Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3304:1 - Business Enterprise Program
Chapter 3304:1-21 - Part 21 - Business Enterprise Program
Section 3304:1-21-05 - Equipment, supplies and initial inventory
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) All equipment as defined in paragraph (R) of rule 3304:1-21-01 of the Administrative Code is owned by BE and shall remain the property of BE at all times including after the termination of a BGA, BOA or TBOA.
(B) Equipment shall only be moved or transported by BE program personnel or a third party hired by the BE program, but may be moved by an operator if the operator has received written permission from their BE consultant.
(C) The BE program shall be responsible for maintenance that is required to keep equipment operational. Cleaning and general upkeep of equipment shall be the responsibility of the operator as specified in the BGA for each facility.
(D) All equipment shall be identified as BE property and inventoried according to OOD policies and procedures. Notwithstanding this, all vending and other specified equipment shall be affixed with an asset tag identifying that the machine is owned by the BE program.
(E) BE shall provide each suitable vending facility or site with an initial inventory taking into account the items typically sold in the facility or site and any applicable provisions in the bureau grantor agreement regarding items that are appropriate for the facility or site. Once the suitable vending facility or site has been established, BE may provide additional equipment in its discretion after evaluating the business need.
(F) The operator shall do all of the following with regard to the initial inventory, stock and supplies:
(G) Upon leaving a facility or site, an operator shall reconcile their stock and supplies on hand with the initial inventory in one of the following ways:
Replaces: 3304:1-21-05