Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
Records must be
kept current and be available at a registered location at all times during
normal business hours for review by the superintendent. Records must be legible
and maintained in a type size that is clearly readable without magnification
and in conformity with any specific typeface or font size that may be required
by state or federal law. Except when otherwise provided by federal or state
law, records must be maintained in English. When records are allowed to be in a
language other than English, the registrant or qualified exempt entity, at its
expense, shall be responsible for providing the superintendent with a full and
accurate translation. For purposes of this rule, "current" means within thirty
days from the date of the occurrence of the event required to be recorded. A
registrant shall keep and preserve the following records:
A sortable
electronic spreadsheet which discloses the following fields of
Principal borrower's name;
borrower's address;
Loan or account number;
Type of the
security for the loan;
Date finance charges begin to accrue;
Loan origination
Itemization of all additional fees or
Principal amount of the loan;
Scheduled or
precomputed interest;
Contractual rate
of interest;
Types and amounts
of credit related insurance;
Check collection charge;
Any points
charged to the borrower;
Any charges for prepayment of the loan;
The NMLS number
of the registrant/exempt entity, if applicable;
Payment histories
for each outstanding loan and each loan paid in full. The payment history shall
disclose the following information:
Principal borrower's name
Loan or account
number; and
A chronological entry of all debits, credits, payments
and charges received, assessed or disbursed in connection with the loan,
recorded thereon in an identifiable manner in order to show the actual date of
receipt, assessment or disbursement and the balance due on the loan or
A file for each principal borrower which contains
copies of all documents related to the loan transaction from origination
through the final entry on the record. If there are multiple loan transactions
with the same borrower, every loan transaction in the file must have a unique
loan or account number.
A sortable electronic spreadsheet of all loans in
collection litigation which shall include the following fields of
Principal borrower's name;
Loan or account
Date litigation proceedings were
Name of court where proceedings were
Indicate whether a final judgment has been entered, and
if so include the following:
Amount of
judgment; and
The judgment rate of interest.
addition to the spreadsheet of litigation, copies of the complaints, court
orders, settlements and judgments must be maintained in the principal
borrower's file. In cases of garnishment or attachment, copies of all notices
served on employers and amounts collected must be maintained in the principal
borrower's file. The registrant must provide any additional court documents
upon the request of the superintendent.
A sortable
electronic spreadsheet of all loans in repossession and foreclosure which shall
include the following fields of information:
borrower's name;
Loan or account number;
Type of security
foreclosed, attached, replevied, repossessed or surrendered;
Date of
repossession or foreclosure;
Date of sale of
the security;
Gross amount received from the sale of the
The amount of money applied to the outstanding loan
balance; and
In addition to the spreadsheet of loans in repossession
and foreclosure, copies of all repossession and foreclosure legal documents and
other records, including bills for all expenses shall be maintained in the
principal borrower's loan file. In instances where the security is offered for
private sale, there must be in the principal borrower's file not less than
three bona fide written bids or appraisals in order to establish that the terms
of the sale were commercially reasonable to the borrower. Where the security is
offered for private or public sale, the sale must be consummated in compliance
with the provisions of sections
1309.617, and
1309.624 of the Revised
A sortable electronic spreadsheet of all loans upon
which a credit life claim has been paid by the insurer which shall include the
following fields of information:
Principal borrower's name;
Loan or account
Total amount paid
by the insurance claim;
Amount applied to the principal borrower's account;
In addition to the spreadsheet of loans upon which a
credit life claim has been paid, a copy of the death certificate and
documentation of all funds received or paid pursuant to the credit life claim
shall be maintained in the principal borrower's file.
registrant conducting business as a lender shall maintain a log for business
conducted with brokers. This log shall be kept in chronological order and shall
contain the following information:
Amounts of fees paid to brokers;
Names and
addresses of brokers; and
Dates of transactions with brokers.
To the
extent such records have been created in the course of the registrant's
operations, any contracts with third party vendors relating to lending
services, any policy or procedures manuals relating to lending services, and
any training materials pertaining to loans made under sections
1321.51 to
1321.60 of the Revised
A file of all advertisements.
Histories of
nonpublished indices used to establish interest rates for variable rate loans
maintained for two years from date of usage.
Where electronic
records are required, a licensee may retain paper records as well. Where
electronic records are required, the superintendent may, for good cause, allow
a licensee to retain paper records in lieu of the electronic records required
by this rule.
In accordance with division (A) of section
1321.55 of the Revised Code, a
registrant shall keep and preserve records pertaining to loans made under
division (A)(1) of section
1321.52 of the Revised Code for
at least two years after the final entry on the record. The final entry on the
record occurs when the loan is paid in full, charged off as uncollectable,
sold, transferred or assigned to another, or discharged or otherwise settled by
a final order issued in litigation governing the loan transaction.
Notwithstanding the third sentence in division (A) of section
1321.55 of the Revised Code, a
registrant shall keep and preserve records pertaining to residential mortgage
loans in accordance with 12
C.F.R. 1026.25(c)(3) as in
effect on November 30, 2016. The retention period for advertisements commences
from the date the advertisements are published, broadcast, or
A registrant shall segregate the records pertaining to
business conducted pursuant to sections
1321.51 to
1321.60 of the Revised Code from
all other business records.
A registrant
shall notify the superintendent of a change of location of its records
pertaining to business conducted pursuant to sections
1321.51 to
1321.60 of the Revised Code no
later than five business days after the change.
Where a
registrant maintains electronic records in compliance with this rule, and those
records are located outside of the state of Ohio, the registrant shall make the
electronic records available to the division of financial institutions upon
request, within the time frame provided by the division. The electronic records
may be uploaded to a secure server for the purpose of the division conducting
an examination of the registrant.
In the event
electronic records, books, records, data or documents of a registrant are
located outside Ohio, and the superintendent determines that an in person
examination is necessary, the registrant shall be required to pay the costs of
the examination of the registrant outside the state of Ohio, including the
proportionate cost of the salaries of division of financial institutions
employees who conduct the examination. If the superintendent requests, the
registrant shall advance to the superintendent the superintendent's estimate of
the cost of the examination, with any unconsumed portion to be returned to the
registrant. The registrant shall pay the cost of its examination, or any
balance of the cost of its examination in the case of a registrant that
advanced the estimated cost of its examination, within fourteen days after
receiving an invoice for payment.
Any records
maintained on an electronic storage media or system shall meet all of the
following requirements:
The electronic storage media or system must preserve
the records in a nonrewritable, non-erasable format;
The electronic
storage media or system must verify automatically the quality and accuracy of
the storage media recording process;
The electronic
storage media or system must have the capacity to readily download indices and
records preserved on the electronic storage media or system to any medium
acceptable to the superintendent;
facilities and appropriate equipment shall, at all times during normal business
hours, be available to the superintendent for immediate, easily readable
projection or production of electronic storage media or system images and for
producing easily readable images;
facsimile enlargement shall be available upon the superintendent's
A duplicate copy of the electronic record stored on any
electronic media or system for the time required must be stored separately from
the "original" electronic record;
The electronic
storage media or system must organize and index accurately all information
maintained on both the original and duplicate storage media or system. At all
times, a registrant must be able to have indices of the electronic records
being stored available for examination by the superintendent. Each index must
also be duplicated and the duplicate copies must be stored separately from the
original copy of each index. Original and duplicate indices shall be preserved
for the time required for the indexed records;
A registrant must
have in place providing for accountability regarding inputting of records and
inputting any changes made to every original and duplicate record maintained
and preserved. At all times, a registrant shall have the results of the audit
system available for examination by the superintendent. The audit results shall
be preserved for the time required for the audited records;
All information
necessary to access records and indices stored on the electronic storage media
or system, a copy of the physical and logical file format of the electronic
storage media or system, the field format of all different information types
written on the electronic storage media or system, together with the
appropriate documentation and information necessary to access records and
indices will be maintained, kept current and provided promptly to the
superintendent upon request;
No paper
documents produced or reproduced by means of an electronic storage media or
system shall be destroyed until the conditions of this paragraph have been met
with regard to each paper document that is to be destroyed; and
At the request
of the division, the records shall be printed on paper for inspection or
examination without cost to the division within forty-eight hours of the
request. The superintendent may grant additional time for good cause shown upon
receipt of a request for additional time from the registrant.
order to reduce the risk of consumer fraud and related harms, including
identity theft, registrants and qualified exempt entities shall be required to
comply with section 216 of the "Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of
2003," 117 Stat. 1952 (amended 2010),
15 U.S.C.
1681w as in effect on November 30, 2016,
section 501 of the "Gramm Leach Bliley Act," 113 Stat. 1338 (1999) (amended
2010), 15 U.S.C.
6801 as in effect on January 12, 2014, and
the rules promulgated pursuant to those federal acts, including 16 C.F.R. Part
313 and 16 C.F.R. Part 682, as in effect November 30, 2016, pertaining to the
maintenance, security, and disposal of consumer information and
Before ceasing to conduct or discontinuing business as
a registrant, the registrant shall arrange for and be responsible for the
preservation of the books and records required to be maintained and preserved
under this rule for the remainder of the period of time specified in this rule,
and shall notify the division in writing of the exact address where the books
and records will be maintained during the required period. If there is a change
in location of the records any time withing the time the former registrant is
required to preserve the records under this rule, the former registrant shall
notify the superintendent of the change in location.
Replaces: 1301:8-3-15, 1301:8-3-01