responsibility of the individual to whom tenure is awarded.
(B) Tenure, the continuous appointment to employment, awarded by the board of trustees in recognition of faculty competence, is the college's most effective means for establishing a climate of academic freedom and professional responsibility.
(C) All tenure-track faculty shall become eligible for tenure after five years of service to the college during which they have served over fifty per cent of their annual contractual time in a teaching capacity. Teaching capacity is defined by the college as: classroom instruction, college librarian, or counseling. Additionally, in order to be granted tenure, tenure-track faculty must meet the criteria governing eligibility for the rank of assistant professor. Further, in order to be granted tenure, tenure-track faculty must have demonstrated teaching ability, creative achievement, academic integrity, and professional service to the college. Once awarded, tenure shall be continuous until the retirement of the faculty member or the termination of the individual's contract.
(D) Should a faculty member be denied tenure at the time of eligibility, the college shall provide the member with written reasons for the denial.
(E) A tenured faculty member may be terminated due to retrenchment or just cause.
(F) The executive vice president for academic and student affairs, using appropriate governance guidelines, is authorized to develop and implement procedures necessary to carry out this policy.
Replaces: 3354:1-30-07