(D) Policies shall
be appropriate for children enrolled in the program shall at a minimum include,
but not be limited to the following
(1) Staff,
which at a minimum meets the requirements of rule
3301-37-04 of the Administrative
Code; and
(a) Address staff awareness of each
enrolled child's cumulative and health records required in rule
3301-37-08 of the Administrative
Code; and
(b) Include procedures for checking
references of potential employees.
(2) Cumulative records which at a minimum
meets the requirements of rule
3301-37-08 of the Administrative
(3) Developmentally
appropriate program planning which at a minimum meets the requirements of rule
3301-37-03 of the Administrative
Code; and
(a) Addresses developmentally
appropriate materials and equipment;
(b) Addresses selection and use of
developmentally appropriate materials, equipment, and resources that meet the
intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs of the preschool
(4) Health and
safety procedures, in accordance with section
3301.56 of the Revised Code and,
the following:
(a) Ensuring that the
health and safety of the children are safeguarded by an organized program of
school health services designed to identify child health problems and to
coordinate school and community health resources for children, as evidenced by
but not limited to:
(i) Requiring
immunization records and compliance with emergency medical authorization
requirements in accordance with rules adopted by the state board of education
under section 3301.53 of the Revised Code;
(ii) Providing and posting procedures for
emergency situations, including fire drills, rapid dismissals, and tornado
drills in accordance with section
3737.73 of the Revised Code, and
keeping records of such drills or dismissals;
(iii) Posting medical and dental emergency
procedures in each preschool room and by each telephone and making such
available to school personnel, children, and parents;
(iv) Posting emergency numbers by each
(v) Supervising grounds,
play areas, and other facilities when scheduled for use by children;
(vi) Procedures for providing
written notification to parents on the day of the
injury/incident, when a child is injured or a
serious health/safety incident occurs and maintaining a log of
all injury/incident
(b) Providing
first-aid facilities and materials.
supplements to be administered in accordance with section
3701.136 of the Revised
Prior to administering a prescription or nonprescription medication, food
supplement, or medical food , the program
shall ensure that:
The written instructions of a
licensed physician or licensed dentist as appropriate are on file.
(ii) Each time medication, medical food, or a food supplement is administered,
a written record or log including dosage, date, and time shall be made.
record or log shall be kept on file for one year.
(iii) Only employees who are health
professionals or who have completed a drug administration training may
administer medication pursuant to section
3313.713 of the Revised
(iv) Medication shall be
stored in a designated locked storage place, except drugs requiring
refrigeration shall be kept in a refrigerator not accessible to children.
Emergency medication may be kept in an unlocked
storage place as long as it is out of reach of children.
Parent permission
is needed for the application of topical products and lotions and is to be
applied according to the manufacturer's instructions.
(e) All preschool staff members shall wash their hands
with soap and running water after each diaper change, or after assisting a
child with toileting; after cleaning; after toileting; before preparing or
eating food; before feeding any child; and when hands have been in contact with
nasal or mucous secretions. Disposable towels or an air hand dryer shall be
available at all times.
(f) Preschool program
with swimming and water play activities in bodies of water two or more feet in
depth, shall:
(i) Have written permission from
the parent or guardian of a child before the child shall be permitted to swim
or otherwise participate in water play activities. the written permission shall
be signed and dated, and shall include the following:
(a) The child's name;
(b) A statement indicating whether or not the
child is a swimmer; and
(c) That
the parent or guardian grants permission for the child to participate in water
(ii) The
program shall provide enough preschool staff members to meet the requirements
of rule 3301-37-04 of the Administrative
Code at all times during swimming and water play activities.
(g) Swimming activities at sites other than the
preschool program location, shall:
(i) Have
preschool staff members shall always accompany and supervise children at
swimming sites, including, but not limited to, public or private swimming
(ii) Swimming sites removed from the program
shall be approved and supervised by local authorities.
(iii) Activities in bodies of water eighteen inches
in depth shall be supervised by persons who are currently
certified as lifeguards or water safety instructors by the
American red cross or an equivalent water safety program.
(iv) The program shall provide enough
preschool staff members to meet the requirements of rule
3301-37-04 of the Administrative
Code at all times during swimming and water play activities.
(5) Admission and
attendance which at a minimum meets the requirements of:
(a) Supervising each child's admission,
placement, transition, and withdrawal according
to established procedures.
Preparing at least once annually for each group of children in the program a
roster of the name and telephone number of the child and of the child's parent
and, on request, furnishing the roster for each parent.
(c) Preparing a similar roster of all
children in the program and, on request, make it available to each parent with
a child in the program.
(i) Securing from each
parent a signed statement indicating whether such individual desires to be
included in rosters prepared in accordance with this paragraph.
(ii) Ensuring that a roster is not furnished
to any person other than a parent.
(6) Behavior management/discipline which at a
minimum meets the requirements of rule
3301-37-10 of the Administrative
(7) Management of
communicable diseases which at a minimum meets the requirements of rule
3301-37-11 of the Administrative
Code; and
(a) In each building in which a
program is operated there shall be readily available at all times at least one
preschool staff member who has completed a course approved by the state
department of health (
Age appropriate
(ii) Prevention, recognition, and management
of communicable diseases; and
Age appropriate CPR.
(b) In each building in which a program is
operated, there shall be readily available at all times at least one preschool
staff member who has completed a child abuse recognition and prevention course
based on an approved curriculum or an approved
certification granting entity. The curriculum used in the course may be
consistent with requirements as established by section
3319.073 of the Revised Code or
appear on the approved curriculum or organization
list posted on the department's website.
Diapering, which
at a minimum meets the requirements of rule
3301-37-12 of the Administrative
Transportation and field trips.
Infants under twelve months old are to be placed on
their backs to sleep unless the parent provides written documentation signed by
the child's physician, for an alternative position. Infants who are able to
roll from back to front and front to back are to be placed initially on their
back for sleeping but allowed to remain in a position they prefer. All
preschool programs are to comply with the Ohio department of health safe sleep