Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) The instructor
(or in the case of a graduate teaching associate, the supervising faculty
member), the chair of the instructor's department (with the agreement of the
instructor), or other appropriate administrative official may disenroll a
student from a course if:
(1) After the third
instructional day of the semester, summer term, or session, the first Friday of
the semester, summer term, or session, or the student's second scheduled class
meeting of the course, whichever occurs first, the student fails to attend the
scheduled course without giving prior notification to the instructor. Under
this paragraph, no student may be disenrolled from a course until after the
first course meeting following the student's registration. When the department
elects to use this procedure, the instructor, the chair, or other appropriate
administrative official shall notify the student's enrollment unit. The
enrollment unit will notify the student and take appropriate action to remove
the student from the course.
Since not all departments exercise the option to disenroll
students in all courses, this rule does not relieve the student of the
responsibility for dropping a course the student is not attending.
(2) The student enrolls to audit a
course without the instructor's approval, or fails to meet the prerequisites of
the course. Disenrollment procedures shall be the same as in paragraph (A)(1)
of this rule.
(3) Before the fourth
Friday of a semester, or summer term, the second Friday of a session during
autumn or spring semesters, the second Friday of a six- or eight-week summer
session, or the first Friday of a four-week summer session, and following
completion of a placement examination, or another appropriate measure of
preparation or ability, the student is judged to be registered in an
inappropriate course. The department or school offering the course may then
instruct the secretary of the college or school in which the student is
enrolled to change the student's registration either to a more elementary or
more advanced course.
(B) Disenrollment, under paragraph (A) of
this rule, is effective upon action of the instructor, department chair, or
other appropriate administrative official.
(C) Credit for all rescheduled courses
resulting from action under paragraph (A)(3) of this rule shall count toward
the fulfillment of graduation requirements unless the student has previously
earned university or college credit in a course having substantially the same
subject matter content or the substituted course is one which the department or
school, with the approval of the council on academic affairs, has established
for students with inadequate preparation for college level courses of that
department or school.
(D) If a
student who has enrolled to audit a course fails to complete the requirements
for audit specified by the instructor and also fails to withdraw from the
course, the instructor shall so inform the office of the university registrar
when marks are reported for the semester, summer term, or session. That office
will then disenroll the student from the course, removing the course from the
student's permanent record, and will notify the student and the student's
college of the action taken.
After investigation, including consultation with the instructor and the student
in question, and utilizing other university resources, as desirable, the chair
(or other appropriate administrative official) may disenroll a student from a
course if the student presents a clear and present threat of bodily harm or
injury to the instructor or fellow students, or, after warning, continues to
engage in disruptive conduct, either of which results in impairment of teaching
or learning processes:
(1) If, after
attempting to resolve the difficulty by informal means, the department chair
(or other appropriate administrative official) deems disenrollment necessary,
the affected student shall be notified in writing. The notice shall be
delivered by hand or sent through ordinary mail to the student at the last
address supplied pursuant to rule
3335-9-09 of the Administrative
Code. Copies of the disenrollment action shall be sent to the dean of the
instructional college, the dean of the student's college, the office of the
university registrar, and the office of student affairs.
(2) The student may appeal to the executive
vice president and provost or designee for waiver of disenrollment under
paragraph (E) of this rule, provided the appeal is filed within ten days of the
disenrollment action. The executive vice president and provost shall make final
determination on the appeal within seven days.
(3) Disenrollment is effective upon the
action of the department chair (or other appropriate administrative official),
unless reversed by the executive vice president and provost or
(F) For
disenrollment, exclusive of audit, under paragraphs (A) and (E) of this rule,
the university registrar shall enter on the student's official permanent
(1) No mark, if the disenrollment
occurs before
close of business of the fourth Friday of a
semester or summer term, or the second Friday of a session during autumn or
spring semester, or a six- or eight-week summer session; or the first Friday of
a four-week course in summer session; or
(2) The mark, "W," if the disenrollment
occurs after
close of business of the fourth Friday of a
semester or summer term; the second Friday of a session during autumn or spring
semester, or a six- or eight-week summer session; or the first Friday of a
four-week course in session.