Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 16, 2024
University senate is the primary
university governance body where students, faculty, staff, and administrators
debate university issues and reach conclusions on the policies and actions to
be taken by the institution. It is the legislative body of the university in
matters involving educational programs, requirements, and standards; faculty
welfare; and student conduct. The board of trustees delegates to university
senate primary responsibility for curriculum, programs, and course offerings
and advisory responsibility on all matters related to Miami
Faculty assembly is comprised of all
members of the faculty who hold tenure or a tenure-track position; all
librarians who hold the rank of assistant librarian, associate librarian, or
principal librarian; and all members of the faculty who hold the rank of
lecturer (including the senior rank) or clinical/ professionally licensed
faculty (including the senior rank) (lecturers and clinical/ professionally
licensed faculty are members of the faculty assembly for the purpose of
qualifying them to serve on the university senate. Membership in faculty
assembly does not qualify lecturers or clinical professionally licensed faculty
to serve on committees whose membership is restricted to faculty in
tenure-eligible ranks). Faculty assembly hears reports from its committees and
from the president, the chair of university senate, and university vice
presidents. It may propose, debate, and recommend matters for senate
consideration or for presentation to other officials or administrative bodies.
It may also challenge and refer back to senate any senate action. Faculty
assembly has the right of initiative and referendum.
The board of trustees reserves the
right to consider, approve, modify, or reject actions taken by the university
senate or faculty assembly.
University senate membership
University senate
shall comprise sixty-nine voting members and shall have the following
Ten members of faculty assembly elected by members of
faculty assembly, university-wide, by single transferable vote, as specified in
the bylaws of university senate;
members of faculty assembly apportioned to the college and schools, regional
campuses, and library (hereinafter referred to as divisions) and elected by
majority vote by members of faculty assembly within those divisions on the
basis of representational units as specified in the bylaws of university
The provost of the university (who shall be the chair
of university senate) and seven other administrators and/or unclassified staff
members appointed by the president of the university as indicated in the bylaws
of university senate;
One classified staff member, appointed by the
classified personnel advisory committee and one unclassified staff member,
appointed by the unclassified personnel advisory committee;
undergraduate students, one of whom shall be the student body president, and
ten of whom shall be selected as provided by associated student
Two undergraduate students, one each from the Hamilton
and Middletown campuses, selected as provided by the Miami university Hamilton
student government association and by the Miami university Middletown student
advisory council; and
Two graduate students selected as provided by the
graduate student association.
Terms of office.
All terms of office shall begin on the first day of the first semester of the
academic year following the year in which the member is selected.
The term of
office for members of university senate elected from faculty assembly as in
paragraph (A)(1)(a) of this rule shall be for three years, all ten terms
running concurrently.
The term of office for members of university senate
elected from faculty assembly as in paragraph (A)(1)(b) of this rule shall be
for three years, with approximately one-third of these members elected each
The terms of office for members of university senate
selected as in paragraph (A)(1)(c) of this rule, with the exception of the
provost who serves as a voting ex officio member of senate continually, shall
be for one year with the possibility of reappointment.
The terms of
office for members of university senate selected as in paragraph (A)(1)(d) of
this rule, shall be as specified in the selection procedures approved by
The term of office for members of university senate
selected from the student body as in paragraphs (A)(1)(e), (A)(1)(f), and
(A)(1)(g) of this rule shall be for one year.
University senate
The provost shall serve as the chair of university senate.
The chair of the executive committee shall serve as the vice chair of
university senate.
The university senate executive committee shall call
senate meetings as needed, set university senate agendas, and generally manage
the business of university senate.
The chair of
university senate shall designate a person to serve a three-year term without
vote as secretary of university senate. This appointment shall be confirmed by
university senate.
University senate
committee structure
Executive committee of university senate shall manage
the business of senate. Membership shall include the provost, three faculty
members of senate elected as specified in the bylaws of university senate, the
president of associated student government and one graduate student who is a
member of university senate. The secretary of university senate shall serve as
an ex officio, nonvoting member of the executive committee.
University senate
shall create such standing and advisory committees as it deems necessary to
carry out its responsibilities as outlined in the introductory article of this
Ad hoc committees shall be created by university senate
as needed for particular purposes if there is not an appropriate standing
committee for that issue or purpose.
So far as is
possible, all university-wide matters upon which the ad-vice and/or action of
faculty, administrators, and students is to be sought should be referred to the
committees of university senate.
All actions of
the committees of university senate shall be reported to
Operating rules and procedures of committees may be
formulated by university senate and promulgated in its standing rules, subject
to the limitations in the descriptions of the committees in the
University senate legislative procedures
A quorum for
conducting business of university senate is forty- six. A main motion is
considered to have passed or failed upon the affirmative or negative vote of a
simple majority of the members present.
Meetings are
ordinarily called by the executive committee of university senate. Additional
meetings shall be called by the chair of senate upon the written request of any
ten members of senate.
The actions of university senate become final with the
approval of the minutes at the next meeting of senate or by mail or electronic
All passed final actions of university
senate upon a main motion and roll-call votes on these final actions upon a
main motion shall be included in the summary of each senate meeting which is
reported in the Miami matters (i.e., the daily electronic newsletter of Miami
university), or any such regular university publication distributed to the
Miami university community as approved by senate, which will reach all members
of faculty assembly and other interested members of the university
The effective date of any final action of university
senate upon a main motion which alters the status quo shall be no earlier than
the tenth class day following the distribution of the summary of senate action
indicated in paragraph (C)(3) of this rule. In extraordinary cases where an
action must be put into effect before the elapse of ten class days, as attested
by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members of senate, the
action becomes effective immediately.
During the ten
class days after distribution of an action, if at least twenty-five members of
faculty assembly file a petition so stating with the office of the provost, an
action of university senate shall be considered challenged and its
implementation suspended (see paragraph (F) of this rule).
After a final
action of university senate is effective, the chair of university senate or, at
the request of the chair, the vice chair, shall represent the position of the
action to other bodies, including the board of trustees.
Faculty assembly membership
Faculty assembly
is chaired by the president of the university, who has responsibility for the
preparation of the agenda for meetings.
Faculty assembly
is comprised of all members of the faculty who hold tenure or a tenure-track
position; all librarians who hold the rank of assistant librarian, associate
librarian, or principal librarian; and all members of the faculty who hold the
rank of lecturer (including the senior rank) or clinical/ professionally
licensed faculty (including the senior rank) (Lecturers and clinical/
professionally licensed faculty are members of the faculty assembly for the
purpose of qualifying them to serve on the university senate. Membership in
faculty assembly does not qualify lecturers or clinical professionally licensed
faculty to serve on committees whose membership is restricted to faculty in
tenure-eligible ranks).
Faculty assembly
committee structure
The committee of faculty rights and responsibilities is
a standing committee of faculty assembly, composed of eight tenured members of
the faculty without official administrative appointment who may not serve
concurrently on university senate. The term of membership is three years, with
election accomplished as set forth in paragraph (E)(2) of this rule.
The committee is charged to do the
Formulate and recommend standards defining the
professional rights and responsibilities of the faculty, and propose
legislation and/or procedures appropriate to their enforcement.
Conduct grievance
and disciplinary hearings as outlined in the Miami university policy and
information manual.
Consider and, at its discretion, report to the
president and the provost alleged infractions of faculty rights and
Act as a continuing advisory body to the president on
matters of university policy and operation that affect the professional rights
and responsibilities of the faculty.
Review the Miami
university policy and information manual on matters pertaining to faculty
rights and responsibilities, and recommend changes, as appropriate, to the
Review departmental and divisional definitions and
elaborations of university promotion and tenure criteria, when requested to do
so by a faculty member, in order to decide whether those departmental and
divisional policies are consistent with all-university policy.
Report annually
to faculty assembly on matters considered by the committee.
chair and individual members of the committee are available to any member of
the university community who wishes to discuss aspects of faculty rights and
responsibilities in general or as related to his or her personal situation, or
who wishes to report alleged infractions or to file a grievance or complaint
through the Miami university policy and information manual.
Faculty assembly
expects all members of the Miami university community to cooperate with the
committee on faculty rights and responsibilities in the discharge of its
mandate from faculty assembly and the board of trustees, including meeting
reasonable requests for information relevant to general issues and specific
cases before the committee, meeting with the committee at mutually convenient
times and places to discuss general issues and specific cases and to respond to
reasonable questions relating to matters before the committee. Incidents of
refusal to cooperate shall be reported by the committee to faculty assembly for
its consideration and action. While reasonable requests for information should
be honored, the committee shall be given access to the relevant contents of
faculty personnel files only when such access is necessary to conduct a
disciplinary hearing under the Miami university policy and information manual,
to process a formal grievance under the Miami university policy and information
manual, or to resolve an informal complaint or problem brought to the
Election of members of the committee on faculty rights
and responsibilities
Eligibility to serve on the committee on faculty rights
and responsibilities:
All tenured members of the faculty except department
chairs are eligible to serve on the committee on faculty rights and
A faculty member may not serve concurrently on both
university senate and the committee on faculty rights and
All incumbent
members of the committee on faculty rights and responsibilities who are
eligible for the committee shall have their names automatically placed in
Other tenured members of the faculty may be nominated,
to bring the total number of nominations to seventeen, by a university-wide
nomination election which uses the method of the single trans-ferable
All members of the tenure-eligible ranks are eligible
to vote in the nominating election.
faculty committee for the evaluation of administrators
An all-university
faculty committee for evaluation of administrators shall review the provost,
all academic deans, the associate provost for research and dean of the graduate
school, the dean and university librarian, and the university director of
liberal education in years three and five of their five-year administrative
Committee reports are intended to serve two
To guide the professional development of the individuals;
To record part of the evidence upon which future
personnel decisions may be based.
The committee
shall consist of eight members of faculty assembly: one to be chosen by each
division for a total of five; one to be chosen by the library faculty; one to
be chosen by the Hamilton campus; and one to be chosen by the Middletown
campus. The committee shall elect one of shall elect one of its members to
serve as chair. Members of the committee who are on probationary status (i.e.
nontenured or who do not hold continuing contract status) are not eligible to
serve as chair of the committee.
The members of
the committee shall be elected by the faculty with election procedures to be
set by university senate. The library faculty as well as the faculty of the
regional campuses shall not be eligible as nominees or electors in the election
of divisional representatives.
Each member shall
serve a nonrenewable, three-year term beginning July first of each year. The
terms shall be staggered so that one-third of the committee is elected each
Each fall semester, the committee shall prepare a
questionnaire for the evaluation of each administrator it is scheduled to
evaluate during the academic year. Administrators in year five of their
five-year administrative appointment will be evaluated in the fall of the
evaluation year. Administrators in year three of their five-year administrative
appointment will be evaluated in the spring of the evaluation year. The
committee shall distribute the questionnaire to members of faculty assembly
assigned to or served by the administrator's unit, and it shall prepare an
evaluation report to be submitted to the administrator's
In the event of the resignation of a member of the
committee on faculty rights and responsibilities or the all-university faculty
committee for the evaluation of administrators before the end of his or her
term, that seat shall be filled by the candidate (who had not been previously
elected) who received the largest number of votes when the ballots are
retabulated after the votes for the person who has resigned have been deleted.
In the event no such candidate is available, a new election will be held for
the vacated seat.
Faculty assembly
legislative procedures
A quorum shall be twenty-five per cent of the
membership of faculty assembly. This number shall be determined by the office
of the provost and announced at the first meeting of the assembly each year.
The number constituting a quorum shall be the same for every meeting during an
academic year.
Faculty assembly normally meets in the fall. Additional
meetings may be called upon request of fifty members of faculty assembly filed
with the office of the provost or upon the call of the president. The exact
time and location of the meetings will be determined by the president.
The first meeting of faculty assembly
in the fall shall be designated and announced as a business meeting at which
assembly shall vote to confer degrees for the winter, spring, and summer
commencements for that academic year.
The agenda shall
be mailed to each member of faculty assembly at least seven class days prior to
the meeting and shall provide sufficient detail for reasonably clear
identification of the nature of the items.
All passed final
actions of university senate upon a main motion and roll-call votes on these
final actions upon a main motion shall be included in the summary of each
senate meeting. The actions of university senate are subject to the authority
of faculty assembly to review and refer actions back to senate. Faculty
assembly may additionally propose, debate, and recommend matters for senate's
consideration or for presentation to other administrators or bodies based on
votes taken during meetings. (See introductory article of this rule.)
Faculty assembly hears reports from its committees and from
the president, the chair of university senate, and other vice presidents. It
may propose, debate, and recommend matters for university senate consideration
or for presentation to other officials or administrative bodies. It may also
challenge and refer back to senate any senate action. Faculty assembly has the
right of initiative and referendum. Such action shall be considered as
tantamount to university senate action.
Faculty assembly may raise questions,
offer comments, debate, and forward recommendations based on votes taken during
meetings or by mail or electronic ballot. It may discuss matters affecting
Miami university and its environment.
During the ten
class days after distribution of an action, if at least twenty-five members of
faculty assembly file a petition so stating with the office of the provost, an
action of university senate shall be considered challenged and its
implementation suspended. Such a challenged action shall be placed on the
agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of faculty assembly, where the
action may be debated and may be returned to senate for reconsideration of such
revisions as the assembly may recommend. A special meeting of faculty assembly
for earlier consideration and potential return to senate of a challenged action
may be called by university senate or by a petition signed by at least fifty
members of faculty assembly filed with the office of the
A quorum must be present in order for faculty assembly
to return an action to university senate. If a quorum is not present at a duly
scheduled or called meeting of faculty assembly for which a challenged senate
action is on the agenda, said action by senate shall be deemed to be
Voting in faculty assembly is on a motion to refer back
to university senate one of its items and to provide opinions to individuals or
groups on issues as assembly deems appropriate. The usual method of taking a
vote in faculty assembly shall be by voice or by show of hands. Voting shall be
by secret ballot if requested by at least ten members of the assembly or by the
president with general consent.
The membership of
faculty assembly have the right of initiative and referendum according to the
following provisions:
A written proposal must be accompanied by a petition
signed by at least ten per cent of the membership of faculty assembly and
presented to the office of the provost before the proposal shall be considered
for initiative or referendum.
Following the
receipt of the petition and the proposal, faculty assembly must meet within one
calendar month at a regular or called meeting to discuss the proposal. Provided
that a quorum is present, faculty assembly may vote to amend the original
written proposal.
Following the discussion of the proposal by faculty
assembly, within ten working days the office of the provost shall mail a copy
of the written proposal to each member of faculty assembly who shall be asked
to vote yes or no on a ballot to be returned to the office of the provost
within another ten working days.
An initiative or referendum matter
presented to the membership of faculty assembly should be framed and worded in
a straightforward manner that makes clear and unambiguous the substance of the
issue and the meaning of an affirmative or negative vote (e.g., not worded with
a double negative; rather worded so that a yes vote means approval of a new or
revised policy and a no vote means rejection of a new or revised
Normally initiative proposals shall be
provided a forum for discussion by interested parties (e.g., faculty assembly
and university senate and its committees such as the academic policy committee
would provide such a forum) and, where substantially differing viewpoints
exist, opportunity for expression of these viewpoints shall be provided and
included with the initiative as distributed for vote.
The proposal
shall be considered to have passed if it receives an affirmative vote of a
simple majority, provided the said affirmative vote constitutes at least a
quorum of faculty assembly. Such action shall be considered as tantamount to
university senate action and shall be subject to the limitations specified in
the introductory article.
A proposal to
consider amending the enabling act must receive the affirmative vote of a
simple majority of the members of university senate at a duly called meeting, a
quorum being present.
At the time of the final approval of such a proposal in
the minutes of university senate, a hearing on the proposal shall be announced
for a specified time and place not less than ten class days after the
distribution of the summary of senate actions and not more than fifteen class
days after the distribution of the summary of senate actions. At least twenty
senate members must attend the hearing, at which any faculty member, student,
or administrator of Miami university may comment.
At the next
meeting of university senate after the senate hearing, a motion to amend the
enabling act in accordance with the proposal shall be placed on the agenda. To
become effective, the proposal must receive an affirmative vote of two-thirds
of the membership of senate. Such action is subject to challenge by faculty
assembly as provided in paragraph (F)(6) of this rule.
The procedures of
paragraph (F)(8) of this rule may also be used to amend the enabling
Amendments to the enabling act of university senate and
faculty assembly must be approved by the board of trustees.
Replaces: 3339-2-02