Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
This rule applies to coal mining
operations, including underground mining surface operations, but does not apply
to underground workings.
Application map. The permit application shall include
an application map prepared by or under the direction of and certified by a
surveyor or jointly by a an engineer and a surveyor, to the extent such joint
certification is required by state law, showing:
All boundaries of
lands and names of present owners of record of those lands, both surface and
subsurface, included in or contiguous to the proposed permit area; noting the
boundaries of land within the proposed permit area upon which the applicant has
the legal right to enter and begin coal mining operations and which areas the
applicant does not yet have this right;
The location of
all buildings on and within one thousand feet of the proposed permit area, with
identification of the current use of the buildings using the map symbols set
forth in rule
of the Administrative Code;
The location of
surface and subsurface man-made features within, passing through, or passing
over the proposed permit area;
The locations of
water supply intakes for current users of surface water flowing into, out of,
and within a hydrologic area defined by the chief, those surface waters which
will receive discharges from affected areas in the proposed permit area and the
location of any discharges to any surface body of water on or adjacent to the
land to be affected;
Each public road located in or within one hundred feet
of the proposed permit area;
The boundaries of
any public park and locations of any cultural or historical resources listed or
eligible for listing on the "National Register of Historic Places," as
referenced in paragraph (A)(2)(a) of rule
of the Administrative Code, and known archeological sites within the proposed
permit and adjacent areas;
Each cemetery
that is located in or within one hundred feet of the proposed permit
Any land within the proposed permit area or adjacent
area which is within the boundaries of any units of the national system of
trails or the wild and scenic rivers system, including study rivers designated
under section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act,
16 U.S.C.
1271 et seq., or study rivers or study river
corridors as established in any guidelines pursuant to that
The boundaries and names of counties, municipal
corporations, townships, section and lot lines located in and within five
hundred feet of the proposed permit area;
The names,
locations, and directions of flow of all perennial and intermittent streams
located in and within five hundred feet of the proposed permit
The name of the drainage basin in which the proposed
permit area is located as listed in the "Gazetteer of Ohio Streams," published
by the Ohio department of natural resources;
That part of the
proposed permit area that is prime farmland;
The areas of
land within the proposed permit area on which steep slope mining, mountaintop
removal, and augering will be performed;
The drainage
control system within the proposed permit area to include the location
sediment pond and the pond identification number;
Any diversions;
Any treatment facilities;
All haul roads
and access roads proposed to be constructed within the proposed permit area in
conjunction with the operations, and all existing haul roads and access roads
within the proposed permit area to be used in conjunction with the
The location of the proposed final highwall for each
coal seam to be mined within the proposed permit area;
The point at
which mining operations will begin and the point at which mining operations
will end on the proposed permit area;
Elevations and
locations of test borings and core samplings;
Elevations and
locations of monitoring stations used to gather data for water quality and
quantity, fish and wildlife, and air quality, if required, in preparation of
the application;
All coal crop lines and the strike and dip of the coal
to be mined in the proposed permit area;
Location and
extent of known workings of active, inactive, or abandoned underground mines,
including mine openings to the surface, within the proposed permit and adjacent
Location of surface water bodies such as streams,
lakes, ponds, springs, constructed or natural drains, and irrigation ditches
within the proposed permit and adjacent areas;
Location and
extent of existing or previously surface-mined areas within the proposed permit
Location and extent of existing areas of spoil, waste,
and refuse, dams, embankments, other impoundments, and water treatment and air
pollution control facilities within the proposed permit area;
Location of gas
and oil wells in and within twenty-five feet of the proposed permit area and
the location of producing gas and oil wells in and within three hundred feet of
the proposed permit area;
Location of
water wells in and within one thousand feet of the proposed permit
The location and start and end points of all submitted
cross sections within the proposed permit area;
Sufficient slope
measurements, in degrees, to adequately represent the existing land surface
configuration of the proposed permit area;
The boundaries
of all areas proposed to be affected over the estimated total life of the
proposed mining operation, with a description of size, sequence, and timing of
the mining of sub-areas for which it is anticipated that additional permits
will be sought;
Buildings, utility corridors within the proposed permit
Each coal storage, cleaning and loading area within the
proposed permit area;
Each topsoil, spoil, coal waste, and noncoal waste
storage area within the proposed permit area;
Each air
pollution collection and control facility within the proposed permit
Each facility to be used to protect and enhance fish
and wildlife and related environmental values within the proposed permit
Each explosive storage and handling facility within the
proposed permit area;
The location of each facility that will remain on the
proposed permit area as a permanent feature after the completion of mining
The location of each water monitoring point within the
proposed permit area;
For underground mining surface operations, the location
of each subsidence monitoring point within the proposed permit area;
Other relevant information required by the
Supplementary maps, cross sections, designs and plans.
When necessary under these rules, the application shall include:
Designs and plans
prepared and certified by an engineer for the following:
ponds, impoundments, coal mine waste banks, and coal mine waste
Spoil disposal facilities;
The sealing or
managing of any mine openings within the proposed permit area;
Stream channel
diversions and other diversions to be constructed within the proposed permit
area to achieve compliance with paragraphs (D) and (F) of rule
of the Administrative Code; and
Road stream
crossings, bridges, culverts, drainages, ditches, drainage structures, road
cuts, and fill embankments.
maps and cross sections, prepared by or under the direction of and certified by
an engineer or jointly by an engineer and a surveyor to the extent such joint
certification is required by state law, showing:
sedimentation pond, permanent water impoundment, coal mine waste bank and coal
mine waste dam;
The fill area for the disposal of excess
The nature, depth, and thickness of the coal seams to
be mined, each stratum of the overburden, and the stratum immediately below the
lowest coal seam to be mined;
The permit area,
the original surface topography and the proposed final surface
The location of the proposed final
The location of each waste disposal facility relating
to coal processing or pollution control;
The location of
any mine openings within the proposed permit area;
Stream channel
diversions and other diversions to be constructed within the proposed permit
area to achieve compliance with paragraphs (D) and (F) of rule
of the Administrative Code; and
Road widths, road
gradients, road surfaces, road cuts, fill embankments, culverts, bridges,
drainages, ditches, and drainage structures.
Hydrologic map. Each application for a permit shall
include a hydrologic map which, in addition to the applicable
requirements of rules
of the Administrative Code, shall be at a scale of not more than five hundred
feet to the inch. The hydrologic map shall be certified by a surveyor and, if
required pursuant to paragraph (C) of rule
of the Administrative Code, by an engineer. Except as provided in paragraph
(D) of
this rule, all hydrologic maps shall show the following:
(1) The proposed permit area;
(2) A line identifying the area within one
thousand feet of the proposed permit area;
(3) All occupied buildings on or within one
thousand feet of the proposed permit area;
(4) All perennial and intermittent streams on
or within one thousand feet of the proposed permit area;
(5) The location of the coal outcrop on the
proposed permit area and the name and number of each coal seam to be
(6) The location of
cross-section drawn to show hydrogeologic information as required under
paragraph (F) of this rule;
(7) The location and type of water supply
used by the occupant of each building described in paragraph
(C)(3) of
this rule for the purpose of domestic, agricultural, or industrial
(8) All
springs on or within one
thousand feet of the proposed permit area;
(9) All seepage zones on and within one
thousand feet of the proposed permit area;
(10) The location of sampling stations on
each stream identified in paragraph (C)(4) of this rule at points just above and below the
proposed permit area and the location and elevation of other sampling stations
used to gather data on water quality and quantity in the preparation of the
permit application;
Location and extent of known workings of active, inactive,
or abandoned underground mines, including mine openings to the surface, within
the proposed permit and adjacent areas;
(12) The location of monitoring stations,
other than sediment pond outlets, to be monitored during the life of the
(13) All existing water
wells on or within one thousand feet of the proposed permit area;
(14) Any well, well field, reservoir, river,
or other water source used for a public water supply on or within one thousand
feet of the proposed permit area; and
(15) Any land determined to be eligible for
cross-section. Each application for a permit shall
include one or more cross-sections prepared by, or under the direction
of, an engineer or a professional geologist
(1) The location and extent of
subsurface water, if encountered, within the proposed permit or adjacent
(2) All wells, boreholes,
piezometers, springs, or other features used to determine the configuration of
the water table or potentiometric surface of each aquifer where such wells,
boreholes, piezometers, springs, or other items fall on or reasonably close to
the line of the cross-section;
Within the permit and adjacent areas, all aquifers and the water table or
potentiometric surface of each aquifer above the lowest coal seam to be mined
and within the lowest coal seam to be mined if that seam is a water bearing
stratum, and each potentially affected water bearing stratum below the lowest
coal seam to be mined; and
(4) All
coal seams to be mined.