Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 16, 2024
This section presents information on academic matters and
policies pertaining to registration, grading, academic standards, and
scholastic honors. Any student who has a question regarding his or her academic
progress or program should consult the appropriate academic dean's office.
Academic-advisor assignments are made at the department or school
(A) Class attendance policy.
Each instructor will state his or her policy during the first week of classes
each quarter.
(1) Instructor's attendance
reports. A student who misses the first two class meetings of a course for
which he or she is enrolled may be dropped from the course. Official notice of
this action will be sent to the student by the office of registration in Chubb
hall. A student who has missed the first two class meetings should verify his
or her status with the instructor.
(2) Notification of causes of absence. Under
certain conditions a notification of absence enabling a student to make up work
missed may be obtained from the appropriate office as indicated below. The
following rules apply.
(a) When a student has
participated in an authorized university activity (a departmental trip, music
or debate activity, etc.) the notification should be issued by the sponsoring
(b) A student absent from
class due to hospitalization as an inpatient in 0' Bleness memorial hospital not issued a notification of class absence.
However, the student may request that the instructors call the health center
for verification of the fact of the student's hospitalization on certain
(c) A student who receives
medical or dental care as an outpatient at the Budson health center will not be
issued a notification of class absence. However, the student may request the
instructors to call the health center (the attending physician, if possible)
for verification of receipt of outpatient care on a given day. It is assumed
that students visiting the health center as outpatients will do so without
missing classes whenever possible.
(d) A student who receives medical care from
health care personnel or facilities other than the university medical services
is expected to present the instructor with verification of the date(s) such
care was received.
(B) Change procedures.
(1) Change of class schedule. A student who
finds it necessary to add a course, withdraw from a course, or correct his or
her registration secures a change order in the office of the dean of the
college in which he or she is enrolled. The student then consults the
designated departmental representative or the instructor of each course being
dropped or added. The departmental representative or the instructor approves
the change by initialing the form. After securing the instructor's approval,
the student presents the change order form for the dean's approval. A fee of
four dollars is charged for each change order processed after the fourteenth
day of classes. A student may withdraw from a course after the fourteenth day
of the quarter only at the discretion of the instructor, who will assign a
grade of "WP" or "WF", indicating that the student was performing work
considered to be passing ("WP") or failing ("WF") at the time of withdrawal.
This grade will be awarded at the end of the quarter, at which time the names
of all withdrawn students will appear on the grade sheet. A course may be added
only during the first fourteen calendar days of the quarter. For information
concerning fee changes see the regulations under "Fee." A course may be dropped
any time during the first fourteen calendar days of the quarter with no
academic penalty. After the fourteenth day a course may not be dropped except
for extenuating circumstances and with explicit approval of the instructor.
Continuing students dropping hours by change order prior to or during the first
fourteen days of the quarter, when such changes result in a reduction of fees,
are entitled to receive a one hundred per cent refund of the reduction. Changes
made after the fourteenth day of the quarter will result in' no refund. A
student denied permission by an instructor to withdraw from a course may appeal
the decision to the chairman of the instructor's department, then, if
necessary, to the dean of the student's college.
(2) Change of student personal information.
All changes of student personal data must be reported to the office of
registration, Chubb hall. Changes of name, social security number, and/or birth
date must have a document verifying the correct information at the time the
request is made. Forms for reporting a change of home or Athens address are
available in the office of registration. The student is responsible for any
university office communication sent to him or her at the last address reported
to the office of registration, Chubb hall.
(3) Grading system and reports. At the close
of a session or upon the completion of a course an instructor reports a letter
grade indicating the quality of a student's work in the course. Points are
assigned for each quarter hour of credit earned, according to the following
grading system:
"PR"--progress. The "PR" is awarded only
in graduate courses and undergraduate courses specifically designed by the
department with the approval of the dean. It indicates the student has made
progress in the course in which he or she is registered but has not finished
the work. It is not calculated in the grade-point average.
(5) "CR/NC"---credit/no credit Credit is added to the hours' earned but does not
figure into the grade-point average. No credit counts as an "F" in the
calculation of the grade-point average. Credit is to be used for certain
courses and only by prior approval by the curriculum council or in certain
special cases by the dean of the college.
(6) "I"---incomplete; The student has not finished the work required.
It is not counted in the grade-point average. Unless it is changed within the
first six weeks of the next quarter enrolled, the "I" converts to "F" (an
extension of time may be requested to run to the end of the quarter).
(7) "WP/WF"---withdraw /passing/withdraw
/failing. Designation for a course dropped
after the fourteenth day of the quarter. These grades do not count in the
grade-point average. Other reports which will appear on the student's grade
slip but which are not assigned by a faculty member:
(8) "AU"---audit.
"NC"---no Credit. The instructor left the
grade blank on the grade report. Grades were turned in too late to be
"I*"---administrative incomplete. Given to
a student who initially registers for a course but does not officially drop
that course by change order. The "I*" is given when the instructor has no basis
for assigning a grade. The "I*" may be the result of a faculty member assigning
a grade for which the course is not coded as legitimate. Until removed, an
administrative incomplete will be computed as "F" in calculation of the
grade-point average. Students should see their academic deans to arrange to
remove an "I*".
"P"---conversion of grades "A" through "D"---under the pass/fail option. The fail ("F") grade counts in the grade-point
average the same as any "F" grade. A form properly submitted by the student
through his or her college office for a course for which graduation credit is
not allowed will appear on the transcript with double asterisks (**) on the
same line as the course and an explanation at the bottom of the transcript
stating: **Not counted toward graduation.
Hrs. and pts. not included in totals for scholastic average.
A form properly submitted by the student through his or her
college office for a repeated course will appear on the transcript in the same
manner. Only the final hours attempted and/or earned and points for this course
will appear in the transcript totals.
Pass/fail, option. Beginning in September, 1976, students may not
take college or degree requirements on a pass/fail basis. Only elective courses
may be completed on a pass/fail basis. Applications may be obtained at the
offices of the deans. Application must be made before the fourteenth day of the
To be eligible for the pass/fail option the student must have
earned a 2.5 or better average for his or her last quarter for full-time
enrollment, or have a 2.0 or better accumulative average. A student may take
only one course per quarter by pass/fail.
(13) The point-hour ratio. The basis for
determining scholastic standing is the point-hour ratio. It is obtained by
dividing the total number of points earned by the total number of quarter hours
of credit attempted.
(14) Deans'
list. The quarterly deans' list includes all students who have point-hour
ratios of at least 3.3 on a minimum of fifteen quarter hours of credit earned,
including twelve hours attempted for letter grades.
(15) Probation regulations. Each student's
record is reviewed at the close of each quarter. If a student's cumulative
record shows a grade-point deficiency, he or she is subject to being placed on
probation or dropped from the university. The entire record, including each
grade in each course attempted, is used to determine probation status. The
extent to which a student's record is below a point-hour ratio of 2.0 ("C")
determines whether he or she will be dropped, placed on probation, or continued
on probation. The deficiency is determined by multiplying the total number of
hours attempted by two and subtracting from this all points earned. For
example, if a student has attempted forty hours and has earned sixty-five
points the deficiency is 15:40x 2.0 (point-hour ratio required for graduation)
equals eighty; eighty minus sixty-five points earned equals fifteen.
(16) Probation removal. Probation is removed
if a student on probation who has completed fewer than forty-five hours reduces
the grade-point deficiency to twelve or fewer grade points. For the student who
has attempted forty-five or more hours probation is removed when the point
deficiency is reduced to zero.
Continuance on probation. A student who has been on probation for one
additional quarter if the grade-point deficiency has not increased and he or
she is not eligible to be removed from probation. However, at the close of this
additional quarter the student must be eligible to be removed or he or she will
be dropped from the university.
(18) Dropped from the university. Any student
whose grade-point deficiency at the close of a quarter exceeds the number of
hours attempted will be dropped from the university. A student may be dropped
even though he or she has not previously been on probation. A student on
probation is dropped from the university if the grade-point deficiency has
increased and he or she is not eligible to to be removed from probation.
Normally, a petition for reinstatement will not be considered until twelve
months after the student was dropped. The student presents the petition to the
dean of his or her college. Only extraordinary circumstances will prompt the
committee to consider a petition for second reinstatement, and then not until
twenty-four months after the student was dropped. A student who is dropped from
the university may not enroll for courses on the Athens campus, on a regional
campus, or in correspondence or extension courses conducted by Ohio university
until reinstated.
Academic dishonesty. All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited by the
code of student conduct. The code prohibits: "Dishonesty (such as cheating,
plagiarism) or knowingly furnishing false information to the university by
forgery, alteration or misuse of university documents, records, or
identification." This section has been construed to include a wide range of
conduct such as using another's identification card; alteration of grades on a
transcript; submitting the same paper in two different courses without the
knowledge and consent of the professors; using another's written ideas or words
for use in a paper without property acknowleding the source, and submitting
forged grade change slips to the office of student records. A student who
permits another to copy from his or her paper may also be guilty of violating
this section. If you are at all in doubt as to what constitutes academic
dishonesty, ask your professor or the director of university
(D) Emergency grading.
In the event that an academic quarter is terminated prematurely and rule two is
invoked by the board of regents, an entry on each student's record would be
made indicating that the quarter had been terminated and that no credit or
grades could be given. In the event that an academic quarter is terminated
prematurely and rule two is not invoked by the board of regents, the following
practices are in effect:
(1) Students with
records of nonattendance or who are delinquent in their work (missed quizzes,
examinations, reports, etc.) may, at the discretion of their instructors
receive either no credit or failing grades for the term. Instructors shall
notify such students of the reasons for receiving no credit or failing
(2) The amount of credit
hours and the mode of completing the course shall be recommended by the
instructor and approved by his or her department or a committee thereof. The
specific grade will be assigned by the instructor.
(3) Policies developed Paragraph in (2) above
shall be placed in writing and a copy filed in the department office, and in
the office of the college dean, and a copy sent to each student involved. The
faculty senate shall recommend a date by which coursework should be completed
and grades submitted. In the event that an academic quarter is temporarily
interrupted and the full ten weeks of instruction are subsequently completed,
normal university grading policies will apply.