Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 16, 2024
(A) Each
species of wild native or naturalized mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, mussel,
fish or other aquatic or terrestrial wildlife under the authority of section
1531.02 of the Revised Code may
be assigned a monetary value. This value will be derived by a score from each
of seven scoring criteria listed in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule. The sum of
the scores for the seven criteria in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule
will be
multiplied by one of the weighting factors listed in paragraph (A)(2) of this
rule. This final resulting adjusted criteria score is compared to the monetary
scale shown in paragraph (A)(3) of this rule to obtain the monetary value for
the wild animal.
(1) Each of the following
criteria will have possible score of zero to three. A wildlife species which is
not sought at all will be scored as zero, while a highly sought species
will be
scored three.
(a) Recreation. The extent to
which a species is actively sought by users with wildlife interests. Scoring
considers both harvest and nonharvest use of a species. There is no financial
gain to the person.
(b) Aesthetic.
These values represent wildlife species' beauty and unique natural history.
Aesthetic values for these species exist whether or not a person ever would
encounter one in its natural habitat.
(c) Educational. The educational value of a
species arising from, for example, published materials and other audio-visual
media about the species, displays and other educational programming or the
relative frequency with which the species is used to exemplify important
curricula principles.
State-list designation. "Endangered, Threatened, or Species of Concern" as
defined in Administrative Code and/or designated in division of wildlife
document "Wildlife That Are Considered to be Endangered, Threatened, Species of
Concern, Special Interest, Extirpated, or Extinct."
(e) Economics. The direct or indirect
economic benefit attributable to the species as a result of recreational or
legal transactions. Further evaluation for commercially desirable species will
be considered (i.e., pet trade, for human consumption, traditional medicine,
religious or cultural trade, etc.).
(f) Recruitment. Reproductive and survival
potential of a species as it relates to the capability for replacement of its
population following decrease or loss.
(g) Population dynamics. Impact of the loss
of the individual animal to its local or sub-population, and the impact of the
loss to it's Ohio population.
(2) The individual scores for each criteria
in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule are summed to derive a total criteria score.
This total criteria score is multiplied by one of the following weighting
factors which will adjust the summed criteria score for variance in public
demand and/or perception of value for a species. The weighting factor relates
the overall demand for a species to its existing supply and to future
opportunity for public use.
(a) 1.0--Abundant.
Common across its Ohio range with no consumptive use.
(b) 1.1--Common or species of concern. Common
across its Ohio range with consumptive recreational demand, or designated as a
species of concern.
1.3--Threatened. A species designated by the division of wildlife as
(d) 1.5--Endangered., A
species designated by the division of wildlife as endangered, which is
vulnerable to extirpation from the state.
(3) The total criteria score multiplied by
the weighting factor in paragraph (A)(2) of this rule, provides an adjusted
criteria score and correlates to the restitution value in the following table.
Adjusted Criteria and Value
Score Range |
Monetary Value |
0-3 |
$20.00 |
4-6 |
$50.00 |
7-8 |
$100.00 |
9-10 |
$250.00 |
10.1-11.9 |
$500.00 |
12-16 |
$750.00 |
17-20 |
$1,000.00 |
20.1+ |
$2,500.00 |
(B) The chief of the division of wildlife or
authorized representative may bring a civil action to recover possession of or
the restitution value of any wild animal held, taken, bought, sold or possessed
in violation of Chapter 1531. or Chapter 1533. of the Revised Code or any
division rule against any person who held, took, bought, sold or possessed, the
wild animal. The following is presumed to be the minimum value to the state of
wild animals illegally held, taken, bought, sold or possessed.
(1) Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator)
Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) - $2,500.00
(3) Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus
catenatus) - $2,500.00
(4) Fanshell
(Cyprogenia stegaria)- $2,500.00
(5) Clubshell (Pleurobema clava) -
(6) Northern riffleshell
(Epioblasma torulosa) - $2,500.00
(7) Lake Erie watersnake (Nerodia sipedon
insularum) - $1,000.00
Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) - $750.00
(9) Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
(10) Eastern hellbender
(Crytpobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) - $2,500.00
(11) Black Bear (Ursus americanus) -
(12) Wild Turkey adult
male (Meleagris gallopavo) - $750.00
(13) Wild Turkey hen or juvenile male
(Meleagris gallopavo) - $500.00
(14) White-tailed Deer antlered (Odocoileus
virginianus) - $500.00
White-tailed Deer antlerless (Odocoileus virginianus) - $250.00
(16) Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) -
(17) Walleye (Sander
vitreus) - $50.00
(18) Sauger
(Sander canadensis) - $50.00
Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) - $50.00
(20) Hybrid Striped Bass (Morone saxatilus x
M. chrysops) - $50.00
(21) Brown
Trout (Salmo trutta) -$50.00
Northern Pike (Esox lucius) - $50.00
(23) Saugeye (Sander vitreus x S. canadensis)
- $50.00
(24) Flathead catfish
(Pylodictis olivaris) - $50.00
Blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) - $50.00
(26) Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) -
(27) Striped Bass (Morone
saxatilis) - $50.00
Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy)- $50.00
(29) Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) -
(30) Bobcat (Lynx rufus) -
(31) River Otter (Lontra
canadensis) - $500.00
(32) Mink
(Mustela vison) - $100.00
Weasels (Mustela frenata and M. nivalis) - $100.00
(34) Beaver (Castor canadensis) -
(35) Muskrat (Ondatra
zibethicus) - $100.00
(36) Red fox
(Vulpes vulpes) - $100.00
(37) Gray
fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) - $100.00
(38) American Black duck (Anas rubripes) -
(39) Canvasback (Aaythya
valisineria) - $250.00
(40) Mallard
hen (Anas platyrhynchos) -$250.00
(41) Northern Pintail (Anas acuta) -
(42) Redhead (Aythya
americana) - $250.00
(43) Greater
Scaup (Aythya marila) - $250.00
(44) Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis)
(45) Herring gull (Larus
argentatus) - $20.00
Ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis) - $20.00
(47) Double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax
auritus) - $20.00
(48) Mute swan
(Sygnus olor) - $20.00
(49) All
other species listed as of concern $250.00
(50) All other threatened species
(51) All other endangered
species $1000.00
(52) All other
non-game birds - $100.00
(53) All
other game birds: - $50.00
(54) All
other furbearing animals - $50.00
(55) All other game quadrupeds: -
(56) All other wild animals:
- $20.00