Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3304:1 - Business Enterprise Program
Chapter 3304:1-21 - Part 21 - Business Enterprise Program
Section 3304:1-21-09 - Program penalties
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) When a service charge or other payment owed to the BE program is unpaid, incomplete, or late, the BE program manager shall proceed as follows:
(B) Each occurrence in a federal fiscal year shall result in a progression of the fees. The progression of penalties and fees shall be on a per-facility basis. In addition to the fees and actions cited in this rule, the operator shall be charged a fifty dollar program service fee for payments returned for insufficient funds.
(C) Each operator shall have the opportunity to use an emergency excuse not to exceed one use per federal fiscal year. The request for an emergency excuse shall be made before the payment is due. In the instance of an excused late payment, the payment shall be submitted within fifteen calendar days of the original due date.
(D) Any unpaid program charges more than sixty days past due shall be assessed a twenty-five per cent late fee which shall be added to the total of unpaid program charges and forwarded to the state of Ohio, attorney general's office, for collections in accordance with section 131.02 of the Revised Code.
(E) On certification to the attorney general's office for past due program charges, BE may revoke an operator's license in accordance with rule 3304:1-21-13 of the Administrative Code unless all certified amounts are paid in full within one hundred twenty days of certification.
Replaces: 3304:1-21-09