Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3333 - Department of Higher Education
Chapter 3333-5 - Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program Expansion
Section 3333-5-01 - Ohio national guard scholarship program expansion
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Authority
This rule is established and approved by the adjutant general and the chancellor of higher education, in consultation with the governor's office of workforce transformation (OWT), in accordance with and pursuant to section 5919.34 of the Revised Code.
(B) Policy and Intent
In accordance with section 5919.34 of the Revised Code, the purpose of establishing this rule for the Ohio national guard scholarship program is to set forth guidelines for the implementation and administration of the scholarship program for an award to an eligible student enrolled in a credential certifying program, licensing program, trade certificate program or apprenticeship program for an in-demand occupation as identified by the adjutant general and the chancellor of higher education, in consultation with the governor's office of workforce transformation.
The following programs offered by an Ohio provider are identified and approved to be eligible for the scholarship program:
To remove a program, the chancellor and adjutant general will update the website to include information regarding the date new enrollees are no longer permitted to start the program and send notices to all institutions that have enrolled students in the program within one year of the decision to remove the program. Students already enrolled in the program may continue to apply scholarship units if the student remains continuously enrolled.
(C) An Ohio provider may seek approval of a credential, license, trade certificate or apprenticeship program that is not otherwise eligible under this rule.
(D) "Eligible applicant" has the same meaning as in section 5919.34 of the Revised Code, except that if the eligible applicant is enrolled in a program approved pursuant to this rule and the program is not a credit bearing program, the eligibility units the eligible applicant is entitled to under division (E) of section 5919.34 of the Revised Code will be reduced in the amount determined by the department of higher education during the approval process, which will be not less than three units per program.
(E) An Ohio provider, including a state institution of higher education as defined in section 5919.34 of the Revised Code, enrolling an eligible applicant in a noncredit program approved under this rule is to be paid in accordance with division (D)(1)(c) of section 5919.34 of the Revised Code.