Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) In order to achieve the approximate
original contour, the operator shall, as provided by this rule, transport,
backfill, compact where advisable to ensure stability or to prevent leaching of
toxic materials, and grade all spoil material to eliminate all highwalls, spoil
piles, and depressions. Where highwalls are reduced by blasting, all of the
provisions of this rule will apply. Small depressions may be left if compatible
with the future land use and comply with the requirements of this rule. Cut and
fill terraces may be used only in those situations expressly identified in this
rule. The postmining graded slopes must approximate the premining natural
slopes in the area in accordance with paragraphs (B) and (C)(1) of this rule,
except as provided under paragraph (L)of this rule.
(B) Slope measurements.
(1) To determine the natural slopes of the
area before mining, representative slopes must be accurately measured and
(a) Each slope measurement shall be
taken along the prevailing slope extending one hundred linear feet above and
below or beyond the coal outcrop or the area to be disturbed, or, where this is
impractical, at locations specified by the chief.
(b) Where the area has been previously mined,
the measurements shall be representative of the premining configuration of the
(c) Slope measurements shall
take into account natural variations in slope so as to provide accurate
representation of the range of natural slopes and shall reflect geomorphic
differences of the area to be disturbed.
(2) After the disturbed area has been graded,
the final graded slopes shall be measured, comparing the premining slope
measurements as shown on the application map.
(3) Slope measurements shall be subject to a
five-degree tolerance unless otherwise specified by the chief, provided that
this tolerance does not conflict with the approved postmining land use.
(C) Final graded
(1) The final graded slopes shall not
exceed either the approximate premining slopes as determined according to
paragraph (B) of this rule and approved by the chief or any lesser slope
specified by the chief based on consideration of soil, climate, or other
characteristics of the surrounding area. Proof of a minimum long-term static
safety factor of 1.3 for the final slopes may be required by the chief. Final
graded slopes shall not exceed the angle of repose or such lesser slope as is
necessary to achieve this minimum long-term static safety factor and to prevent
slides. Postmining final graded slopes need not be uniform.
(2) On approval by the chief and in order to
conserve soil moisture, ensure stability, and control erosion on final grade
slopes, cut and fill terraces may be allowed if the terraces are compatible
with the postmining land use approved under rule
of the Administrative Code, and are appropriate substitutes for construction of
lower grades on the reclaimed lands. The terraces shall meet the following
(a) The design and construction
is to be certified by an engineer;
(b) The slope of the terrace outslope shall
not exceed fifty per cent; and
No highwalls may be left.
(3) All operations on natural slopes of more
than twenty degrees or on such lesser slopes as the chief defines as a steep
slope shall meet the provisions of rule
of the Administrative Code.
(D) Spoil, except excess spoil disposed of in
accordance with rule
of the Administrative Code, shall be returned to the mined-out area or used in
accordance with paragraph (E) of this rule for blending to restore approximate
original contour.
(E) Blending of
spoil. Spoil may be placed on the area outside the mined-out area in nonsteep
slope areas within the limits of the approximate original contour by blending
the spoil into the surrounding terrain provided all the following requirements
are met:
(1) All vegetative and organic
material shall be removed from the area;
(2) The topsoil on the area shall be removed,
segregated, stored, and redistributed in accordance with rule
1501:13-9-03 of
the Administrative Code; and
The spoil area shall be backfilled and graded on the area in accordance with
the requirements of this rule.
(F) Mountaintop removal. The requirements of
this paragraph and of rule
of the Administrative Code shall apply to coal mining operations which remove
entire coal seams in the upper part of a mountain, ridge, or hill by removing
all of the overburden. Final graded top plateau slopes on the mined area shall
be less than twenty per cent so as to create a level plateau or gently rolling
configuration and the outslopes of the plateau shall not exceed fifty per cent
or such lesser slopes as the chief shall prescribe. Although the area need not
be restored to approximate original contour, all highwalls, spoil piles, and
depressions except as provided in paragraphs (G) and (H) of this rule shall be
eliminated. All mountaintop removal operations shall, in addition, meet the
provisions of rule
of the Administrative Code.
Small depressions. The requirement of this rule to achieve the approximate
original contour does not prohibit construction of small depressions if they
are approved by the chief to minimize erosion, conserve soil moisture, promote
revegetation, or enhance fish and wildlife. These depressions shall be
compatible with the approved postmining land use and shall not be inappropriate
substitutes for construction of lower grades on the reclaimed lands. The total
surface area and the holding capacity of the depression shall be approved by
the chief. Permanent impoundments shall be governed by paragraph (H) of this
rule and by rule
of the Administrative Code.
Permanent impoundments. Permanent impoundments may be retained in mined and
reclaimed areas provided all highwalls are eliminated by grading to appropriate
contour and the provisions for postmining land use pursuant to rule
of the Administrative Code and protection of the hydrologic balance pursuant to
of the Administrative Code are met. No impoundments shall be constructed on top
of areas in which excess spoil is deposited pursuant to rule
of the Administrative Code.
Regrading or stabilizing rills and gullies. Rills and gullies which form in
regraded, topsoiled areas shall be filled, regraded or otherwise stabilized and
have the topsoil replaced and the areas reseeded or replanted, when the rills
and gullies either:
(1) Disrupt the approved
postmining land use or the reestablishment of the vegetative cover; or
(2) Cause or contribute to a
violation of water quality standards.
(J) Covering or otherwise treating coal and
acid-forming, toxic-forming, combustible, and other waste materials;
stabilizing backfilled materials; and using waste material for fill.
(1) Covering all exposed coal seams remaining
after mining. Any acid-forming, toxic-forming or combustible materials, or any
other waste materials exposed, used, or produced from a coal mining operation
shall be:
(a) Placed in such a manner so as
(i) Isolate said materials to minimize
contact with water;
(ii) Prevent
combustion; and
(iii) Prevent
adverse effects on plant growth and land use;
(b) Placed in such a manner so as not to be
in proximity to a drainage course; and
(c) Covered with four feet of nontoxic and
noncombustible material or treated to a nontoxic and noncombustible state. The
chief may allow less than four feet of cover material based on physical and
chemical analyses which show the requirements of rule
1501:13-9-15 of the
Administrative Code will be met.
(2) Stabilization. Backfilled materials shall
be selectively placed and compacted wherever necessary to prevent leaching of
acid- or toxic-forming materials into surface or subsurface waters in
accordance with rule
of the Administrative Code and wherever necessary to ensure the stability of
the backfilled materials. The method of compacting material and the design
specifications shall be approved by the chief before the acid- or toxic-forming
materials are covered.
(3) Use of
waste materials as fill. Coal mine wastes may be disposed of in the mined-out
area only if disposed of in accordance with paragraphs (A) and (B) of rule
of the Administrative Code, except that a long-term static safety factor of 1.3
shall be achieved.
Grading along the contour. All final grading, preparation of overburden before
replacement of topsoil, and placement of topsoil in accordance with rule
1501:13-9-03 of
the Administrative Code, shall be done along the contour to minimize subsequent
erosion and instability. If such grading, preparation or placement along the
contour would be hazardous to equipment operators, then grading, preparation,
or placement in a direction other than generally parallel to the contour may be
used. In all cases, grading, preparation, or placement shall be conducted in a
manner which minimizes erosion and provides a surface for replacement of
topsoil which will minimize slippage.
(L) The postmining slope may vary from the
approximate original contour when approval is obtained from the chief for:
(1) Mountaintop removal operations in
accordance with paragraph (C) of rule
of the Administrative Code, provided the performance standards of paragraph (F)
of this rule and of rule
of the Administrative Code are met;
(2) A variance from approximate original
contour requirements in accordance with paragraph (E) of rule
of the Administrative Code, provided the performance standards of rule
of the Administrative Code are met; or
(3) Incomplete elimination of highwalls in
previously mined areas in accordance with paragraph (K) of rule
of the Administrative Code, provided the following performance standards are
met. The highwall shall be eliminated to the maximum extent technically
practical in accordance with the following criteria:
(a) All spoil generated by the remining
operation and any other reasonably available spoil shall be used to backfill
the highwall. The area of reasonably available spoil shall be included within
the permit area;
(b) The backfill
shall be graded to a slope which is compatible with the approved postmining
land use and which provides adequate drainage and long-term stability;
(c) Any highwall remnant shall be
stable and not pose a hazard to the public health and safety or to the
environment. The operator shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the chief,
that the highwall remnant is stable;
(d) Spoil placed on the outslope during
previous mining operations shall not be disturbed if such disturbances will
cause instability of the remaining spoil or otherwise increase the hazard to
the public health and safety or to the environment; and
(e) For auger mining operations, the
following additional requirements shall be met:
(i) The coal seam mined shall be covered with
a minimum of four feet of nonacid-, nontoxic-forming material; and
(ii) The person who conducts the auger mining
operation shall demonstrate to the chief that the backfill, designed by an
engineer, has a minimum static safety factor for the stability of the backfill
of at least 1.3.
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates:
11/02/2015 and
Under: 119.03
Authority: 1513.02
Amplifies: 1513.16
Effective Dates: 5/15/78 (Emer.), 8/28/78, 8/16/82 (Emer.), 10/27/82, 6/30/83,