Ohio Administrative Code
Title 173 - Department of Aging
Chapter 173-2 - Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
Section 173-2-01 - AAAs: introduction and definitions
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Introduction: This chapter governs ODA's designation of planning and service areas ("PSAs"); ODA's distribution of funds to PSAs through its intrastate funding formula; ODA's designation of one entity per PSA as the PSA's area agency on aging ("AAA"); each AAA's requirement to develop and implement area plans; ODA's monitoring of each AAA; each AAA's requirement to correct deficiencies that ODA cites while monitoring with self-imposed corrective-action plans; ODA's authority to impose corrective actions, including de-designation, to correct deficiencies; and, an AAA's opportunity to appeal de-designation.
(B) Definitions for this chapter: