Ohio Administrative Code
Title 3304:1 - Business Enterprise Program
Chapter 3304:1-21 - Part 21 - Business Enterprise Program
Section 3304:1-21-03 - Facility and site announcements, application procedure, and selection
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Whenever a facility or site becomes available or is proposed to become available, BE shall first determine whether a temporary bureau operator agreement is required to ensure continued operations as outlined in paragraph (E) of rule 3304:1-21-06 of the Administrative Code. If continued operations are not required, BE shall determine with active participation from OVRC whether the facility or site should be attached to another facility, split into separate sites, reconfigured, abandoned, posted, or placed under a TBOA.
(B) A selection panel will develop a facility or site announcement. An announcement of the facility or site opportunity shall be reviewed by the current operator, if available, and include the following elements:
(C) BE shall post the announcement for at least twenty-one calendar days.
(D) All applications for a facility or site posting must be submitted on the form prescribed by the BE program. Applications should be complete, timely, and submitted to the appropriate BE representative as indicated in the posting.
(E) A selection panel by majority vote shall determine whether an application for a facility or site is ineligible. Any application deemed to be ineligible shall be removed from consideration and the applicant shall receive no further consideration for the facility or site posting. An application shall be deemed ineligible for any of the following reasons:
(F) If at the end of the twenty-one days there is no eligible applicant, BE shall actively participate with the local selection committee to determine if the facility or site should be reposted or placed under a TBOA. If a determination is made not to repost, BE shall actively participate with OVRC to determine whether the facility or site should be attached to another facility, split into separate sites, reconfigured or abandoned.
(G) When there is more than one eligible applicant for a facility, the selection panel shall evaluate each eligible applicant and award the facility to the candidate that accumulates the most points as determined below:
(H) In case of a tie in point totals, the selection panel shall award a facility to the applicant with the most seniority in accordance with the seniority list managed by BE. BE shall maintain and update the licensee seniority list quarterly. If both applicants remain tied after seniority is considered, the selection panel shall draw lots to determine which applicant shall be awarded the facility.
(I) If the successful applicant declines to accept a facility, it shall be awarded to the applicant with the next highest point total. Any ties shall be broken as outlined in paragraph (H) of this rule.
(J) When there is more than one eligible applicant for a site, the selection panel shall evaluate each eligible applicant and award the site based on a majority vote after considering:
(K) If a successful applicant declines to accept a site or is determined ineligible to accept a site, the selection panel shall reconvene if more than one candidate remains and award the site based on a majority vote after considering the criteria outlined in paragraph (J) of this rule. If only one eligible applicant remains the selection panel shall award the site to that applicant.
(L) In the event of a the between two or more operators, the available site will be awarded by drawing lots.
(M) If a licensee wishes to detach a site from their facility they must submit a request in writing to the BE program manager. BE will work with OVRC and the licensee to accommodate their request as quickly as possible while also ensuring compliance with any existing bureau-grantor agreement and bureau-operator agreement that may be affected.
(N) If a local selection committee determines that an awarded operator has not transitioned in a timely manner the local selection committee may determine if they should repost or extend the time for transition.