Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3339 - Miami University
Chapter 3339-12 - Evaluation and Reappointment
Section 3339-12-02 - Appointment, evaluation, and reappointment of academic deans
The deans of the Oxford campus academic divisions (academic deans) and the dean of the regional campuses are appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the provost. The person must normally be acceptable to the faculty and to a majority of the department chairs in the division or in the case of the dean of the regional campuses to the faculty, regional campus coordinators, and chairs of the regional campuses. Responsibilities of the academic dean are assigned by the provost.
The initial term of appointment for an academic dean or dean of the regional campuses will be five years. A dean who has served an initial term may be reappointed for additional term(s), each term not to exceed five years. Formal evaluation must precede reappointment to any additional term.
Academic deans or the dean of the regional campuses wishing reappointment will be evaluated during the final year of their appointment (including any years as interim or acting dean). Formal evaluation of each academic dean or dean of the regional campuses will be conducted by the all-university faculty committee for evaluation of administrators in accordance with this policy and by a separate administrative evaluation committee to engage those individuals directly responsible to the dean, colleagues, and other administrative constituents. For academic deans, the administrative evaluation committee will consist of three department chairs from that division, elected by the chairs. For dean of the regional campuses, the administrative evaluation committee will consist of three regional campus coordinators and/or chairs, elected by the regional campus coordinators and/or chairs from that campus. The administrative evaluation committee will develop the evaluation instrument in cooperation with the dean and the provost. The administrative evaluation committee will review the specific results of the evaluations in confidence with the provost. Barring a request by the academic deans or the dean of the regional campuses not to be reappointed, the evaluation will proceed as described in paragraph (D) of rule 3339-12-05 of the Administrative Code.
Decisions concerning reappointment will be made by the president upon the recommendation of the provost. Reappointment of an academic dean will normally be made in conformity with the judgment of the faculty and department chairs of the division. Reappointment of the dean of the regional campuses will normally be made in conformity with the judgment of the faculty, regional campus coordinators, and chairs of that campus. If the recommendation for reappointment of an academic dean or the dean of the regional campuses is not in conformity with the judgment of faculty and chairs (and regional campus coordinators when applicable) a written explanation for the discrepancy shall be given.
With the concurrence of the president, the provost may at any time reassign an academic dean or the dean of the regional campuses to the faculty. Reasons for reassignment include, but are not limited to, failure to perform duties in a satisfactory manner; violation of university rules, regulations or policies and/or directives of the board of trustees; and/or violation of professional ethics or commission of an illegal act. In the event the reasons supporting reassignment also constitute grounds for discipline or termination, the provost may, in addition to reassignment, pursue discipline or termination under rule 3339-8-03 of the Administrative Code.
Replaces: 3339-12-02