Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(B) The following terms
are defined as they are used in this chapter:
(1) "Assessment" means the measuring of
student achievement of performance goals and objectives.
(2) "Blended learning" has the same meaning
as in section 3301.079 of the Revised Code.
For purposes of that definition, "primarily" means over
the course of the school year, a student works more than fifty per cent of the
time from a supervised physical location away from home.
(3) "Board of education" means a board of
education as described in Chapter 3313. of the Revised Code.
(4) "Classified staff" means nonteaching
school personnel who are assigned to positions that do not require a
certificate, license, permit or other credentialing document issued by the
board of education and that are listed in accordance with section
3317.12 of the Revised
"Competency-based learning model" means any system of
academic instruction, assessment, grading, and reporting where students receive
credit based on demonstrations and assessments of their learning rather than
the amount of time they spend studying a subject. A competency-based learning
model encourages accelerated learning among students who master academic
materials quickly while providing additional instructional support time for
students who need it.
"Computer as instructor" means instruction provided by
a computer with no instruction or assessment of mastery of content of any kind
provided by a teacher, either in-person or from a remote location. A teacher
monitoring a student in a computer as instructor course is not involved in
developing, adapting or modifying lessons and/or clarifying subject content. A
teacher monitoring a student(s) receiving instruction via this delivery method
may assign the grade for the course provided the assignments and/or evaluations
are scored by the computer program.
(7) "Credentialed
staff" means faculty or staff who hold a certificate, license, permit or other
document issued by the state board of education under section
3301.071 or Chapter 3319. of the
Revised Code. Credentialed staff includes, but is not limited to, teachers,
principals, superintendents, treasurers, school business managers, related
service personnel, administrative specialists, educational aides, and pupil
activity providers.
(8) "Credit
flexibility" means the method by which students may meet curriculum
requirements or earn units of high school credit by demonstrating subject area
competency through the completion of traditional coursework, testing out or
otherwise demonstrating mastery of course content through the pursuit of an
approved educational option pursuant to the plan for credit flexibility adopted
by the state board of education in accordance with section
3313.603 of the Revised Code,
and is available on the department of education's website.
"Digital learning" has the same meaning as in section
3301.079 of the Revised
(10) "Digital learning
tools" means computers, tablets, software, applications, or other technology
necessary to access a school's program of digital learning.
"Educational options" means learning experiences or activities that are
designed to extend, enhance, supplement, or serve as an alternative to
classroom instruction and meet the personalized and individualized needs of
each student. Educational options are offered in accordance with the models
adopted by the state board of education, local board of education policy, and
parental approval.
(12) "Educational
service personnel" means individuals who hold appropriate qualifications and
who possess the knowledge, skills and expertise to support the educational,
instructional, health, mental health and college and career readiness needs for
all students.
(a) Educational service
personnel that support educational, instructional and college and career
readiness programs include, but are not limited to: fine arts, music, and
physical education teachers; librarian or media specialists; school counselors;
and reading intervention specialists;
(b) Educational service personnel that
support the learning needs of the special needs student population include, but
are not limited to: gifted intervention specialists, adapted physical education
teachers, audiologists, interpreters, speech-language pathologists, physical
and occupational therapists, and English-as-a-second-language
(c) Educational service
personnel that support the health and mental health of the student population
include, but are not limited to: school nurses, social workers, school
psychologists, and school resource officers.
"Evidence-based" has the same meaning as in division (21) of section 8101 of
the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every
Student Succeeds Act, at
U.S.C. 7801.
(14) "Harmful to
juveniles" has the same meaning as in section 2907.01 of the Revised
(15) "Intervention"
means alternative or supplemental instruction designed to help students meet
performance objectives.
(16) "Obscene" has the
same meaning as in division (F) of section 2907.01 of the Revised Code as that
division has been construed by the supreme court of this state.
"OEDS" means the
Ohio educational directory system or a successor system.
learning" has the same meaning as in section
3301.079 of the Revised Code.
For purposes of that definition, "primarily" means over the course of the
school year, a student works more than fifty per cent of the time from their
residence on assignments delivered via the internet or other computer-based
instructional method.
(19) "Parent" means:
(a) A natural or adoptive parent of a
(b) A guardian; or
(c) An individual acting in the place of a
natural or adoptive parent, including a grandparent, stepparent, or other
relative, with whom the child lives, or an individual who is legally
responsible for the child's welfare.
(20) "Policies" means
general principles governing the operation of a school and are established and
adopted by the district board of education.
(21) "Procedures"
means detailed rules, regulations and courses of action, specified in writing,
for carrying out school district and school policies.
"School," with the exception of the term "school" as used in rule
3301-35-08 of the Administrative
Code, means an environment organized for learning and chartered pursuant to
this chapter and section
3301.16 of the Revised Code to
provide a community of students with the opportunity to acquire skills and
knowledge necessary to meet state and local performance objectives.
"School district" means a local, exempted village, city or joint vocational
school district as defined in Chapter 3311. of the Revised Code.
"School year" has the same meaning as in section
3313.62 of the Revised
(25) "Site evaluation"
means an evaluation the department of education conducts of a school district
or school to determine whether a school district or school meets the operating
standards in this chapter.
(26) "Site visit"
means an evaluation the department of education conducts of a chartered
nonpublic school in accordance with Chapter 3301-39 of the Administrative
(27) "Stakeholder"
means those who directly affect or are affected by the educational success of a
school district and school. Stakeholders may include, but are not limited to,
colleges and universities, school district and school staff, employers,
parents, students, and other individuals or groups in the community. For
nonpublic schools, the governing authority of the school identifies
(28) "State
performance data" means the data reported to the department of education in
accordance with section
3302.03 of the Revised Code that
reflects the performance of the school district or school.
"Teacher of record" means an educator who is responsible for a significant
portion of a student's instruction within a subject or a course.