Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3339 - Miami University
Chapter 3339-16 - University Property
Section 3339-16-04 - Buildings and grounds
Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 16, 2024
(A) Right of usage
Use of space or grounds for purposes other than those for which they have been designated will not be permitted. Neither will individuals or groups be permitted to interrupt the use of space after it has been duly assigned, without permission of the president or a designated university official.
(B) Maintenance of physical facilities
All work done on buildings, grounds, and other fixed facilities of the university is done by the physical facilities department unless other arrangements are approved by the vice president for finance and business services and treasurer.
(C) Use of public areas of buildings and grounds
The buildings, grounds, and other property of Miami university campuses are dedicated to the educational mission of the university. Use of the buildings, grounds, and other property of the university is reserved for the direct and indirect support of the teaching, research, and service missions; of the university's administrative functions; and of students' campus-life activities. The university may prohibit or otherwise restrict access to or use of its buildings, grounds, and other property as may be necessary to provide for the orderly conduct of the university's teaching, research, and service missions; of the university's administrative functions; and of student's campus-life activities. Visitors are free to walk through our campuses; however, authorization is required from the university or from a recognized student organization to make speeches or presentations, to erect displays, to engage in any commercial activity, or to conduct similar activities on university-owned or university-controlled property.
(D) Use of restricted areas of buildings and grounds
Every faculty or staff group and every officially recognized student organization has the right to request the use of university facilities on a space available basis for the purpose of holding meetings or conducting activities consistent with the objectives of that group or organization.
The university cannot permit the use of state owned equipment or facilities for any kind of non-sanctioned private instruction or other type of non-sanctioned private enterprise. This rule does not cover activities which are an integral part of the regular teaching load or other official assignment of members of the staff.
The use of any facility is determined by the president or designated university official. The use of any facility for purposes other than those specified will not be permitted to usurp a facility that has been duly assigned except by permission of the president or designated university official.
Policies concerning the use by students of university buildings and facilities are presented in the student handbook.
Divisional deans submit requests for special needs of a permanent nature, such as space for faculty offices, research, and instructional laboratories, to the provost. Priorities are assigned in accord with the space available. Once specific areas are assigned to divisional deans they assume jurisdiction over them.
General classroom space in the academic buildings is not assigned to any specific academic department. These areas are under the jurisdiction of the office of the university registrar for assignment of regularly scheduled classes and are available for meetings and study purposes only on a temporary basis and only after being properly scheduled.
(E) Policies governing the use of nonauxiliary sports facilities by university and non-university groups Refer to the most current edition of the student handbook.
(F) Camera installation
The university may install observation cameras on university property to protect resources, enhance safety and assist in the educational mission as provided in this policy. The university will not install observation cameras on university property in faculty/staff offices or in nonpublic areas of residence halls. If an observation camera is installed where identification of personal images is possible, the camera must be accompanied by appropriate signage indicating the presence of the camera and whether or not it is monitored in real time.
Purchase and installation of camera equipment to protect resources or enhance safety require the initial approval of the appropriate vice president. Purchase and installation of camera equipment for use in research must be approved by the office of advancement for research and scholarship. Purchase and installation of camera equipment for use in classrooms or to otherwise assist in the educational mission must be approved by the provost. All requests must first be approved by the space utilization group (all indoor installations) or the campus planning committee (all outdoor installations). The department of physical facilities and the university information security office are responsible for determining equipment, signage and placement standards.
(G) Public speaking, leaflet distribution, and demonstration
Miami university embraces the rights of expression, affiliation, and peaceful assembly. Miami university faculty, staff, and students may express their views by demonstrating peacefully for ideas they wish to make known, and the university will protect these rights. The university has an equal and co-extensive obligation to protect the rights and freedoms of those who choose not to participate in a demonstration. Additionally, the university has a duty to protect its property and to assure the continuation of the university's teaching, research, administrative, and service functions.
The term demonstrations as used in this policy includes, but is not limited to, picketing, petition circulation, public speech making, rallies, the appearance of public speakers in outdoor areas, mass protest meetings to display group feelings or sentiments, and/or other types of assemblies to share information, ideas, perspectives, or viewpoints.
Visitors are welcome to walk through the university's campuses, but they may not make formal speeches and presentations, erect displays or conduct similar activities unless invited to do so by the university or by a recognized student organization. Persons not employed or enrolled as students who wish to demonstrate or to distribute materials on university property may do so only on the perimeter sidewalks designated by the university. Those designated areas in Oxford consist of the perimeter sidewalks parallel to the following streets: high street, patterson avenue, chestnut street, spring street, tallawanda street, maple street, oak street, and campus avenue. Such activities shall not pose a safety hazard nor interfere with the normal use of the sidewalks by others.
Any person in violation of the above is subject to an order from the Miami university police department or other law enforcement official to disperse. Persons failing to comply with such an order are subject to arrest and prosecution for criminal trespassing and are subject to university disciplinary action.
Replaces: 3339-16-04